
cān zhào xì
  • reference frame
  1. 我们确定一个结果为向导的参照系测量动态血压。

    We determined an outcome-drien reference frame for ABP measurement .

  2. 非惯性参照系下的伯努利方程式的推导

    Deduction of Bernoulli equation at non - inertial reference frame

  3. 宇宙中有一个从优参照系。

    There exists in the cosmos a preferred frame of reference .

  4. 你能否举出几个非惯性参照系?

    Can you list some noninertial frames of reference ?

  5. 以火箭为例,时间记作t,在你们的,参照系里你们坐的地方,我用v这是你们的参照系。

    So let 's now take a rocket , which at time t as seen from your frame of reference where you are sitting . I use v it 's your frame of reference .

  6. TQM是否阻碍了全员创新?&TQM的管理控制模式与全员创新模式不当评估参照系阻碍技术进步

    Does TQM Restrain Total-involvement Innovation ? & A Discussion of the Two Models of TQM Improper Assessment-Reference System Hampers Technology Progress

  7. 以系统粒子数不随参照系改变为基础,论证了热力学熵的Lorentz不变性。

    We have demonstrated that entropy is invariant under Lorentz transformation on the basis of the invariance of total number of particles in the system .

  8. 自哈佛学派的SCP理论体系形成以来,产业组织理论即进入了以正统理论为主干或参照系的多元化发展阶段。

    Since the establishment of Harvard School 's S-C-P paradigm , the theories of industrial organization have reached the diverse and developing stages under the " Harvard Traditional Theory " .

  9. 本文在非相对论情况下,讨论了运动参照系中Schrodinger方程绝热近似解的性质和Berry相因子在坐标变换下的行为,对转动和平动参照系两种具体情况作了较为详尽的分析。

    Under non-relativistic conditions , the properties of adiabatic solutions of the Schrodinger equation in moving frame of reference and the behaviours of the corresponding Berry 's Phase are analysed .

  10. 作者给出了一组用Newman&Penrose公式描述Ernst度观的复数零参照系基矢量,求出了相应的自旋系数和Weyl标量。

    In this paper the author gave a complex null-frame as the basis for a description of Ernst metric in a Newman-Penrose formalism , and found the corresponding spin-coefficients and Weyl-scalar .

  11. 本文论述如何通过英语词汇的结构和声音与词义以及词义与词义间的联想推理建立一个综合联想参照系,并提出了sl辅音组合具有某些词汇含意。

    The article discusses how to establish a comprehensive Association Reference System of English Words through the sound , structure and meaning association between and the inference from each other and puts forward that the consonant combination sl has certain word meaning .

  12. 对于无脉冲形状的激光平面波是从考虑了相对论效应的Lorentz方程和能量方程出发,得到了电子的运动轨迹方程表达式,在纵向平均速度参照系下该电子的轨迹呈现8字形;

    For the plane wave of laser without pulse shape , we derive the express of electron trajectory by the relative Lorentz and energy equations . Note that the orbit of electron becomes a " fat-8 " in the average rest frame .

  13. 整体心理学的自我发展及参照系脑可塑性研究

    Ego Development of Holistic Psychology and Frame of Reference Brail Plasticity

  14. 历史意识:中国古代叙事艺术的参照系

    Historical Sense : the Reference Framework of Classic Chinese Narrative Art

  15. 不同参照系中感应电动势和电压的转换

    The Conversion of EMF and Voltage in Different Frames of Reference

  16. 动态参照系及其在系统内质量移动问题中的应用

    The dynamic reference system and application of mass movement problems in system

  17. 统一了惯性参照系和非惯性参照系。

    The inertial and non inertial reference frames was unified .

  18. 直线匀加速参照系&兼论双生子佯谬

    Uniformly accelerated frame of reference as its application on the twin paradox

  19. 惯性参照系,任何孤立物体在这种参照系中都没有加速度。

    An inertial frames one in which any isolated body is unaccelerated .

  20. 参照系在分析框架中居于核心位置;

    Reference is at the core of analytical framework ;

  21. 对电磁场量在不同参照系中变换原因的深入探讨

    A survey into the varying causes of electromagnetic-field quantities in different reference systems

  22. 判断发明创造新颖性的参照系为现有技术。

    Prior art is the frame of reference to judging novelty of inventions .

  23. 基于公路线形特征的线性参照系及其应用

    Linear Referencing System Based on Road Line-shape and Application

  24. 理论证明,以此二模式为参照系建构宗教多元论是失败的。

    It was proved that religion pluralism according to both modes was abortive .

  25. 文学现代性论争中的参照系问题

    The Issue of the Frame of Reference in the Literary Dispute of Modernity

  26. 因此,文化误译对于宏观文化参照系下的译学研究具有一定意义。

    Hence , cultural mistranslation proves highly revealing for translation studies against macro-cultural background .

  27. 3血缘关系标志以及确立婚姻关系的参照系;

    The reference of consanguinity and marital relationship ;

  28. 泰戈尔散文诗的创作和理论(上)&以中国宋代诗学为参照系的印度诗学比较研究

    Tagore 's Prose Poetry and Relative Theories Examined from the Angle of Comparative Literature

  29. 均匀带电球体的电磁场与惯性参照系的关系

    Relation of Electromagnetic Field of Evenly Charged Spheroid to . Inertial Frame of Reference

  30. 在所有的惯性参照系中可能出现的运动全都是同一种类的。

    The class of all possible motions is the same in all inertial frames .