
dài biǎo rén sù sòng
  • representative action
  1. 而我国的代表人诉讼制度,则只是属于一种形式。

    Our representative action system just is one form .

  2. 代表人诉讼抑或集团诉讼&我国群体诉讼制度的选择

    Representative Action or Group Action & China 's Choice of Group Litigation System

  3. 随着经济全球化的加快和我国加入WTO的日益临近,“小额多数”的现代型纠纷不断涌现,但我国的代表人诉讼制度存在严重的功能缺陷。

    With the development of globalization and the approaching of China 's entrance to WTO , disputes concerning " small amount of claim but lange amount of victims " arise frequently .

  4. 完善我国代表人诉讼制度之构想

    On the Perfection of the Lawsuit of Representative of Our Country

  5. 论完善内幕交易案件的代表人诉讼制度

    On Perfecting Representative Lawsuit System of Inside Dealing Cases

  6. 代表人诉讼制度不能满足环境诉讼需要;

    2 , typical representative can 't meet the needs of environmental lawsuit ;

  7. 我国代表人诉讼的实践困境与对策研究

    On the Plight in the Actualization of Representative Litigation and the Corresponding Countermeasures

  8. 第三章,我国代表人诉讼制度的现状。

    The third chapter : the status of our system of representative litigation .

  9. 我国代表人诉讼制度的完善

    The Perfection of Delegate Lawsuit System in Our Country

  10. 论我国环境行政诉讼中代表人诉讼制度的建立

    Discussion on establishment of legal counsel system in environmental administration proceedings of China

  11. 证券民事赔偿诉讼中的代表人诉讼制度的完善

    Perfection of the Representative Action System in the Civil Compensation Lawsuit of the Securities

  12. 法院的司法能力与代表人诉讼

    Judiciary Function of the Court and Representative Lawsuit

  13. 代表人诉讼制度的反思与重构

    Reconsideration on Representative Action System and Its Reconstruction

  14. 论代表人诉讼

    On The Lawsuit System of Representive Humans

  15. 环境保护领域中的代表人诉讼制度浅析

    Representative Lawsuit System in Environmental Protection

  16. 集团诉讼制度的价值研究&兼评我国的代表人诉讼制度

    The Study of Group Action Value

  17. 取消对当事人诉讼方式的限制,引入并完善人数不确定的代表人诉讼;

    Canceling restriction on form of action toward the party , adopting and perfecting representative 's litigation ;

  18. 略论人数不确定代表人诉讼的可行性在行政组织中科层制具有不可替代性

    On the Feasibility of Representative s Lawsuit System with Indefinite Population ; The Irreplaceable Departmentalization in Administrative Organizations

  19. 其中,重点对我国代表人诉讼的立法进行了的探讨。

    Among them , key discussion was carried on to the legislation of representative lawsuit in our country .

  20. 第三章为我国代表人诉讼制度存在缺陷及完善建议。

    The third chapter is about the disadvantages of our country representative legal action and the proposal about improvement .

  21. 接下来,从第二章的阐述中,,分析代表人诉讼制度、调解以及仲裁存在的缺失。

    Next , from the second chapter described the analysis of representative litigation system , mediation and arbitration missing .

  22. 我国民事诉讼法规定的代表人诉讼并非是通常意义上的群体诉讼。

    According to the Chinese Civil Procedure Law , representative litigation is not group litigation in its real sense .

  23. 第二,最高法院冷落代表人诉讼的司法政策产生了一系列负面效应。

    Second , the judicial policy which the Supreme Court snub representative action has had a series of negative effects .

  24. 内幕交易民事诉讼机制由代表人诉讼和股东派生诉讼所构成。

    The lawsuit mechanism of civil lawsuit in inside trading is made up of representative lawsuit and shareholder derivative lawsuit .

  25. 对此,一种新的纠纷解决机制&代表人诉讼制度就应运而生。

    Regarding this , one kind of new dispute solution - - representative lawsuit system to arise at the historic moment .

  26. 我国的代表人诉讼制度由于规定过于原则化,可操作性不强,加之在司法实践中也遇到运行的难题,所以运用率极低,有浪费司法资源之嫌。

    Due to over principle and lack of operability , the representative litigation system was difficult to run in the judicial practice .

  27. 不但要发挥我国代表人诉讼制度应有的功能,还应当引进团体诉讼,弥补其他诉讼模式的不足。

    In addition to existing representative lawsuit system , we should introduce group lawsuit to remedy the deficiency in other lawsuit models .

  28. 然而,我国现行的共同诉讼与代表人诉讼制度却很难有效的解决群体性消费者纠纷。

    However , the consumer groups ' disputes cannot be effectively solved by the current system of joint action and representative action .

  29. 本文分为四章,分述如下:第一章,代表人诉讼制度的基础理论。

    This article is divided into four chapters , are as follows : The first chapter : the basic theory of representative litigation .

  30. 同时,将普通的代表人诉讼向加入制和退出制集团诉讼两个方向发展。

    At the same time , the ordinary representative action will develop to two directions : opt-in class action and opt-out class action .