
  1. 提出解决的有效途径是提高产学研相结合的社会化组织水平。

    The effective method is to enhance it 's socialized organization degree .

  2. 产学研相结合培养汽车照明技术人才

    Combination of Production and Study with Research to Develop Automobile Illumination Technician

  3. 上海商业投资集团在构建“产学研相结合”的平台方面,已经开始走出步子。

    Shanghai Commercial Investment Group has initiated in building the platform of producing-studying-researching .

  4. 试探产学研相结合的办学模式

    On Combining Production , Studying , and Research in the Mode of Education

  5. 江西红色《旅游英语》创新人才培养模式探讨&以产学研相结合为基点

    On the Model of Cultivating Innovative Talents for Red Tourism English in Jiangxi

  6. 浅议旅游院校产学研相结合

    On the Way of Combining Producing , Learning and Research in Universities of Tourism

  7. 湖南高职教育产学研相结合问题研究

    An Analysis of the Combination of Production , Study and Research of Hunan Higher Vocational Education

  8. 并对产学研相结合的社会化组织水平提高中的各组成部分进行了功能定位。

    Then , this paper defines function of elements in the socialized organization system of industry-university-research linkage .

  9. 济宁市技术学院产学研相结合人才培养之路

    The Road to Forster the Qualified Personnel in the Combination of Research and Production in Technology College

  10. 产学研相结合是世界高等教育改革与发展的共同趋势,产学合作育人是世界面临的需共同讨论的问题。

    The reform and development of higher education in the world is integrating teaching with practice and research .

  11. 学校与企业合作,产学研相结合。

    To enhance the cooperation between schools and businesses with combination of production , learning and research . 6 .

  12. 本文论述了房地产经营与管理专业产学研相结合的人才培养模式的主要内容及实施效果。

    The paper analyses the major content about real estate management of man 's talent education model and execution result .

  13. 产学研相结合,社会、行业企业与学校联合培养人才是高职高专人才培养的重要途径。

    It is an important path for higher vocational schools developing talents to cooperate with industry , school and research .

  14. 产学研相结合有助于我国社会的全面发展。

    The combination of production sectors , schools , and research sectors is conducive to the overall development of our society .

  15. 产学研相结合培养人才,是高职教育的特色与优势。

    It is the characteristic and advantage of higher vocational education that combine the production , study and research work together .

  16. 根据调研所得资料,本文总结了浙江省产学研相结合深入发展中所凸现的七大方面问题。

    Making use of the research materials , this paper summarizes seven problems during the deep development of industry-university-research linkage in ZheJiang province .

  17. 其以教育资源重组与共享、产学研相结合等策略带动高等教育与区域经济社会的发展。

    It has promoted the development of tertiary education and local economy by reorganizing and sharing education resources , and combining research with products production .

  18. 因此,作者从工作实践出发,提出加快工程硕士教育发展的途径和措施:发展工程硕士专业学位研究生教育要走产学研相结合的道路,工作重心应该从外延发展转移到内涵建设上来。

    This paper discusses the methods and measures of furthering the development of engineering postgraduate education on the basis of the author 's working practice .

  19. 高职院校要构建有效的产学研相结合的发展模式,联盟策略的研究就成为一个新的课题。

    Vocational colleges want to build an effective combination of research development model , so the research of the Alliance Strategy will become a new topic .

  20. 要通过产学研相结合的道路,培育和组合出优质教育资源,探索提高高职人才综合素质的途径。

    This article probes the approach of cultivating the comprehensive quality of higher vocational talents by means of building top quality education resources through the combination .

  21. 企业技术创新是国家创新体系的重要组成部分,产学研相结合又是企业进行技术创新的关键。

    Enterprise technology innovation is one of the most important proportions of the national innovation system , while Production-Study-Research cooperation is the key of enterprise technology innovation .

  22. 介绍了技术创新引导工程的实施意义,详细论述了企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研相结合的技术创新体系的内涵,以及该工程实施的原则与具体措施。

    Introduce the Application meaning of " technology innovation guide engineering " , discusses the connotation of technology innovation system , and the principle and countermeasures of applying the engineering .

  23. 借鉴国内外成功经验,探索适合西安的产学研相结合的模式是解决问题的正确选择。

    It is right to use reference experience of internal and external successful experiences and explore model of combination of industry , college and institute to develop economy of Xi'an .

  24. 自主创新作为国家战略,是指以企业为主体、以市场为导向、产学研相结合所形成的一种创新体系和经济发展模式。

    As a national strategy , self-innovation , under the guidance of market and enterprise , is a mechanism and an economic developing mode through amalgamation of industry , education , and research .

  25. 对高职金融产品营销专业产学研相结合的现状、组织结构以及运行方式等方面进行了分析,进而提出了实现高职金融产品营销专业产学研实践的有效模式。

    This paper analyses the present situation , organization structure and operation method of combination of production , education and research for high nondegree vocational financial products marketing specialty and puts forward the effective model .

  26. 从中外水利教育的管理、教学、科研及产学研相结合方面进行了比较研究,并提出了相应的结论和建议。

    This paper studies and compares the management , teaching , scientific research and the combination of scientific research with industry both in Chinese and foreign water education , puts forward some conclusions and proposals .

  27. 依托行业融入地方走产学研相结合的高职高专办学之路&承德石油高等专科学校第二届产学研合作教育委员会第二次会议侧记

    Combination of Industry , Academic Studies and Scientific Research in Higher Vocational Colleges with the Help of Petroleum Industry and Local Companies & A Summary of the 2nd Congress of the 2nd Cooperative Education Committee of CDPC

  28. 紧密依托行业和企业,根据职业岗位的需要进行课程改革,设置新专业,以就业为导向,建立教学体系,是产学研相结合关注的内容。

    It is concerned with reforming the courses and offering the new specialty in accordance with the need of the occupational position of the industries and enterprises , concerned with establishing the teaching system directed by obtaining employment .

  29. 文中就提高人才综合素质和能力进行思考,提出加强实验教学,走产学研相结合的道路,使用先进的实验技术和手段,培养包装工程创新人才;

    Aimed at the improvement of talents ' comprehensive quality and ability , reinforcing experiment teaching , insisting on the path of producing , learning and study , using advance experimental technology and means are proposed in this article .

  30. 高等学校要培养出高素质的创新人才,必须建立产学研相结合、广泛和稳固的校外教学实习基地。

    If the colleges and universities want to cultivate high quality of innovative talents , the comprehensive and stable teaching and practicing bases outside school , which combining to the production , study and research , should be set up .