
chún gāo
  • lipstick;lippy
唇膏 [chún gāo]
  • [lipstick] 滋润嘴唇的油膏,也指口红

唇膏[chún gāo]
  1. 这唇膏的颜色令人恶心。

    This lipstick is a ghastly colour .

  2. 选择防晒护唇膏来增强保护。

    For added protection choose a lipstick with a sun screen .

  3. 用唇线笔勾出双唇的轮廓,然后涂上唇膏。

    With a lip pencil , outline lips and fill them in .

  4. 你不一定非要让唇膏的颜色同礼服完全搭配。

    You don 't have to match your lipstick exactly to your outfit

  5. 海伦选择的唇膏很适合她的肤色。

    Helen 's choice of lipstick was a good match for her skin-tone

  6. 她抹了红色唇膏。

    She was wearing red lipstick .

  7. 她天生漂亮,不需要任何脂粉唇膏打扮自己。

    She didn 't need any powder or lip rouge to make her pretty .

  8. 使用润唇膏来保护双唇

    Keep lips protected with a balm

  9. 隔二到三小时再补擦一次,同时也别忽略了嘴唇的防晒护理,应该使用标有SPF的润唇膏。

    Reapply every two to three hours spent outdoors . Also , use lip balm with an SPF rating .

  10. 再选用汤姆•福特的男用保湿润唇膏(售价20英镑),眼膏则用111Skin的CelestialBlackDiamondEyeCream(售价170英镑)。

    Apply Tom Ford For Men Hydrating Lip Balm ( £ 20 ) to lips . Apply 111 Skin Celestial Black Diamond Eye Cream ( £ 170 ) around eyes .

  11. 2008年:这一次梅根效仿了朱莉式双唇,涂抹着火辣的粉红色唇膏出席了MTV电视大奖。

    2008 : The actress played up her Jolie-esque lips at the MTV Movie Awards with hot-pink gloss .

  12. 所以,随着圣诞节的到来,是时候涂点润唇膏、撅起小嘴了,说不定什么时候你就会碰巧和身边的人站在了槲寄生下,即将被TA偷走一个吻。

    So with Christmas approaching it is time to put the lip balm on and pucker up just in case you get caught beneath the mistletoe for a sneaky kiss .

  13. 我从来不会忘记带上我的11号香奈儿(Chanel)唇膏,只是在嘴唇上淡淡地涂一层颜色,还有维多利亚?贝克汉姆(VictoriaBeckham)风格的大黑太阳镜。

    And I never forget my No. 11 Chanel lip gloss ─ just a hint of color on my lips and my big black sunglasses for the Victoria Beckham look .

  14. 你还可以参与到一些循环利用化妆品的活动中,例如MAC开展的一项活动,这项活动让你可以用六个空化妆品容器换一个新的眼影、润唇膏、口红。

    There are programs out there that let you recycle your makeup , such as MAC , which has a program that lets you exchange six empty containers for a new eyeshadow , lip gloss , or lipstick .

  15. 一家广告代理公司的董事总经理莎拉•戈德(SarahGold)说:WACL让你结识精明而时髦的女性,她们乐于将其经验像润唇膏一样分享。

    WACL puts you in touch with wise and sassy women who are as happy to share their experiences as their lip gloss , says Sarah Gold , MD of an ad agency .

  16. holistic:全盘的,全面的。20.美容业的兴起不仅有赖于人们对丑的恐惧,同样也得益于人们对美貌的追求,并利用新的心理学知识让女士们相信一抹唇膏就可以让自卑情结一扫而光。

    The emerging beauty industry played on the fear of looking ugly as much as on the pleasure of looking beautiful , drawing on the new science of psychology to convince women that an inferiority complex could be cured by a dab of lipstick .

  17. Talakoub博士建议在出门前15分钟涂抹SPF15(或更高)的唇膏。

    Talakoub recommends using lip balm with an SPF of 15 ( or higher ) and applying it 15 minutes before going outside . Cover Your Bases

  18. 使用防晒霜使用SPF30的防晒霜避免紫外线灼伤。小贴士:使用大胆裸色带有金属亮片的唇膏能让你在炎炎夏日看起来性感迷人。

    Use sunscreenUse a sunscreen with SPF 30 to avoid sunburn , which is definitely not cool.Tip : Wear bold shades of lipsticks with metallic gloss to achieve a sexy summer look .

  19. 他用唇膏把遗书写在了肚子上。

    He wrote his suicide note in lipstick on his stomach .

  20. 并且,还会有涂着唇膏的蜥蜴哟。

    Also , some of those lizards will be wearing lipstick .

  21. 药用唇膏是特别为嘴唇制造的湿润剂。

    Lip balm is a moisturizer especially made for your lips .

  22. 我的小妹妹喜欢拿妈妈的唇膏把她的嘴唇涂成鲜红色。

    Mommy likes to use a little perfume after her bath .

  23. 偷的可不是我的唇膏啊

    Okay , it 's not like someone stole my chapstick .

  24. 封口带上唇膏测出有异物。

    There was foreign substance in the lipstick from the tape gag .

  25. 我不得不吻他,糟糕的是他还涂了润唇膏。

    I had to kiss him , and he wears lip gloss .

  26. 高效液相色谱法对唇膏中9种限用着色剂的同时测定

    Simultaneous Determination of Restricted Colorants in Lipsticks by High Performance Liquid Chromatography

  27. 但是我留下了一个唇膏,因为我只是个人。

    But I kept one iipstick , because I 'm oniy human .

  28. 从成分列表中可看出有无色唇膏。

    As you can see by the ingredients listed in Chap Stick ?

  29. 他们又用我的唇膏。

    They used my going out lipstick to draw boobs .

  30. 我的牙齿上有唇膏吗?

    Hey , do I have lipstick on my teeth ?