
lí ɡōnɡ
  • temporary imperial palace away from the capital;a temporary abode for an emperor on progresses;name of a constellation
离宫 [lí gōng]
  • [summer or winter palace;temporary imperial head-quarters away from the capital] 古代帝王在都城之外的宫殿,也泛指皇帝出巡时的住所

  1. 把目光从东京的钢筋水泥移向大自然吧。早晨,在风景如画的滨离宫恩赐庭园(Hama-rikyuGardens)散步(门票300日元)。

    Swap out the city 's steel and glass for trees and grass during a morning stroll through the landscaped Hama-rikyu Gardens ( admission , 300 yen ) .

  2. 吸宫术致游离宫内膜迁移腹腔的机理探讨

    A Study on Principle of Endometrium into Abdomen in Suction Abortion

  3. 桂离宫便是这种方法的集中体现。

    This approach is epitomized in the Katsura Detached Palace ( 17th century ) .

  4. 洛阳地区隋唐离宫遗址调查与考证

    The site of emperors ' temporary abodes in the Sui and Tang Dynasties in Luoyang area

  5. 这同样的情欲使得弗兰西斯一世把这幅作品展示于他在枫丹白露离宫的浴室套房里。

    The same eroticism led Francis I to show the work in his suite of bathrooms at Fontainebleau where he had a palace .

  6. 两宫是唐代离宫群中的杰出代表,在唐代历史上有着重要作用,对后世也产生了重大影响。

    The two palaces are two outstanding representatives of the in Tang dynasty , but also had great effects on the following generations .

  7. 它由幕府将军于1339年在龟山离宫建立,目的是为了祭奠后醍醐天皇。

    It was established in 1339 by Shogun Ashikaga Takauji on the site of the Kameyama Detached Palace , for the purpose of consoling the spirit of Emperor Go-Daigo .

  8. 在此基础上扩大视野,将之与其它离宫甚至是皇宫的某些方面进行比较研究,以探寻这类建筑之间的通性。

    On this basis , to expand its horizons , by comparing other abodes and imperial palaces in the capital to explore the general characteristics of this type of buildings .

  9. 在悉达多的故事里,那个解答的初步象征,正落在王子离宫出游时遇见的第四人&丛林游方者时的反应上。

    The first step in that solution is symbolized in the Siddhartha story by the prince 's reaction to the fourth person he saw on his travels outside of the palace : the wandering forest contemplative .