
gōng yì
  • technology;technique;craft;workmanship;industrial art
工艺 [gōng yì]
  • (1) [technology]∶将原材料或半成品加工成产品的方法、技术等

  • 创造新工艺

  • (2) [craft]∶手工艺。即需要手工技巧或运用艺术技艺的职业、行业或工作

  • 工艺品

工艺[gōng yì]
  1. 当时,许多技术专家对那种工艺抱有疑问。

    Many technical experts at the time had doubts about the technology .

  2. 工程学和工艺学互不相同,也有别于自然学科。

    Engineering and technology are disciplines distinct from one another and from science

  3. 我们的买主对工艺和材料坚持要高标准。

    Our buyers insist on high standards of workmanship and materials .

  4. 这种熨斗如有工艺缺陷可保修一年。

    This iron is guaranteed for a year against faulty workmanship .

  5. 这辆汽车设计完美,工艺精良,开起来过瘾。

    The car is beautifully engineered and a pleasure to drive .

  6. 很明显这是工艺大师的作品。

    It is clearly the work of a master craftsman .

  7. 对手工艺和美术之间的差别争议更大。

    The distinction between craft and fine art is more controversial .

  8. 这一工艺的潜在收益不可估量。

    It is hard to overestimate the potential gains from this process .

  9. 她是几个小企业和小手工艺者的资助人。

    She is a patron of small businesses and trades .

  10. 东窗是中世纪玻璃安装工艺的奇迹。

    The East Window is a wonder of medieval glazing .

  11. 工艺人员服务公司也售卖纱线和绣花丝线。

    Craft Resources also sells yarn and embroidery floss .

  12. 该疫苗是用非传统工艺生产的。

    The vaccine had been produced by an unconventional technique

  13. 传统工艺继续保持原有的特色,没有因现代化手段的缓慢引入而改变。

    Traditional crafts remain remarkably unchanged by the slow incursion of modern ways .

  14. 茶叶加工对工艺和手法都有要求。

    Tea processing requires both technique and artistry .

  15. 问题可能在于工艺太差。

    The problem may be due to poor workmanship

  16. 工艺精湛。

    The standard of workmanship is very high .

  17. 有好几种拼布工艺靠垫可供选择。

    There are several patchwork cushions to choose from

  18. 厨房非常简洁,这有赖于好的设计、工艺及可体现这种效果的上乘材料。

    The kitchen is simplicity itself , relying on a combination of good design , craftsmanship and quality materials for its effect

  19. 他在向游客展示蛋雕工艺。

    He was demonstrating the craft of egg carving for tourists .

  20. 他们试图将现代技术用于这项传统工艺。

    They are trying to apply modern techniques to this traditional craft .

  21. 这代表了中国陶瓷工艺的最高成就。

    This represents the highest achievement of Chinese ceramics .

  22. 尽管工艺粗糙,这款花瓶销量很好。

    In spite of its crude workmanship , this type of vase sells well .

  23. 这项新工艺得到了更加广泛的采用。

    The new technology has been more widely adopted .

  24. 这花瓶工艺很精。

    This vase is a piece of exquisite workmanship .

  25. 这项采矿工艺不可靠。

    The mining technique is shaky .

  26. 复原后的金缕玉衣充分显示出中国古代劳动人民的精湛工艺。

    The restored jade burial suit fully reveals the consummate skill of the labouring people of ancient China .

  27. 中国当代雕刻工艺师沈为众雕刻的象牙佛像是世界上最小的雕刻。这个象牙佛像只有一粒米的五分之四大。

    The ivory Buddha carved by Shen Weizhong , a contemporary Chinese sculptor , is the world 's smallest piece of sculpture , its size being just four-fifths that of a grain of rice .

  28. 这两种堆肥工艺都能产生无味、稳定的产品。

    The two composting processes produce an odor-free , stabilized material .

  29. 我国的工艺美术品蜚声海外。

    China 's arts and crafts enjoy a high reputation abroad .

  30. 目的改进芳香化酶抑制剂阿那曲唑的合成工艺。

    Objective to improve the synthetic procedure of aromatase inhibitor-anastrozole .