
chún bàn
  • lip;labellum;flabs;chilidium
唇瓣[chún bàn]
  1. 应用游离下唇瓣修复双侧唇裂继发畸形

    Use of the lower lip flap in secondary repair deformity of bilateral cleft lip

  2. 美洲夏季开花的几种兰花之一,因有流苏或撕裂状的唇瓣而易识别。

    Any of several summer-flowering American orchids distinguished by a fringed or lacerated lip .

  3. 贻贝(MytilusedulisLinnaeus)唇瓣的扫描电镜观察

    The scanning electron microscope observation on the labial palps of Mytilus edulis Linnaeus

  4. C唇瓣向外、上旋转与鼻翼基底的口轮匝肌缝合,以提供对鼻翼的支撑及加高鼻堤;鼻唇沟真皮下血管网皮瓣血液循环可靠,再造鼻翼的臃肿程度大大减轻。

    The orbicularis oris muscle flap was designed as the " C " lip flap and rotated upward and outward to be sewn with the orbicularis oris muscle of basis nasi , which could provide extra support for alae nasi and increase the height of agger nasi .

  5. 结果临床应用15例,缺损宽度1.0~1.2cm,所有唇瓣全部成活,术后唇外形满意。

    Results This method was used in 15 cases , in which the biggest width of the defect was 1.2 cm , and the smallest was 1.0 cm , with all the flaps survived .

  6. 栉孔扇贝鳃和唇瓣过氧化物酶活性

    Peroxidase activity in gill and labial palps of scallop Chlamys farreri

  7. 用于唇、口盖裂二次修复术的翻转唇瓣的适应证

    Reconstructive technique of the philtrum in secondary cleft lip deformities

  8. 文中对下唇瓣的临床应用问题作了讨论。

    Clinical application of inferior labial flap is discussed .

  9. 唇部动脉构型与唇瓣血液供应的关系

    Relationship between arterial configuration of the lips and blood supply of the labial flap

  10. 墨西哥的一种附生兰,花淡绿色或黄绿色,唇瓣白色、有紫色脉纹。

    Mexican epiphytic orchid having pale green or yellow-green flowers with white purple-veined lip .

  11. 白纹伊蚊触角感受器、唇瓣感受器、触角神经叶的研究

    The Study of the Antennal Sensilla 、 Labellar Sensilla 、 Antennal Lobe of Aedes Albopictus

  12. 他注视着我,也许是在怀疑着为什么我的唇瓣会弯起来,情不自禁地微笑着。

    He stared , maybe wondering why my lips were curving into an involuntary smile .

  13. 一种兰花,花色从栗色到紫褐色,有黄色的唇瓣;产自欧洲、北美和日本。

    Maroon to purple-brown orchid with yellow lip ; Europe , North America and Japan .

  14. 双侧滑行唇瓣修复先天性下唇正中旁窦切除术后缺损6例

    Both Sides Gliding Lip Flap Repair the Defect After Congenital Lower Lip Sinuses Resection Operation

  15. 产于地中海的兰花,紫色的花朵带有扇状的,有斑点或斑纹的玫瑰红色唇瓣。

    Mediterranean orchid having usually purple flowers with a fan-shaped spotted or striped rose-red lip .

  16. 美国东部的一种穗兰,花绿色,唇瓣深撕裂。

    Fringed orchid of the eastern United States having a greenish flower with the lip deeply lacerate .

  17. 目的研究颏唇部的血液供应,设计超长下唇瓣用于修复上唇、鼻小柱、鼻尖缺损。

    Objective To study the blood supply of the labiomental region and develop supera-length inferior lip flap .

  18. 白花叉喙兰唇瓣的距后弯并朝向子房。

    Uncifera thailandica is primarily distinguished from its relatives by its apex of spur curved backwards towards ovary .

  19. 美国东北部的一种兰花,花品红色,唇瓣呈漏斗状;有时归入朱兰属。

    Orchid of northeastern United States with magenta-pink flowers having funnel-shaped lip ; sometimes placed in genus Pogonia .

  20. 澳大利亚的小形兰花,花白色,唇瓣上有紫色和橙色斑纹,总状花序疏松。

    Diminutive Australian orchid with loose racemes of fragrant white flowers with purple and orange markings on the lip .

  21. 裂唇卷瓣兰的中萼片全缘前部具一粒状附属物,唇瓣基部两侧具耳。

    B.picturatum is characterized by its entire dorsal sepal with a seta and lip with two auricles at base .

  22. 唇瓣位于果蝇的头部,看起来像一对长毛的嘴唇一样。

    It 's positioned on the creature 's head , and it looks like a hairy pair of lips .

  23. 北美北部的一种兰花,有淡褐绿色的花,唇瓣具有红色和白色的脉,好像公牛的头。

    Orchid of northern North America having a brownish-green flower and red-and-white lip suggestive of a ram 's head .

  24. 这些耐旱鼠尾草的花朵更小、唇瓣更大,便于蜜蜂降落。

    These drought-resistant sages have smaller flowers with wide lower lips , which make it easy for bees to land .

  25. 一种兰花,花蓝色到紫色、唇瓣底部有舌状或带状突起。

    Orchid having blue to purple flowers with tongue - or strap-shaped protuberances ( calli ) at the lip base .

  26. 春季开花的蜘蛛兰,花有黄色、绿色或粉色的萼片、有宽阔而柔软的褐色唇瓣。

    Spring-blooming spider orchid having a flower with yellow or green or pink sepals and a broad brown velvety lip .

  27. 本品种兰花花序长,花朵多,并带有苹果绿的萼片、花瓣和向上挺立的白色唇瓣。

    The long inflorescences bear many flowers with apple green sepals and petals , with a white lip which is held upright .

  28. 口球神经节上分别连有上咽神经、唾液腺神经、唇瓣神经、口舌神经等。

    Mouth ball ganglia were connected with the pharyngeal nerve , salivary gland nerve , labellum nerve , tongue nerve and so on .

  29. 原位杂交表明两者在正在发育的花瓣和唇瓣的边缘和尖端,正在发育的蕊柱,和胚珠中有表达。

    In-situ hybridization experiments detected both genes in the tips and margins of developing petals and lips , the developing column , and ovule .

  30. 它在早期的花瓣(阶段1-3)和晚期的唇瓣中微量表达(阶段4)。

    It was weakly expressed in petals at earlier stages ( stage 1 to 3 ) and in lips at middle stage ( stage 4 ) .