
  • 网络communication technology;ICTS
  1. 广大农技人员扎根农村,面向农民,推广技术,传播科技,功不可没。

    Broad farming ability personnel take root country , face a farmer , promotion of technology , communication technology , result cannot do not have .

  2. 随着传播科技的发展和媒介竞争的不断加剧,传统报业为应对互联网尤其是新闻类门户网站的挑战,通过发行手机报等方式,融入新媒体运营模式。

    As the communication technology developing and the medium competition aggravating , traditional newspapers recommend new medium operation mode by publishing the cell phone-newspaper and so on , to reply the challenge of the internet , particularly the news gate website .

  3. 本文试图分析「E-日本策略」和其透过资讯传播科技(ICT)和国际ICT合作对抗全球数位落差而对日本国家经济所具有的意涵。

    This paper is to analyze " e-Japan Strategy " and its implications to the Japanese national economy by ICT as well as International ICT cooperation against global Digital Divide issues .

  4. 针对朴喜济的呼吁,康乃尔大学教授、PCST执委会成员BruceLewenstein表示,促进公众辩论与传播科技知识这两个目标并不矛盾。

    Bruce Lewenstein , a professor at Cornell University and a member of the executive committee of the PCST says that the two goals of promoting debate and conveying information are not contradictory .

  5. 高校图书馆是传播科技文化知识信息的重要窗口。

    Libraries in colleges and universities are one key locus for knowledge and information spread .

  6. 流媒体技术是人类传播科技的一次重大革新,它使互联网传播多媒体信息成为现实。

    Streaming media technology , which gives Internet the ability of transferring multimedia information , is a great renovation in communication technique .

  7. 通过传播科技写作知识的方式,并在具体编辑工作中培养作者,以提高其写作能力,使高校学报作者群稳定、持续地发展。

    The training methods can include spreading the knowledge of science and technology , and helping them improve the ability of scientific writing .

  8. 今年的会议聚焦于科技,这为传播科技对于非洲发展的重要性提供了得天独厚的机会。

    This year 's meeting focuses on science and technology , offering a unique opportunity to convey its importance in the continent 's development .

  9. 新传播科技的迅猛发展,不仅在技术上实现革新,并且更深层次地影响着人类的经济活动、社会结构和文化形态。

    New media achieves not only technology innovation , but also affects human economic activities , social structure and cultural patterns at a deeper level .

  10. 学术期刊作为我国社会中的一支重要传媒,在传播科技成果、信息、知识中具有举足轻重的地位,但作为广告信息传媒,其作用还微乎其微。

    The academic journals play a very important role in spreading scientific and technical achievements , information and knowledge , but their advertising function has not been well developed .

  11. 从传播科技文化、维护社会稳定、以及丰富民众生活的角度出发,发掘宋代书籍木刻插图的社会价值。

    From the dissemination of technological culture , maintain social stability , and a rich perspective of the people living and discover the Song Books woodcut illustrations of social values .

  12. 通过对知识经济下科技期刊的特征分析,指出在知识经济活动中,科技期刊是传播科技信息的重要载体。

    By analyzing the features of scientific journals under the knowledge-based economy , this paper points out that scientific journals serve as a most information carrier in knowledge-based economic activities .

  13. 高等数学教学不仅要传播科技创新和应用必需的工具性知识,更重要的是培养学生的解题意识、创造性思维。

    The higher math teaching is not only spreading the necessary knowledge of science technology creation and application . but also training the solving - problem idea and creative thought of students .

  14. 其核心是强调亲自参与、亲身感受,它改变了传统科普单向传播科技知识的模式,实现公众与科技知识的互动,是推动我国科普进步的有效方式。

    With an emphasis on personal participation and personal feeling , it has changed the traditional way of spreading scientific knowledge and brought about the desirable interaction between the public and scientific knowledge .

  15. 技术类科技期是期刊中一个不可或缺的类群,为开展学术交流、传播科技信息、培养科技人才、促进科技知识转化为生产力做出了卓有成效的贡献。

    Technological periodical is an indispensable kind of periodical . It contributes a lot to academic exchange , dissemination of technological information , training of technological talents , and the transformation of technological knowledge to productive forces .

