
  • 网络external career
  1. 当前国内外职业生涯承诺的研究大多以企业员工、教师等职业为对象,尚未针对警察职业生涯开展相应的研究。

    At present , the study objects of career commitment mostly are employees , teachers , etc.

  2. 高校教师职业生涯发展包括外职业生涯发展和内职业生涯发展两个方面。

    The universities teacher profession development develops two aspects including the outside profession development and inside profession development .

  3. 为达到软件研发人员职业提升与软件企业快速稳定发展的有机结合,本文在国内外有关职业生涯发展研究的基础上,从我国文化背景出发,进行软件企业研发人员职业生涯发展影响因素的研究。

    In order to achieve efficient combination of R D professionals ' profession advance and software corporation celerity development , this paper studys on the influence factors of software R D professionals ' career development on the basis of foreign and domestic studies on the field mentioned above .

  4. 主要研究思路有:第一章节为前言,介绍了论文选题的背景和意义,并对国内外高校辅导员职业生涯管理的相关理论进行了梳理。

    The main content and research way of this paper are : The first chapter is about the background and meanings of the paper as well as the related concepts and theories at home and abroad .