- 名simulation technique;analogue technique

Development of Analogue Technique for Glass Flow and Heat Transfer in Glass Tank Part I Physical Analogue
Sequential Indicator Simulation Technique and Its Application in 3D Digital Core Modeling
Simulation Technology for Communication System Based on MATLAB
Study on numerical simulation technology of steel reinforced concrete structures using ANSYS
Research on ANSYS-based Simulating Technology for Welding Thermal Process
Thermal Simulation Method Of Electronic Module With ANSYS
The ion pair system has been modeled using the Molecular Modeling technique , providing some important information for understanding the physicochemical behaviors of the ion pair systems .
Computational Fluid Dynamics ( CFD ) is a kind of numerical simulation technology which studies fluid .
Research on the simulation of the characteristic signal of the wide band radar target based on DDS
In view of calculation difficulty of PBEs , the Monte Carlo simulation technique was applied to simplify the solution of PBEs .
DoS Attack Simulation Technology Based on OPNET
Application of Dynaform Numerical Simulation in Automobile Covering Parts Forming Process
Combining Monte Carlo method with the virtual test technology , its random equations are solved indirectly and the random data set about the chair bumper is obtained .
On the basis of introduction to the simulation technology for SBR process , case study was presented to demonstrate the application of simulation technology for SBR process design .
Finally based on H3III3 ~ 1 layer , five methods of restraining the invaded edge water are studied by digital simulation .
The advances in the research of cold flow properties of diesel fuel based on the crystallization of wax in diesel fuel were reviewed , including the application of the technology of XRD , DSC , photomicrography , thermodynamics and molecular simulation .
In addition , in order to eliminate the bottleneck of insufficient sample size , a kind of statistical resampling technique called bootstrap is incorporated as a preprocessing step into genetic programming .
In the basis of that , the autoregressive model , which is very mature in the theory of linear time series , was used for establishing the future cash dividend predicted model . Parameters were estimated by computer simulation .
Based on diffusion law and nucleation growth mechanism , the mathematical model of diffusion tape phase transitions of Fe C alloy was established to simulate the TTT curve .
Abstract This article mainly introduces the compositive structure , emulational function of Pspice and its application , so that everyone can make good use of the simulation program with emphasis on integrated circuit and its application .
Results : The approach of Excel data computation , graph table , animation and simulation was used to visualize the pharmaceutic computing , namely , concept , way , process , result and data information , so that the interactive computing with the user was realized .
The theory and simulation techniques established in the paper is not only instructive for the low cost composite molding technology , but also is significant for the intersect development of material science and mechanics .
The problem of temperature has been solved to meet the process requirement after switching the crude oil and the initial bottoms when shutting down the vacuum system by applying the ASPEN PLUS Process Simulation Technology in the first train of atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit .
In this paper , we construct the expected value model of portfolio investment according to the modern portfolio theory of Markowitz , and use the genetic algorithms which bases random imitating technology to solve the model .
However , standard computer languages such as Fortran and Basic can be very difficult to use to write the programs . A special simulation language , known as GPSS , is discussed .
With the development of Monte-Carlo simulation technique , it is possible to restructure the three dimension fracture network on basis of the fracture data in site . So it is to be true to research the stability effect of rock mass by random fractures .
In view of geologic and development characteristics in the low - permeability oil reservoirs and based on PVT experiments and phase behavior match , the influence of the development mode of natural gas drive on the effectiveness was studied by the use of numerical simulation technique .
A larger heat-affected-zone ( HAZ ) of crack-free steel CF-62 is obtained while CF-62 is simulated its welding thermal-cycling procedure by the thermal simulation technology . Then the reheating embrittlement of crack-free steel during post-welding heat treatment is studied .
Casting Process Design of a Lever Casting by Numerical Simulation Technique
Approximation of any curve using rational Gaussian functions is presented .