
chún cǎi
  • lip gloss
  1. 广告中她的GlossyPosse唇彩放在泳池里,配乐是克里斯·布朗和她合唱的《ComeTogether》。

    The clip shows her Glossy Posse lip gloss products in a pool , soundtracked by Chris Brown 's H.E.R. collaboration " Come Together . "

  2. 她的唇彩不见得会是疱疹病毒的繁殖地

    Maybe her lip gloss wasn 't a herpes breeding ground .

  3. 涂有深色唇彩的嘴唇看上去和浓艳的眼妆不相称。

    Very dark glossy lips look wrong with heavily made-up eyes .

  4. 为了强调新布鲁斯乐的节奏,涂上紫红色的唇彩是最自然的

    Lips Accentuate your new bluesy beat in simply sensational LipSlicks Hint of Mauve .

  5. 造型师Julie首先用电热卷把Angela的头发电卷,然后以柔和的中性色调妆,浅粉红色的眼影和唇彩。

    First Julie puts Angelas hair in hot rollers and then she prepares her face with soft neutral toned makeup , with a light pink accent on the eyes and lips .

  6. 29岁的Katy脸上化着精致的妆容,眼睛化了深棕色眼影,亮粉色唇彩和她红润的脸颊互相映衬。

    The 29-year-old was flawlessly made up with a picture-perfect covering of cosmetics , her eyes accentuated with dark brown liner , her lips painted a glossy pink hue to match her rosy cheeks .

  7. 法国化妆品巨头丝芙兰(Sephora)曾考虑采用璀璨兰花紫用作一款染发剂的颜色,但最终还是放弃,转而决定只将其用于唇彩、腮红、指甲油和眼影产品。

    French cosmetics giant Sephora considered using radiant orchid as a hair color , but backed off , deciding instead to focus on lips , cheeks , nails and eyes .

  8. 汉叉子上有唇彩

    Um , Han , there 's lipstick on that fork .

  9. 一年从唇彩上吞下多少甲醛。

    A woman swallows a year just from her lip gloss .

  10. 然后涂上透明或金色的唇彩。

    Then top your lips with a clear or golden gloss .

  11. 我喜欢你的唇彩,是什么牌子的?

    I love that lippy color . What is that ?

  12. 不准使用粉底、睫毛膏或唇彩。

    Not to use face powder , mascara , or paint the lips .

  13. 护发用品还有唇彩也是

    and your hair product and your lip gloss .

  14. 你也可以使用口红或唇彩。

    You can also apply lipstick or lip gloss .

  15. 然后用手指或唇刷上唇彩。

    Apply your favorite shade of gloss with your finger or lip brush .

  16. 还有,怎么对付那些喝点水就掉的液体唇彩?

    And how do you deal with lip gloss that can 't hold still ?

  17. 她的颜色搭配,唇彩和鞋子。

    Colour co-ordinates her lipstick and her shoes .

  18. 2009年:亮粉色的唇彩让她丰满的双唇成为了焦点。

    2009 : Sheer pink gloss brought the star 's full lips into focus .

  19. 如果你要去见男人,你得来点唇彩

    If you 're going to go meet man , you need lip gloss .

  20. 最后,用亮色系唇彩给你的妆容增色。

    Finally , add a little more color to your look with a brighter lip-gloss .

  21. 最后涂上唇彩。

    Finally , finish with lip gloss .

  22. 今天更新了一款唇彩和皮肤,以及2个小人,希望大家喜欢!

    Today updated a lips , skin and two sims . Hope you like them .

  23. 从青春期开始,女人就使用唇膏和唇彩来修饰自己的嘴唇。

    From adolescence onwards , they cosmetically adorn their lips , applying lipstick and colors .

  24. 法式指甲涂着唇彩扭来扭去的芭比小姐

    Miss fancyfingernails shimmy shimmy lipgloss Barbie .

  25. 轻拍点粉色唇彩点缀。

    Dab on some pink lip gloss .

  26. 耀目晶莹唇彩骰子。

    Dior Crystal dice lip gl .

  27. 尝试更纯粹的粉红色,如倩碧的滋润唇彩。

    Try a more sheer pink gloss , like Clinique 's Superbalm Moisturizing Gloss in Raspberry .

  28. 颜色浓烈鲜明的唇彩是本赛季t台上的一个大趋势。

    Bold , statement colours on the lips are a big trend on the catwalks this season .

  29. 到涂唇彩或唇膏的时候,你的唇部已经水润十足了。

    By the time you get to lip gloss or lipstick , your lips will be well moisturized .

  30. 如果你不喜欢蜡质唇膏的质地或是粘粘的唇彩,我强烈推荐这个!

    If you hate the feeling of waxy lip balms or sticky glosses , I HIGHLY recommend it !