
  • 网络Participatory Budgeting;Participatory Budget;Participational Budgeting
  1. 之后,简单介绍了世界范围内参与式预算的产生和发展情况,并引入温岭参与式预算。

    Then , it simply introduced the generation and development of participatory budgeting in the whole world and introduced the participatory budgeting of Wenling .

  2. 参与式预算是一种创新的政策制定方式。

    Participatory budget is an innovative way of policy formulation .

  3. 之后,上海一些地区也进行了参与式预算的尝试。

    Later , some areas of Shanghai tried to exercice participatory budgets .

  4. 第一部分参与式预算制度的基本理论。

    Part one is " Basic Principles of the Participatory Budget System " .

  5. 第三部分国外参与式预算制度及其对我国的启示。

    Part three is " Foreign Participatory Budget System and Its Enlightenment to China " .

  6. 要真正实现参与式预算尚有很长一段路要走,首要任务就是进行制度创新。

    There is still a long way to go before truly realizing the taking partin style budget .

  7. 本文从参与式预算、代理理论、博弈论以及激励理论等角度对预算松弛问题的产生进行了分析,指出其负面影响并提出了减少预算松弛的对策建议。

    It analyzes the budget slack from the budget participation 、 agent theory 、 game theory and prompting theory .

  8. 但参与式预算目前还存在哪些不足?要在我国的广泛推进还需做哪些改进和调整?本文将对此问题进行研究分析,并提出一些初步的构想。

    While what problems do exist in participatory budget ? To promote participatory budget widely in our country , what should be done or how to improve and adjust ?

  9. 虽然目前在中国已经有多个地方实行参与式预算,但是,中国的参与式预算主要是以温岭和哈尔滨、无锡模式为主。

    Up to now , many parts of China have carried out participatory budgets , but there are two major patterns : Wenling pattern , Haerbin and Wuxi pattern .

  10. 随着巴西参与式预算成功经验的传入,我国已经开始在少数地区进行参与式预算试点改革并取得初步成效。

    With introducing the successful experience of participatory budget in Brazilian , our country has started pilot reform of participatory budget in few areas and gotten some preliminary results .

  11. 20世纪后期出现的参与式预算改变了这一既定图景,将公民参与纳入政府支出重点的确定过程中。

    During the late 20th century , the generation of " participatory budget " has changed the established picture , the citizens could participate in priority-setting of government expenditure .

  12. 我国一些地方政府的参与式预算改革和绩效预算改革对我国政府预算的预算结构、预算程序和预算规则产生了一定影响,但是还没有从根本上解决决策机制中存在的问题。

    Some local governments have been or are being participatory budget reform and performance budget , these reforms have a certain impact on budget structure , budget process , budgetary rules , but they are not fundamentally solve all the problems in decision-making mechanism .

  13. 根据国际经验,平衡公共支出结构、提高公共支出效率的参与式预算在完善公共财政制度,实现社会和谐等方面都具有积极意义,因此可以成为地方政府有益的尝试。

    According to the international experience , it will impose a great significance on the improvement of public finance system and achievement of social harmony to adopt the participatory budget mode which would be able to keep a well balanced public expenditure structure and improve the efficiency of public expenditure .