- 网络schizogenous

The term pistil or compound pistil is also used to mean one or many carpels respectively .
The sitters were adults who sat in the room , more than three feet away from the infected baby .
Leaves usually large relative to culm , in palmate arrangement , transverse veins distinct , margins with substantial necrosis in winter .
A gynoecium with only one carpel is called monocarpellary ; with two or more separate carpel , apocarpous ; and with fused carpels syncarpous .
So far from the world which had given birth to him that his brain could not even process the sort of numbers involved without just going limp .
When the carpels are initiating , they connect together each other , and in the growing progress , the connected parts of carpels grow in different degree , so if the connected parts grew as fast as carpels , the pistil is syncarpous , otherwise apocarpous .