
  • 网络financial process
  1. 基于ERP会计信息的财务流程创新

    Financial Process innovation based on accounting information in ERP environment

  2. 第四部分对大庆油田公司财务流程的重组进行了预期效果分析。

    Part 4 describes the analysis of prospective effect for reengineering financial process of Daqing Oil-field Company .

  3. 能够控制、分析财务流程。

    To master general and analytical accounting procedures .

  4. 通过相关项目来改进目前公司财务流程中存在的问题;

    Setup and follow up project to solve the problems in exist work process ;

  5. 第四部分为供电工程项目财务流程管理的设计。这部分研究了供电企业财务流程管理应如何按照科学的程序进行,并设计出一个较为合理的财务流程。

    The fourth part is the design of the financial process of the power supply project , which researches the scientific program of the financial flow , and designs the reasonable financial processes .

  6. 整体的需求分析从业务流程和财务流程一体化的角度进行分析,业务流程和财务流程的整合,可以提高公司目前的工作效率,合理的配置企业内部的资源。

    The overall demand analysis is analyzed base on the integrated business and financial processes the integration of which can improve the work efficiency of the company and realize rational allocation of internal resources .

  7. 第二部分为供电工程项目财务流程管理的一般理论,主要阐述项目管理的概念及其实质,分析供电企业项目管理的一般流程现状,研究工程项目管理在财务流程设计及应用的理论依据。

    The second part is the general theory of the financial management process for the power supply company , which mainly explains the concepts of project management and its essence and analysis the general process status of the enterprise project management .

  8. 以计算机、网络技术等新型的信息处理工具置换了传统的纸张、笔墨和算盘,将原来以功能驱动的流程转化为以业务事件为驱动的财务流程。

    By using computers , internet and other new technologies , ERP has realized the replacement of traditional tools ( e.g. paper , pen and abacus ) . Also , ERP has driven financial business processes from original function-driven flow to the incident-based one .

  9. 第三部分为供电工程项目财务流程管理现状及问题研究。主要研究现阶段供电企业进行工程项目建设时在财务流程管理方面存在的问题,及问题出现的原因,并对提出了解决方案。

    Third part is the research on the status quo and problems of the financial flow management , which mainly research the financial flow management problems conducted at the current stage of supply enterprise construction project , and the causes of the problems and proposes a solution .

  10. 网上报销是基于Internet的财务报销流程。

    Online reimbursement is a kind of finance process based on internet .

  11. 利用BPR再造财务会计流程

    The Reconstruction of Finance Accounting Procedurs With BPR

  12. 如何对传统财务管理流程进行再造;EVA理论以其独特的优越性,在新经济时代下向传统财务管理提出挑战。

    In the new economy , theory of EVA has challenged the tradition performance evaluation due to the superiority .

  13. 所以,建立以全面成本管理为导向,实施全面预算制度,改善财务管理流程,是LK公司降低产品成本、改善资金运转情况的有效途径。

    To take cost management as the direction , budget for the system in an all-round way , improve the financial administration procedure , it is an effective way of LK Company to reduce cost of goods and improve fund turn round .

  14. 而VBM作为一种价值管理理念,开辟了一个全新的视角,它不仅对企业管理模式和财务控制流程产生根本性变革;也将对财务管理理论体系产生重大影响。

    VBM as a new management concept , which is not only makes a fundamental change to corporate management mode and financial control procedure , but also has a signification impact on the theory system and the enterprise synthetic financial analysis system .

  15. 面向企业信息化的西南铝财务业务流程重构研究与实施

    Study and Implement on Financial BPR for Enterprise Informationization in SWA

  16. 大庆油田公司财务业务流程优化的研究

    Study on Optimization of Financial Process of Daqing Oil-field Company

  17. 最后,对山东省邮政公司的财务管理流程进行了分析、重组和评价。

    At last , it analyzed , reconstruct and evaluated the financial management processes of the Postal Company of Shandong Province .

  18. 接着对企业财务决策流程进行分析,以确定由哪些模块来实现这种特殊需求,从而确定需要改进的模块&营销模块。

    Then it analyzes which modules carry out the special needs , in order to make sure that the sales module should be improved .

  19. 通过此项目,每位管理培训生都会有机会经历康新整体的财务作业流程、运营机制及公司文化。

    The FMP program is designed to present a golden opportunity for members to experience EDG 's finance function , operating system and culture .

  20. 结果:从财务、流程、病人、学习与成长四方面进行综合评价:医院业务收入结构更加合理;

    Result : We assessed the balance board from finance , interior procedure , patient , study and development : The hospital 's operation income structure was more reasonable ;

  21. 本文的研究的思路就是按照财务管理流程筹资、投资、利润分配的顺序进行税收筹划的具体分析。

    In this paper , the train of thought of research is to follow the financial management in the financing , investment , distribution of profit in three aspects .

  22. 本文通过核心能力、组织系统和财务管理流程中的筹资、投资与电价(收益的变形)构建出了省电力公司的经营发展战略框架。

    This thesis establishes the management and development outline by use of core capacity , organization system and financing , investing and electrovalence ( variant of profit ) in financing management flow .

  23. 在此基础上本部分重点定义了特种基金会计和建立特种基金会计的必要性和可行性,介绍了特种基金的财务资源流程,这样也就界定了本文的研究范围。

    This part also defines special assessment funds , emphasizes the feasibility and necessary of setting up special assessment funds in the China and also introduce the flow of its financial resources .

  24. 而且,仅是为了满足监管标准需求而设计的独立董事制度,将是很难保证其一定会有效地去监督财务报告流程或最终呈报质量的。

    It is also found that the design of independent director institution only catering to the regulatory demand can ′ t guarantee the oversight efficiency of financial reporting process and ultimate presenting quality .

  25. 本文还论证了财务、流程、企业文化这三个关键构成因素的逻辑关系,即:以财务为导向,以流程为核心,以企业文化为保证。

    This thesis returned argument finance , process , corporate culture these three keys to constitute the logic relation , namely : financial is oriented to , process is the core , corporate culture to ensure .

  26. 建立适应企业集团发展战略实施和制度执行需要的财务管理流程体系,并保障其顺畅运行,对于企业集团在不断变化着的环境中实现战略目标意义重大。

    The establishment of enterprise groups to the development and implementation of the strategy for the implementation of the system in need of financial management system processes , and to guarantee their smooth operation , the enterprise groups in a changing environment to achieve the strategic objectives of great significance .

  27. 本论文研究的工作如下:首先,对企业的现有销售发货财务结算业务流程进行介绍和描述,通过使用eEPC直观地展示了销售业务流程。

    This article research work is as follows : First , describe the current sales , delivery , settlement of business flow by modeling method ( eEPC ) .

  28. 这些经营指标包括客户指标、财务指标、流程指标和成长指标,每个指标又细分成各个具体的二级指标。

    The factors include customer , finance , work flow and growth , which can be further divided into secondary factors .

  29. 协助改进财务系统和流程,按照集团的财务框架制定财务控制程序,确保合资企业的资产安全。

    To assist with improving financial systems and processes and also to put in place appropriate controls , within the framework laid down by reed elsevier , to safeguard assets of the jv .

  30. 本文首先对国内外企业财务信息化和流程重构的现状以及西南铝内、外部经营环境作出了研究分析。

    This article firstly has a research on the current situation of enterprise financial affairs informationization and process reengineering in domestic and abroad , then analyse the inside and outside management environment of SWA .