
  • 网络consumer awareness
  1. 树立国民的环保消费意识。

    Establish a national consumer awareness of environmental protection . 4 .

  2. 佛山市民食品安全消费意识调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on consumer awareness of food safety in Foshan City

  3. 20世纪90年代以来,绿色浪潮席卷全球,然而我国居民的环保意识和绿色消费意识还相当淡薄。

    Since 1990s , green tidal wave sweeps the world .

  4. 提高居民健康消费意识。

    And to improve the residents ' health consumption conceptions .

  5. 体育消费意识较强,但结构不合理。

    Sports consuming consciousness is strong , however its structure is not reasonable .

  6. 增强居民的消费意识,积极培育消费主体;

    To strengthen the consumption awareness and to bring up the consumptives subject .

  7. 其内容主要包括:(1)引导大众消费意识;(2)增加低收入群的收入;

    Increasing the income of low - pay masses ;

  8. 居民体育消费意识较强,但体育健身娱乐消费有限;

    The community residents have high sport awareness but sports consumption is limited .

  9. 影响开发的主要原因是资金紧缺,消费意识淡薄,广告宣传力度不够。

    The influence on development is short of funds and con-sumer consciousness and advertising .

  10. 体育活动通过影响体育效果和体育消费意识2个中介变量间接影响个体的体育消费水平;

    Perceived sport effect and sport consumption intention were mediators between sport behavior and consumption .

  11. 不同社会阶层城镇居民体育消费意识也呈现不同趋势。

    Physical different social strata of urban residents also showed different trends in consumer awareness .

  12. 引导和培养大学生建立正确的休闲体育消费意识。

    Lead and cultivate the sound consume consciousness of leisure sports of the college students .

  13. 从消费者方面来看,其绿色消费意识相对于发达国家还处于初级阶段;

    In terms of consumer , their green conscious is still at a primary stage ;

  14. 随着人们消费意识的增强,人们对鞋子的要求也越来越高。

    People require to shoes more highly than before with the enhancing of consuming conscience .

  15. 体育消费意识较为淡薄。

    Sports more weak consumer awareness .

  16. 从受众角度了其消费意识和文化意识上的五点特征;

    From the aspect of audience , five characteristics of consuming and culture consciousness are pointed out ;

  17. 以当前的消费意识,仿制药侵占市场增长非常有效。

    In today 's cost-conscious environment , generics have grown to be extremely efficient at capturing market share .

  18. 广告的变迁实际上体现着大众消费意识以及审美意识的双重变奏。

    The change of the advertising is actually the change of consumer awareness and aesthetic sense as well .

  19. 经济的快速发展,人们的生活水平和消费意识的提高,促进了旅游业的发展?

    Rapid economic development , people 's standard of living and consumer awareness and promote the development of tourism .

  20. 这是消费意识的问题,这种意识的培养和改善需要时间。

    This is the problem that consumes consciousness , the education of this kind of consciousness and improvement need time .

  21. 随着大学生自主消费意识的不断增强,他们独特的性格特征就形成了独特的消费行为。

    As the consumption awareness of college Students growing , their unique character traits formed a unique concept of consumption .

  22. 绿色服装消费意识仍停留在注重“自身健康”的初级阶段,而“环保意识”较为淡漠;

    Green consumers consciousness still remains in the primary stage of keeping oneself healthy , while environmental consciousness is comparatively low .

  23. 然而,随着我国消费者绿色消费意识的觉醒,绿色消费需求不断增加,特别是日趋成型的国外绿色壁垒,从客观上促使家具企业开展绿色营销。

    However , as consciousness awakening , especially green barriers increasingly , objectively led furniture enterprises to carry out green marketing .

  24. 而随着消费者文化水平的提升与消费意识的增强,自有品牌的商品得到越来越多消费者的认可。

    The motivation has been the growing acceptance of private brand by consumers according to the growth of their culture and consciousness .

  25. 随着社会经济发展和人类文明进步,人们的环保观念和绿色消费意识愈来愈强,绿色营销无疑在不久的将来会成为企业营销的主导。

    With the development of society and progress of human civilization , people 's environmental notions and green consumption consciousness get stronger .

  26. 女性消费者的消费意识大大增强,由一般商品消费转向品牌消费,从商品的物质功能性需求转向精神需求。

    Female consumer awareness greatly enhanced along with the products consumer turning to branded consumer and the functional requirements turning to spiritual needs .

  27. 结果表明,体育动机、感知到体育效果和经济基础是影响体育活动参与者体育消费意识的3个关键因素;

    The result showed that sport motivation , perceived sport effect and financial foundation were the key factors of determining consumption intention of sport participant .

  28. 结果显示:目前河南省大学生具有较强的体育消费意识,但消费水平整体偏低;

    The result shows the college students in Henan province have possessed better consciousness of sports consumption , but the general consumption level is low ;

  29. 他们开始将古老贵族奢华的消费意识“束之高阁”,同时开始仿效中间阶层的消费行为。

    They started to put the old extravagant consumption attitude up to the attic and tried to adopt the consumption behavior of the middle class .

  30. 今天,是什么左右消费者的消费意识呢?其实产品形象、企业形象和品牌形象,对消费者都具有很大的影响。

    Today , what is left of consumer consciousness ? Actually product image , corporate image and brand image , to consumer has very big effect .