
  1. 三是构建财政国库动态监控体系的国际经验借鉴。

    The third point is the introduction of international experience in dynamic financial treasury monitoring system for reference .

  2. 目前,株洲市初步建立了以国库集中支付制度为基础的财政国库动态监控管理雏形。

    At present , Zhuzhou city has built the embryonic form of the finance exchequer dynamic monitoring administration based on the exchequer centralized defray system .

  3. 提出财政国库动态监控体系的定义定位、基本思路、五年目标、基础内容及主要任务,论述构建财政国库动态监控体系的法制保障、制度保障、技术保障和操作保障等方面的具体内容。

    Put forward the definition and orientation , basic ideas , five-year goals , basic elements and main task of the monitoring system and discusses the specific content of the legal protection , system protection , technical support and operation support etc. safeguarding dynamic financial treasury monitoring system .