
  • 网络aberdeen;aberdeen university;The University of Aberdeen
  1. 在阿伯丁大学(universityofaberdeen)的一项初步研究中,研究人员对14位65岁以上女性的肌肉力量进行了比较。

    In a pilot study by the University of Aberdeen , researchers compared the muscle strength of 14 women over the age of 65 .

  2. 阿伯丁大学(UniversityofAberdeen)的高级讲师泰勒·史蒂芬森(TylerStevenson)博士指出:“真正重要的信息就是季节节律是普遍存在的。”

    Dr Tyler Stevenson , a senior lecturer at the University of Aberdeen , said : " The real take home message is that seasonal rhythms are pervasive .

  3. 这是阿伯丁大学眼科系的网页。

    This is the web page of Department of Ophthalmology , University of Aberdeen .

  4. 这是阿伯丁大学儿童保健系的网页。

    This is the web page of Department of Child Health , University of Aberdeen .

  5. 这是阿伯丁大学医学遗传学系的网页。

    This is the web page of Department of Mental Health , University of Aberdeen .

  6. 这是阿伯丁大学应用保健科学研究院的网页。

    This is the web page of Institute of Applied Health Sciences , University of Aberdeen .

  7. 但是,苏格兰阿伯丁大学的一项新的研究发现不需要拖迟再次怀孕时间。

    But a new study from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland found no need to delay .

  8. 网站描述:这是阿伯丁大学生物科学学院的网页。

    Description : This is the web page of School of Biological Sciences , University of Aberdeen .

  9. 这是阿伯丁大学麻醉和重病护理学术组的网页。

    This is the web page of Academic Unit of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care , University of Aberdeen .

  10. 英国阿伯丁大学的研究人员发现,女人对男人的印象通常被她周围的朋友所左右。

    The Aberdeen University study found that women 's opinions of men are often based on how other females see them .

  11. 这是根据阿伯丁大学一项新的研究得出的。研究发现“适应性进化”决定了男性对吸引力的判断。

    This is according to a new study by the University of Aberdeen which found ' evolutionary fitness ' determines what men find appealing .

  12. 对鞋子进行科学研究的来自阿伯丁大学的学者,表示需要采取更多的措施来解决这一问题。

    Academics at the University of Aberdeen who carried out a review of scientific studies into the shoes said more needs to be done to address the problem .

  13. 这至少对男性来说很有效。阿伯丁大学的研究发现,如果女性看到另外一个美女在朝一名男性微笑、抛媚眼,那她就会高看他一等。

    Not only is a lady in red deemed more attractive , research shows that it makes the men around her more attentive , flirtatious-and wanting to move closer .

  14. 洛根和英国阿伯丁大学的詹妮·默尔杜教授通力协作,对志愿者发出的气味和蚊子对气味的反应进行了研究。

    James , working in collaboration with Professor Jenny Mordue at the University of Aberdeen , tested the behavioural reaction of yellow fever mosquitoes to the odour of the volunteers .

  15. 琼斯称阿伯丁大学面部研究实验室的研究对以往重视外表特征的面部吸引力学说提出了异议。面部吸引力学说称较之于女性特征,人们更喜欢脸部对称和具男性化特征的面孔。

    He said the work challenges most previous studies of facial attractiveness that have focused on physical characteristics , such as a preference for symmetrical faces or masculine versus feminine features .

  16. 圣安德鲁斯大学、格拉斯哥大学、阿伯丁大学和爱丁堡大学这四所苏格兰最古老的大学,成为近代大学发展过程中的一个重要里程碑。

    The most ancient four universities in Scotland , St Andrews University , Glasgow University , Aberdeen University and Edinburgh University , became an important landmark during the development process of modern universities .

  17. 根据英国阿伯丁大学的一项研究,和男性相比,女性对低沉的嗓音更加敏感;而比起那些高亢的嗓音来说,女性也更容易因为男人低沉的嗓音而自此记住他们。

    According to a study from the University of Aberdeen , women are more sensitive towards deeper voices in men and will most likely remember them over guys with a higher pitched tone .

  18. 但苏格兰2010年的一份研究表明无需等待,阿伯丁大学的研究者调查了3万名女性的医疗档案。

    But a Scottish study published in twenty-ten found no need to delay . Researchers from the University of Aberdeen examined the medical records of thirty thousand women . The women visited Scottish hospitals between nineteen eighty-one and two thousand .