- stamen;stamin-;androecium;mina;oecium

[mina;androecium;stamen] 植物名词。种子植物的雄性器官
In the stamen growth varied period , the male sterile has more COD isozyme strips than the maintainer .
The torus of the staminate flower in the spherical_torus type becomes carnified and swollen with the stamen growing into the depressions or cavities of the spherical torus .
The androecium is borne on the fused corolla .
Inside this tube are five very small dust-spikes , all growing together , and forming another and smaller tube .
Inside these petals are fifteen or twenty little dust-spikes or stamens , with yellow heads which are full of tiny yellow grains of pollen4 .
Northern blot analysis showed higher expression level of PDS gene in the stigma and anther than in the leaf and stem .
Anther is a part of a flower that contains the pollen .
It is suggested that the abnormality is due to the hypoplasia of stamens .
The expression of F9 gene could affect the morphology of pistils and stamens .
Change in polyamine and proline levels in response to UV-B radiation indicated that XG might be more sensitive to UV-B stress .
12 hours of day time and 16 ℃ are the upper biological limits for complete recovery of stamen fertility .
Under normal conditions , the CO_2 concentration in spikelets would reach 5 percent by the respiration of pistil and stamens , which caused lodicule cells uptaking water , extending and the spikelet opening .
The critical condition for conversion of stamen fertility are 8 hours of day time and 14 ℃ .
The changes of DNA contents in buds took on double peak curve and the first peak occurred at the later period of physiological differentiation and the second at the period when most of stamen and pistil had started differentiation .
PsPI mainly expressed in petals and stamens , hardly expressed in any other organs .
Endogenous JAs ( JA and MeJA ) were measured in stamens , pistils , lodicules and lemmas using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) based on the monoclonal antibody to MeJA .
So it stamen differentiation period that was the sensitive period of " T-4 " . 7 .
Sequence of TMV relative contents of different organs on plants after inoculated from the highest to the lowest is below : corolla , ovary , calyx , stamen , pistil .
The phase of carpel differentiation and pistil differentiation were were relatively short , only about 3-5 days , and the phase from inflorescence primordium differentiation to sepal differentiation is relatively long .
The temperature is main factor to fertility . Under the natural condition , the pistil of A2-CMS has little abortion or no abortion and the stamen can shed pollen with high temperature which make a little self-seed .
So it can be infered from the facts above that on the long-day condition pistillody of stamens in D 2 PCMS line is probably relation to repression of genes expression in nuclei 、 chloroplast and mitochondria .
Gus staining of transgenic plant seedlings and mature plants tissues indicated that the mutant gene was expressed in vascular tissue of the Arabidopsis seedlings and in vegetative organs , also expressed in the pistil and stamen . 5 .
The cyto-morphology of stamen development of alfalfa sterile line MS-4 was studied by using pressure section and paraffin section .
This result suggested that Al protein was the endemic in normal development stamens and maybe a produce of specific gene in anther tapetum , and B1 protein affected the development of stamens in female flower and maybe a important protein leading contabescence .
In maize , tb1 has a relatively high expression level in axillary meristems and stamens of ear primordial thus suppress the development of corresponding organs .
IEF SDS two dimensional electrophoresis showed that many of the one dimensional gel bands represented several proteins dots in the2 D and that some of them were unique to an organ type of the flower .
The REP1 gene is only expressed in palea primordium during early flower development , but during later floral stages is radially dispersed in stamens and the vascular bundles of the lemma and palea .
But the petals of 533A was shrink , the size was 50 % - 60 % theirs maintainers , length of the four stronger stamen was 1 / 3-1 / 2 of height of pistil , pollen abortive is no thorough and had a little pollen .
An anatomical study on the pistil and stamen of sugar cane
Studies on cytomorphology of common ragweed stamen abortion induced by Ethrel