
  • 网络formal charge
  1. 那么,FC,我想大家都知道这是形式电荷。

    So , f c , I think you all know is formal charge .

  2. 因此我们看到氮的形式电荷是零。

    So what we see is that the formal charge on the nitrogen is0 .

  3. 另外,我们可以检验一下形式电荷是否正确,就像我刚才说的。

    Also , formal charges can be checked , as I just said .

  4. 分子结构中的形式电荷及其应用

    Formal Charges in Molecular Structure and their Application

  5. 实际上我们还没学如何计算形式电荷,我们很快就会学到了。

    We haven 't actually learned how to calculate the formal charge yet , we 'll learn it soon .

  6. 希望我们下一次做关于形式电荷的问题的时候,大家能够做得快一点。

    So hopefully next time we do a formal charge question , we 'll get everyone back up to speed .

  7. 那么请大家来告诉我亚硫酰氯中,的硫原子应该有多少形式电荷?

    So why don 't you tell me what the formal charge should be on the sulfur atom of thionyl chloride ?

  8. 这应该很快就能做出来的原因是,我们已经做完了关于形式电荷的所有计算。

    And the reason that this should be so fast is we already did all the calculations for the formal charges .

  9. 而它确实是这样,因此我们知道我们很有可能,算对了我们的形式电荷。

    And it does , so we know that we 're probably on target in terms of calculating our formal charge .

  10. 那么我们现在做完了,实际上应该还有一步,那就是确定形式电荷。

    So now we 're done , actually there is one more step , which is to determine the formal charge .

  11. 那么现在我们已经做了足够多的画路易斯结构的练习,让我们来讨论一下如何得出形式电荷。

    So now that we have enough practice drawing Lewis structures let 's talk about actually figuring out this formal charge .

  12. 那么,让我们来算一下已经,用过的一些例子的形式电荷,那么对于氰离子。

    So , let 's just figure this out for some of the examples we did , so for the cyanide anion .

  13. 而我们流程中的第八步,同样是,形式电荷,我们很快就会讨论它。

    And our eighth step in the process , again , is formal charge , which we will talk about very soon .

  14. 因此我们会专门讲一讲,如何来画路易斯结构,然后再讨论形式电荷与共振论,它们也属于路易斯结构的范畴。

    So we 'll talk specifically about drawing Lewis structures and then about formal charge and resonance , which are within Lewis structures .

  15. 实际上是第三个,但它是第二个,形式电荷的例子,也就是亚硫酰氯。

    Actually our third , but the second one we 're going to talk about in terms of formal charge , which is thionyl chloride .

  16. 但我想让大家告诉我,从形式电荷的角度考虑,你会预测哪一个路易斯结构是最稳定的?

    But I want you to tell me in terms of thinking about formal charge , which Lewis structure would you predict to be the most stable ?

  17. 那么,在这种情况下,我们看到氮的形式电荷是负的,而在这种情况下,氧的是负的。

    So , in this case , we see that our formal charge is negative on the nitrogen , in this case it 's negative on oxygen .

  18. 我们之前做过的例题,都是非常简单直接的,因此我们还不需要,用形式电荷来做这种决定。

    The examples we 've done so far have been pretty straightforward , so we haven 't needed to use formal charge to make this kind of decision .

  19. 我们会在课程的后半部分讲到氧化数,但它和形式电荷完全不是同一个概念。

    We 'll get to oxidation number in the second half of this course , but it 's not in any way the same idea as formal charge .

  20. 那么,这些就是在我们需要在,不同的路易斯结构之间做选择的时候,我们如何用形式电荷来进行判断的各种方法。

    So , these are the different ways that we can actually go ahead and use formal charge when we 're choosing between different types of Lewis structures .

  21. 说到形式电荷,基本上形式电荷就是,单个原子在形成分子之后,是得到了电子还是失去了电子的一种量度。

    So when we talk about formal charge , basically formal charge is the measure of the extent to which an individual atom within your molecule has either gained or lost an electron .

  22. 我们还可以把形式电荷算出来,显然这两个原子的形式电荷,应该是完全相同的,我们要处理的只有氧这一种原子。

    We could also figure out the formal charges , and obviously the formal charges between these two atoms , they 're going to be identical , we 're only dealing with oxygen atoms here .

  23. 而为了检验任何一个结构是否有效,看它们是不是好的路易斯结构,我们要做的最后一件事就是检查形式电荷。

    And the last thing we do for any of our structures to check them and figure out are these valid or not valid , are these good Lewis structures is to check the formal charge .

  24. 而如果我们要考虑它们中的哪个更好,结果从形式电荷来看,它们之间没有区别,因此这不能帮我们进行判断。

    And if we were to think about which one of these is better , it turns out that it 's the same I in terms of formal charges , so that doesn 't help us out .

  25. 那么如果我们按照流程,经过所有的步骤来画路易斯结构,我们会得到这样的路易斯结构,然后我们可以算出所有的形式电荷。

    So if we went through and drew out our Lewis structure following each of our steps , what we would get is this as our Lewis structure here , and we could figure out all of the formal charges .

  26. 因此同样地,我们可以检验一下,我们所有的形式电荷是否正确,确保它们加起来等于零,而它们确实是这样,这是合理的,因为亚硫酰氯是一个中性原子。

    So again , we should be able to check all of our formal charges and make sure they add up to0 , which they do , and that makes sense , because we have a neutral atom in terms of thionyl chloride .

  27. 论文详细分析了电荷灵敏放大器的电路模型,给出了适用于硅半导体探测器的电荷灵敏放大器的设计原则,研制出不同电路结构形式的电荷灵敏放大器并做了性能测试,比较了它们的优劣。

    The paper analyzes the model of the charge-sensitive preamplifier and introduces the charge-sensitive preamplifier designing method .

  28. 在试验室条件下,评定织物以摩擦形式带电荷后的静电特性。

    In laboratory conditions , the fabric to be in the form of friction with the electrostatic charge of .

  29. 本文讨论一种新型气体放电形式,即电荷复合放电。

    A new type of gas discharge , called electric charge neutralizing discharge , is discussed in this paper .

  30. 提出了麦克斯韦方程组的一种新的构建形式,突出了电荷守恒定律。

    The new forms of Maxwell 's equations substitute the old forms , it empthasizes the conservation of electric charge .