
  • 网络Communication Strategy;propagation policy
  1. 从NBA看美国体育媒介的传播策略

    Communication strategy of sports media in America from NBA

  2. 中国英语电视频道的发展及传播策略研究

    The Development and the Communication Strategy for Chinese English Television

  3. LED照明产品属于典型的科技创新产品,本文以LED生产企业为例,对高新技术企业的传播策略进行了分析研究。

    LED lighting product belongs to special technology innovation product . Taking LED High-tech enterprises as an example , this paper analyses the communicate strategy of High-tech enterprises .

  4. 民俗传承元素在儿童计划免疫IEC传播策略中的应用

    A Pretest Study on the Application of Folklore Transmission Element in Health Communication Materials of Childhood Immunization IEC Strategies

  5. 本文接下来对PZ公司的营销组合进行了详细的研究和分析,这其中包括产品策略、价格策略、传播策略和渠道策略。

    This text makes to the marketing of PZ Company up detailed research and analysis next , including 4P tactics .

  6. 但是作为化肥企业,SL公司在自身的营销传播策略方面仍然存在着一些问题,诸如缺乏整合意识,传播手段单一,传播范围有限,忽视网络传播渠道等。

    But as fertilizer products , there are still many questions in their own marketing communication strategies for SL , like lacking the consciousness of integration , communication means of a single , communication limited in scope , neglecting of Internet dissemination channels and so on .

  7. 杭州段运河品牌定位及传播策略初探

    Brand Positioning and Communicational Measure Research of Hangzhou Grand Canal Paragraph

  8. 全球化语境下中国大众文化传播策略研究

    Strategies for Mass Media in China in the Context of Globalization

  9. 探索中国家用轿车整合品牌传播策略

    Explore the Strategy of Local BIC of China 's Domestic Car

  10. 高语境广告特点及其跨文化传播策略

    Characteristics of High Context Advertisements and Strategies of Their Cross-cultural Communication

  11. 论高校公众协调的分众传播策略

    On Strategies of Communications of Public Coordination in Universities and Colleges

  12. 中国大学生篮球联赛营销传播策略的研究

    Study on Sale Dissemination Strategy of Chinese University Basketball Alliance

  13. 论中国体育营销与媒体价值传播策略

    On Marketing of Chinese Physical Education and Media Strategic Value

  14. 叙事话语与意识形态&对女性媒介传播策略的解读

    Narrative Discourse and Ideology : Interpretation of the Female Media Communication Strategies

  15. 现代烟草品牌传播策略趋向研析

    Research on the Strategic Trend of Modern Tobacco Brand Spread

  16. 多域间安全互操作的信任传播策略

    The Trust Propagation Policy for Secure Interoperability in Multi-Domain Environments

  17. 论北京奥运筹办期间的电视对外文化传播策略

    Research on Television External Cultural Communication Strategy during the Beijing Olympic Organizing

  18. 中西方跨文化广告传播策略思考

    Thinking on the Strategy of Intercultural Advertising Communication between China and West

  19. 生态观光区的形象定位和传播策略

    Image orientation and extension strategies of ecological tourist resorts Ecological Industrial Area

  20. 轻负载、速度快的良性蠕虫传播策略

    Strategy of fast and light - load friendly worm propagating

  21. 中国电视娱乐节目分众化传播策略研究

    Research on mass-decentralization dissemination strategy of Chinese television entertainment program

  22. 体验营销时代互动电视广告的传播策略

    Communication Strategies of Interactive TV Advertising on Experiential Marketing Era

  23. 区域旅游服务品牌整合营销传播策略研究&以九色甘南香巴拉为例

    Research on the Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy of Regional Tourism Service Brand

  24. 杭州生活品质之城传播策略研究

    Research on the Communication Strategy of Life Quality City Hangzhou

  25. 金融企业的品牌传播策略研究&以招商银行为例

    Financial enterprise 's brand broadcasting strategy research & take Merchant Bank as example

  26. 品牌联动:双赢诉求下的广告传播策略

    Brands Linkage : Ads Communication Strategy under Win-win Requirement

  27. 国家形象危机中的传播策略分析

    An Analysis on Communication Strategy in National Image Crisis

  28. 第三章论述轿车品牌广告传播策略。

    Chapter three : the strategic discussion on advertising communication of sedan brands .

  29. 灾难性新闻事件中媒体传播策略研究

    The Study of Media Strategies in Disaster News Events

  30. 说服传播策略在广告中的运用

    The Utilization of Persuasive Tactics the Utilization of Persuasive Tactics in the Advertisement