
shè huì gǒng zuò
  • Social work;casework;duties outside one's regular work;work, in additon to one's regular job, done for the collective
社会工作[shè huì gǒng zuò]
  1. 他是班长,有很多社会工作。

    As a monitor , he has many duties outside his study .

  2. 这个协会从事社会工作。

    This association does social work .

  3. 值得注意的是,在美国,一个普通心理学学位和教育学、传播学学位一样,能让学生找到社会工作、市场营销和人力资源方面的工作。

    Notably5 , in the US , a general psychology degree will open doors for students to find jobs in social work , marketing6 and human resources , similar to Education and Communications .

  4. 同时,根据社区社会工作的基本原则,分析X回族社区工作的不足及原因,提出切实可行的对策建议,为西安少数民族社区工作提供经验借鉴。

    At the same time , according to the basic principles of community work , problems and reasons analysis of X Hui community work , put forward feasible suggestions , provide the experience to the Xi ' an minority community work .

  5. 社会工作实验室是社会工作教育的重要工具。

    Laboratory is the major facility used in social work education .

  6. 科际整合&公共卫生与社会工作专业关系的探讨

    Subjects Integration-Investigation on the Relationship between Public Health and Social Work

  7. 对老年社会工作教育本土化的思考

    Reflections on the Localization of the Social Work for the Aged

  8. 矫治社会工作介入我国社区矫正的初探

    Exploratory Research on Correction Social Work 's Intervention in Community-based Correction

  9. 试论高校专业社会工作的建构

    Discussion about the construction of professional social work in higher institutions

  10. 这也是学校社会工作的基本理念。

    It is also the basic concept of school social work .

  11. 现代社会工作是三种性质社会工作的有机整合体,它同时具有实践、专业和制度三个层次的意义。

    Modern social work is an integration of all the above .

  12. 医务社会工作调解医患纠纷的途径与方法

    Ways and methods of medical social work in settling medical dispute

  13. 艾滋病防治:一个社会工作的视角

    Preventing and Treating of AIDS : A Perspective of Social Work

  14. 第三,如何通过社会工作介入来改善基层社区矫正方式?

    Third , how social work intervention to improve grass-roots community correction ?

  15. 探索社会工作专业实践教学模式培养中国本土社会工作人才

    A Study of Practice Teaching Mode for the Social Work Specialized Subject

  16. 对社会工作专业课程设置特色的思考

    Characteristics of the Curriculum Designing for the " Social Work " Major

  17. 问题式教育:社会工作专业教育的核心

    Problem-type Education : the Core of Education for Social Work

  18. 社会工作专业人才培养模式的多维分析

    The Multi-dimensional Analysis of the Education Mode of the Social Work Program

  19. 高校学生工作的新路径研究&学校社会工作

    New Path of University Student Work : School Social Work

  20. 中国民政社会工作教育发展评述

    Comments on Development of Civil Administration and Social Work Education in China

  21. 西部欠发达地区社会工作发展中的主要问题

    Main Problems of Social work Development in Western Underdeveloped Region

  22. 我国民族地区社会工作探析

    On the Social Work in the Minority Areas of China

  23. 社会工作伦理价值在社区矫正中的彰显

    Highlighting the Ethical Value of Social Work in Community Correction

  24. 社会工作的介入是解决医疗纠纷的新途径

    Involvement of Social Work : A New Way of Solving Medical Dispute

  25. 试论我国社会工作价值体系的构建

    About Building the Value System of Social Work in China

  26. 医疗社会工作:现实意义和发展趋向

    Medical Social Work : practical significance and development trend

  27. 学校社会工作课〔社会福利署〕

    School Social Work Unit [ Social Welfare Department ]

  28. 社会工作专业教育的不足及定位

    The lack in the professional education of social work and its positioning problem

  29. 寓成长于游戏&历奇:一种青少年社会工作方法初探

    Grow up Through Game : Discuss One Model of Social Work for Youth

  30. 关于中国社会工作专业化与产业化的思考

    Thought on Specialization and Industrialization of China Social Work