
  • 网络temporary price-intervention
  1. 为稳定日常生活必需品价格,政府将采取一系列临时价格干预政策。

    The government will introduce a range of temporary price-intervention measures in a bid to stabilize the cost of daily necessities .

  2. 对粮食、食用植物油等重要商品实施临时价格干预措施。

    We instituted temporary measures to hold down the prices of grain , edible vegetable oil and other important commodities .

  3. 国家发改委同时下发通知,要求各地价格主管部门认真做好解除临时价格干预措施的相关工作,确保市场平稳。

    At the same time , NDRC issued notice to urged local pricing departments to take relevant measures to ensure the market stable after the price control removed .