  16. 高校是传播科技知识和培育人才的重要基地,是先进文化建设与发展的示范区和辐射源,确保高校党员长期受教育、永葆先进性具有十分重要的意义。

    Universities are major venues for spreading scientific knowledge and cultivating talents as well as model places for construction and development of advanced culture . Therefore , it is of great significance to guarantee long-term education for Party members in universities .

  17. 显然,当代建筑文化正在脱离以传统建筑语言为中心的理性主义,在现代传播科技的影响下,日益转向以视觉为中心,特别是影视图像为中心的非理性主义。

    Apparently , contemporary architectural culture benefiting from the modern diffusion technology has been divorced from rationalism which regards the traditional architectural language as the center and gradually been closer to irrationalism which centers on vision especially the images glaring on film or television .

  18. 已经成为国内外一个传播兽药科技的实效网站。

    Communication has become a veterinary technology at home and abroad the effectiveness of websites .

  19. 当然,其中还包括信息传播、科技推广的速度。

    Of course , technological advancement includes the speeds of propagating information and spreading technology .

  20. 音乐传播与科技进步

    The Music Communication and Technology Advancement

  21. 科技传播是科技与社会的血液循环系统,是经济社会发展的命脉。

    It serves as the " the blood circulation system " of technology and society and the lifeblood of the economic and social development .

  22. 农业技术类期刊是农业科技期刊重要的组成部分,是传播农业科技信息的重要载体。

    The journals of agricultural technology are important components of the journals of agricultural science and technology and they are the important carriers for disseminating information of agricultural science and technology .

  23. 随着社会的进步和传播通信科技的发展,视觉文化对城市和建筑的发展影响力度还将加大,范围还会更广。

    Along with social progress and the spread of communications technology development , the visual culture of urban and architectural development impact strength will be increased , the scope will be broader .

  24. 科学传播对科技发展、社会进步具有不可低估的推动作用,但一些消极因素的存在,使科学传播功能的实现困难重重。

    Science communication plays an important role in promoting development of technology , science and society progress . But it is difficult to realize its function for there are many negative factors .

  25. 改制前,我国的出版单位长期以事业单位的组织形式从事出版、印刷和发行业务,履行舆论导向、文化传播、科技普及等职能。

    Before reformation , the publishing units always engage in publishing , printing and distribution business to fulfill its functions by the organization of government-sponsored institutions , such as orienting public opinion , cultural communication , science and technology popularization .

  26. 科技传播与科技创新、知识经济具有极其密切的关系,这决定了在推动科技创新与知识经济发展的过程中,必须高度重视发展科技传播事业,加强科技传播能力建设,建立高效科技传播体系。

    Scientific communication bears a close relationship with scientific innovation and knowledge economy , which proves that much attention must be paid to the development of scientific communication , improvement of the capacity for scientific communication and establishment of scientific communication system .

  27. 随着科技实力在国际竞争中的作用日益突出,世界各国开始高度重视科技传播,科技传播学作为传播学的一个分支正在兴起。

    As the scientific power are playing more and more important role in the international competition , every countries all over the world begin to attach high importance to science and technology communication , which is rising as a branch of communication study .

  28. 义务教育是社会发展的积极推动因素,是提升国民素质、弘扬本民族文化、传播人类科技和文化基础知识、提升国家国际竞争力的重要手段。

    Compulsory education is a positive driver of social development . Moreover , it is an important means for a country to enhance the quality of citizens , promote national culture , communicate technology and cultural foundations of human knowledge and enhance the international competitiveness of the country .

  29. 信息传播&高校科技档案管理的新思维

    Information Dissemination : a New Idea for the Management of Scientific and Technological Archives in Universities

  30. 科技期刊是进行学术交流的媒介和传播最新科技信息的载体。提高质量是办好期刊的中心环节,而对期刊质量的评价则是促进提高期刊水平的重要手段。

    The scientific and technological journals are media for academic exchange and dissemination of the latest knowledge about the related fields .