
  • 网络fuzzy thinking;Puzzy Thinkins;fuzzy tninking
  1. AD是一种进行性脑紊乱,它能导致记忆丧失、模糊思维、以及诸如拨电话号码的简单行为的困难。

    Alzheimer 's is a progressive brain disorder that can cause memory lapses , fuzzy thinking and difficulty in performing simple activities , such as dialing a phone number .

  2. 模糊思维:模逻辑新科学

    Fuzzy Thinking ; The New Science of Fuzzy Logic

  3. 用模糊思维指导护理应激方案的生成

    To apply fuzzy thought to guide formation of nursing stress program

  4. 摘要模糊思维是运用柔性管理时的重要思维方式。

    Blur-thinking is an important way of thinking in applying flexible management .

  5. 在设计中,设计者运用发散思维、模糊思维、联想思维天马行空去想、去尝试。

    In the design , designers try touse divergent , fuzzy and associative thinking .

  6. 隶属律是模糊思维方式遵循的基本规律。

    Under the law is ambiguous way of thinking to follow the basic law .

  7. 领导与模糊思维方式

    On Leadership and Fuzzy Thinking Mode

  8. 模糊思维方式的基本特征主要有简单准确性、瞬时判断性和认知恒常性等三种特性。

    Fuzzy thinking mainly of the basic characteristics of the accuracy of a simple , instantaneous and cognitive determine three characteristics of constancy .

  9. 从哲学反思的角度讲,模糊思维方式把握世界既存在可能性,也具有必要性。

    Reflections from a philosophical point of view , fuzzy way of thinking there is the possibility of grasping the world , also has the need .

  10. 本文旨在阐明模糊思维产生的背景、模糊思维的方法,并说明模糊思维是形象思维的表现形式。

    This paper discussed the background of fuzzy thought appear , ways of fuzzy thought and explained that fuzzy thought is a apparent form of thinking images .

  11. 事物两极对立的不充分性和自身同一的相对性是模糊思维方式得以存在的哲学理论基础。

    Things " of the bipolar confrontation inadequate " and " self-same relative " is ambiguous way of thinking to the existence of the theoretical basis of philosophy .

  12. 在保留对精确思维方式研究的前提下,对模糊思维方式进行研究不失为一条思维创新的途径。

    In the retention of research on the precise way of thinking , under the premise of fuzzy thinking can be a way to study innovative ways of thinking .

  13. 本文将模糊思维引入图书馆管理,初步探讨了在新形势下模糊思维在图书馆工作中的作用及具体运用。

    This article introduces the fuzzy thought worked in the library management to us , and discusses the function and concrete application of the fuzzy thought under the new situation .

  14. 模糊思维方式不是模态思维方式、混沌思维方式,更不是非线性思维方式,它们有着明显的区别。

    Fuzzy way of thinking is not a modal way of thinking , chaotic way of thinking , not non-linear way of thinking , there was a clear distinction between them .

  15. 论述了模糊思维是图书馆管理工作顺利开展的新型有效手段,分析了高校图书馆管理中的模糊艺术。

    This paper discusses on that the fuzzy thought is a new effective method for successfully developing the library management , and analyzes on the fuzzy art in the management of university library .

  16. 控制理论和技术的发展,反映了人的控制思维方式经历了从原始模糊思维精确思维科学模糊思维的螺旋式上升的发展过程。

    The development of cybernetic s ' theory and technology reflect the developing course of cybernetic the way of human thinking which has experienced from primitive and fuzzy thinking exact thinking scientific and fuzzy thinking .

  17. 本文认为,中国传统哲学的整体观,汉民族的综合思维和模糊思维是汉语意合趋向的能动的理性根源;

    The article maintains that the idea of wholeness in the traditional Chinese philosophy , the thought of synthesis and the thought of ambiguity in the nationality of Han are the dynamic theoretical bases on which Chinese tends to be in parataxis ;

  18. 运用模糊数学思维理论,为测绘管理中优选测量施工单位提供一种实用、可靠的判别模式。

    This thesis offers a sort of discrimination model , that is working and safe , for the selecting of surveying unite in charge of construction by means of fuzzy thought theory in administration of surveying and mapping .

  19. 本文从英汉两种文化的对比试证明英语文化的科学想象特点和显性求异性,汉语的模糊求同思维特点和人文行为性。

    This thesis hereafter intends to affirm by means of comparing two particular cultures , namely , Chinese vs. English , that English culture denotes a feature of scientific imagination and explicit inclination for variation while that of Chinese exhibits its implicit sense of conformity and humanistic behaviorism .

  20. 论模糊语言的思维含量

    The Thinking Content of Vague Language

  21. 英语中的性别歧视性语言大致可分为两种情况:所指模糊和传统思维。

    Sexist language in English can be classified into two categories : ambiguity of referent and stereotyping .

  22. 在翻译理论中,模糊学的思维方式可以使我们避免把任何问题一分为二的简单做法。

    As for translation theory , the fuzziological thinking manner enables us to avoid the simple binary method in research .

  23. 首先,文章介绍了女权主义及性别歧视性语言。英语中的性别歧视性语言大致可分为两种情况:所指模糊和传统思维。

    First , issues related to Feminism and sexist language are introduced . Sexist language in English can be classified into two categories : ambiguity of referent and stereotyping .

  24. 模糊是人类思维与语言的内在特性。模糊语言所特有的意义上的不确定性大大提高了语言表达的多样性、灵活性及有效性。

    Fuzziness is an inherent nature of human cognition and language . With its very property of semantic indefiniteness , fuzzy language contributes greatly to the variety , flexibility and efficiency of language expression .

  25. 模糊性是人类思维和客观事物普遍具有的属性之一。

    Fuzziness is one of the general characteristics of human thinking and objective things .

  26. 论文运用模糊理论和模糊思维,将定性分析和定量分析相结合,提出了合作伙伴的多层次模糊综合评判方法,为合作伙伴选择提供了一种更能符合客观实际,且简便可行的方法。

    In this paper , the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis are combined adopting fuzzy theory and fuzzy thought , a multiple Fuzzy Synthetic judgement method to partner-selection is put forward .

  27. 将这一特性具体运用到产品设计的设计思维领域中,提出了在产品设计中怎样抓住设计思维的模糊性进行科学的思维的概念模糊的设计思维方法和造型模糊的设计思维方法。

    Applying it to the product design field , the paper advances the design thinking method of concept fuzzy and model fuzzy .

  28. 这些信息主要以大量的模糊语言呈现,模糊性思维可以模糊处理这些信息,并对此信息做出合理性的主观判断和理解。

    The information mainly presents with plenty of fuzzy languages . Fuzzy thinking can deal with it , and make reasonable subjective judgment understanding based on it .

  29. 人们深刻的认识到模糊现象、模糊概念、模糊思维等是认识和把握客观世界的一条重要途径。

    Fuzziness is sometimes also called vagueness . It is deeply recognized that fuzzy phenomena , fuzzy conceptions and fuzzy thinking are important for people to know the objective world and accordingly follow the trend of it .

  30. 当面对一些整体化、复杂化的问题时,我们不能简单地把问题精确化、数学化,而是要依靠模糊理论的指导,调动模糊思维去整体关照,全面对待。

    When faced with a number of integrated , complex issues , we can not simply put the problem precisely , mathematically . But we can rely on the guidance of fuzzy theory to mobilize the overall care and comprehensive treatment .