
cónɡ hé tonɡ
  • From contract;accessory contract, dependent contract
  1. 变更免费-客户可以在sprint之间添加新的功能,只要从合同中移除同样规模的功能。

    Customer can add new features at sprint boundaries if items of equal scope are removed from the contract .

  2. 制造执行系统(MES)在实现企业范围的信息集成和从合同到产品的全程自动化生产管理中起着承上启下的重要作用。

    Manufacturing execution system plays an important role in information integration of enterprise-wide and automation management from contract to product .

  3. 产品责任制度经历了从合同领域到侵权领域的转变。

    It has developed from contract area to tort area .

  4. 从合同法与公司法两个角度分别进行了效力的研究。

    From contract law and corporation law two aspects of effectiveness research .

  5. 担保合同是主债权债务合同的从合同。

    A security contract shall be a subordinate one to the principal contract .

  6. 从合同管理的角度看控制工程造价

    Discussion on the Construction Cost Control from the Angle of the Contract Management

  7. 清偿:从合同或法律施加的法定债务中解脱出来。

    Discharge : release from a legal obligation imposed by contract or law .

  8. 从合同的订立、履行谈商业秘密的保护

    Protection of Trade Secret in the Course of the Conclusion and Performance of Contracts

  9. 首先,从合同法法理上对委托理财进行了分析。

    First , analyse trust management from the respect of " contract law " .

  10. 从合同评审开始到最终的售后服务。

    From the beginning to the end of the contract review after sale service .

  11. 本文首先从合同的定义,合同语言的特点以及合同的分类等方面入手介绍了销售合同的功能以及应用性特征。

    First of all , the definition and language features of sales contracts are presented .

  12. 从合同管理等方面分析了如何落实建设项目法人负责制。

    The way for implementing legal person responsibility system is analysed in accordance with contract management .

  13. 审计机构由业主任命,由业主从合同中的暂定金额中支付。

    The body is appointed by the Employer and paid from a Provisional Sum in the Contract .

  14. 但雀巢从合同制造商那里购买的一些花生,源头来自美国花生公司。

    But it had bought some peanuts from contract manufacturers that had sourced them from the Peanut Corporation .

  15. 从合同签定之日起一年内,我公司对所提供的产品提供保用及免费维修服务。

    Our company will provide usage assurance and maintain service free in one year after underwriting the contract .

  16. 从合同视角看现代远程教育学生与学校的关系

    Discussion on the Relationship between the Student and University in Modern Open Education from the Angle of Contract

  17. 这方面的内容包括进行价值分析,以便协助采购者从合同中取得最大的价值;

    The content includes the value analysis , in order to assist the buyer from contract to achieve maximum value ;

  18. 针对目前实施最低价中标法工程施工阶段存在的问题,提出结合工程量清单计价从合同管理、保证金制度、工程保险、质量管理等方面提出了解决的思路。

    The paper put forward a solution through contract management , deposit system , engineering insurance and management of quality .

  19. 主要从合同解除的概念、特征以及与相关概念的异同等方面做了探讨。

    It mainly focuses on discussion of definition and features of contract dissolution and similarities and differences of related definitions .

  20. 从合同性质、合同类型和合同形式三维角度,运用比较研究方法,对合同诈骗罪中的合同作了较为细致的分析。

    A detailed analysis of contract fraud from the perspective of nature , type and form of the contract is conducted .

  21. 电子合同与传统合同相比存在许多不同之处,从合同的订立到合同纠纷的解决都对传统合同法提出了挑战。

    Compared with traditional contract , electronic contract differs a lot which challenges the traditional contract from contract-making and dispute solution .

  22. 如果合同规定有日期,或从合同可以确定日期,卖方必须应在该日期交货;

    The seller must deliver the goods on that date if a date is fixed by or determinable from the contract .

  23. 只要提供上述物品的必要性在合同内已有规定或可以从合同中合理地推论得出。

    So far has the necessity for providing the same in specified in or is reasonably to be inferred from the Contract .

  24. 而要想在合同英语中有所突破,就得从合同英语的几大特点&篇章结构特点、用词特点、句式结构特点、时态特点等入手。

    In order to improve English contract writing we must proceed with such characteristics as structure , diction , sentence pattern and tense etc.

  25. 从合同签定日期起全额汇到卖方帐户,以买方汇款银行的汇款单据日期为准。

    The whole sum of money should be remitted to buyer 's account , subjected to the date on the bill of exchange .

  26. 笔者认为,软件拆封许可的效力应当从合同法、著作权法以及其他相关法律综合考虑,从任何一方面来评判软件拆封许可合同的效力都是片面的。

    This paper thinks that the validity should be judged in way of contract law , copyright law and other related laws together .

  27. 在深入地分析了工程项目风险分摊与工程索赔的相互关系的基础上,从合同风险分析出发,对业主的工期索赔和费用索赔管理进行了研究。

    The management of time claims and cost claims owners run is illustrated in the last part of the article from risk analyzing .

  28. 业主也可以转移现场的废物,转移费用从合同里的支付款里扣除。

    The Project Project Owner shall remove any waste left on site and recover relating expenses by deduction from any payments of the Contract .

  29. 合同管理包括从合同的洽谈、草拟、签订、生效到合同失效的全过程。

    It includes the whole process of the contract negotiations , drafting , signing , and taking into effect , even the contract expiration .

  30. 当地公司非常努力.建立起了与外资伙伴的合作关系,并从合同的执行中得利。

    Presumably , the local companies had worked hard to build up their relationships with their foreign partner and had profited from this contact .