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  • Female gamete;megagamete
  1. 很多生物体中雄配子与雌配子是不同的。

    In many organisms the male and female gametes are different .

  2. 雌配子体中的极核和卵核遗传上是同一的。

    The polar and egg nuclei of the female gametophyte are genetically identical .

  3. 海带雌配子体对维生素C的反应

    Responses to vitamin C of the female gametophytes of Laminaria japonica

  4. CaM和类CyclinC蛋白在雌配子体游离核有丝分裂过程中起着重要作用。

    It was found that CaM and Cyclin C-like protein played an important role in the free nuclei mitosis of female gametophyte .

  5. 东方百合2n雌配子诱导及三倍体多样性研究

    Study on 2n Female Gamete Induction and Triploid Diversity of Lilium oriental

  6. 紫荆(CercischinensisBunge)大孢子发生及雌配子体发育的研究

    The studies of Megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis of Cercis chinensis Bunge

  7. 本文报道了山茱萸(Cornusofficinalissieb.etZucc.)山茱萸的大孢子发生和雌配子体发育

    Macrosporogenesis and Development of the Female Gametophyte in Cornus officinalis Sieb . et Zucc

  8. 板栗(CastaneamollissimaBl.)的胚胎学研究Ⅱ雌配子体的超微结构

    Embryological Study on Castanea mollissima Bl . ⅱ The Ultrastructure of the Female Gametophyte

  9. 桔梗(PlatycodongrandiflorumA.DC)胚胎学研究&Ⅱ.大孢子发生、雌配子体发育、胚及胚乳发育

    Embryonic Studies On Platycodon grandiflorum A. DC II - Megasporogenesis And Female Gametophyte , Embryo and Endosperm Developments

  10. 本文报道了竹节参(PanaxjaponicusC.A.Mey)雌配子体(胚囊)的发育过程。

    The present paper reports the results of the observation on the megagametophyte ( embryo sac ) development in Panax japonicus C. A. Mey .

  11. 延龄草(TrilliumtschonoskiiMaxim.)的胚胎学研究初报Ⅰ.&大孢子的发生及雌配子体的形成

    Investigation on embryology of Trillium tschonoskii maxim . ⅰ . & megasporogenesis and the formation of the female gametophyte

  12. 对早开堇菜(ViolaprionanthaBunge)大孢子的发生和雌配子体发育的观察结果显示,早开堇菜子房1室,3心皮;

    Observed on Viola prionantha Bunge the development of megasporogenesis and the formation of female gametophyte , results demonstrated that , Viola prionantha Bunge ovary 1 room early , 3 carpels ;

  13. 授粉70d,常温下的蝴蝶兰植株已完成雌配子体发育和双受精,而低温处理的蝴蝶兰仍未完成大孢子的发生过程。

    Although the megagametophyte formed and even the double fertilization had been finished 70 days after pollination at normal temperature , the megasporogenesis had not yet been finished at low temperature .

  14. 小麦雌配子体发育过程中酸性磷酸酶活性定位

    Localization of acid phosphatase activity during development of megagametophyte in Wheat

  15. 植物雌配子体发育的分子调控研究进展

    Molecular mechanism of the regulation of female gametophyte development in plants

  16. 同源四倍体双胚苗水稻雌配子体的发育特征

    Developmental Characteristics of Female Gametophytes of Autotetraploid Rice with Twin-embryo Seedlings

  17. 雌配子体含大量的自由核,受精前,雌配子体中没有分化出卵细胞。

    There are a lot of free nuclei in female gametophyte .

  18. 矮沙冬青雌配子体及胚胎发育研究

    Study on the development of female gametophyte and embryo in Ammopiptanthus nanus

  19. 东北地区白桦雌配子体的形成与胚胎发育研究

    Megagametophyte and Embryo Development of Betula platyphylla in Northeastern China

  20. 雄配子不能与雌配子结合。

    The male gamete could not unite with the female .

  21. 银杏雌配子体形成及颈卵器发育的细胞学研究

    Cytological Studies on the Formation of Female Gametophyte and Development of Archegonia

  22. 动物的雌配子,既未受精的卵细胞。

    In animals , a female gamete , an unfertilized ① egg-cell .

  23. 冬青卫矛胚珠和雌配子体的发育

    Development of ovule and female gametophyte in Euonymus japonicus Thunb

  24. 毛百合大孢子发生与雌配子体发育的细胞学观察

    Cytological Observation on Megasporogenesis and Female Gametophyte Development of Lilium dauricum Ker-Gawler

  25. 竹节参雌配子体发育的研究

    Studies on the megagametophyte development in Panax japonicus C.A.Mey

  26. 七叶一枝花的大孢子发生、雌配子体形成及多糖变化的观察

    Observations on Megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis and changes in polysaccharides in Paris polyphylla SM

  27. 紫外线对海带雌配子体诱变效应的研究

    Study on the mutagenic effect of ultra violet radiaton to Laminaria female gametophyte

  28. 氯化汞对裙带菜和海带雌配子体生长和发育的影响

    Some Effects of Mercury on Female Gametophytes of Laminaria Japonica and Undaria Pinnatifida

  29. 鹅掌楸雌配子体发育及淀粉动态观察

    Observation of development of female gametophyte and trend of starch grain in Liriodendron chinense

  30. 银杏雌配子体发育及原生质体分离与培养的研究

    Observation of female gametophyte development of Ginkgo biloba and its protoplast isolation and culture