
  • 网络hay;green hay
  1. 青干草作为苜蓿最基础的产品,其质量的高低直接决定着产品的商品等级和饲喂价值。

    The quality of hay product is leading to the commodity grades and feeding values .

  2. 最佳底物组合形式为膨化玉米+豆粕+胡麻饼+麸皮+青干草+玉米青贮;

    The ideal substrate combination is expanded corn + soybean meal + flaxseed meal + hay + corn silage among various combinations ;

  3. 对瘤胃液的pH、VFA和铜浓度以及青干草ADF的瘤胃降解率都有影响,对青干草NDF的瘤胃降解率没有影响(P>0.05)。

    Copper Supplementation significantly affected rumen fluid pH value and VFA and Cu concentrations and ADF degradability of hay in rumen ( . P < . 05 ), but had no influence on NDF degradability of hay in rumen ( P > 0.05 ) .

  4. 第三,柠条制成草粉作为青干草粗饲料。

    The third , Ning tiao was made for grass powders .

  5. 不同施肥处理对红三叶青干草品质的影响

    Effect of different fertilizing treatments on quality of red clover hay

  6. 优质苜蓿青干草在奶牛生产中应用效果的研究

    Studies on Applied Effects of Fine Alfalfa Hay in Production of Cows

  7. 绵羊对红豆草营养期青干草的采食率和消化率

    Intake Rate and Digestibility of Sainfoin Hay in Sheep Diet

  8. 苜蓿青干草在调制和贮藏过程中的质量变化规律研究

    Quality Changes in Alfalfa Hay during Curing and Storage Period

  9. 地肤青干草饲喂绵羊效果试验

    Trial of feed sheep in Kochia scoparia fodder

  10. 红豆草二茬草地放牧与青干草加精料舍饲育肥羔羊的效果

    Effects of grazing on sainfoin pasture and supplementary feeding with concentrates on lamb fattening

  11. 体外产气法与尼龙袋法评定青海当地燕麦青干草营养价值

    Assessing Nutritional Value of Qinghai Local Oat Hay with in vitro Gas Production Method and Nylon Bags Method

  12. 在相对高海拔地区和二阴地区燕麦青干草产量、种子产量明显高于低海拔干旱地区。

    Oat had higher hay and grain yield in the relatively high altitude areas than lower and drier areas .

  13. 粗料为青干草。日粮粗蛋白水平分别为10.57%,10.40%,10.40%和11.11%。

    The level of crude protein ( CP ) in rations were 10.57 % , 10.40 % , 10.40 % and 11.11 % .

  14. 青干草产量与平均增长速度之间存在极显著正相关,可以依据苜蓿的生长速度估计产草量。

    Green hay yield and average growth speed had very significant positive correlation , forage yield might be estimated based on the growth speed of Medicago sativa .

  15. 用它的1/2与1/3~2/3代替青干草饲养产奶牛,奶产量无显著差异,乳脂率及牛休重略有增加。

    1 / 2 , 1 / 3 ~ 2 / 3 of the coarse fodder replace to raise milk cow and output of milk is not clear difference .

  16. 这表明利用毛壳菌发酵玉米秸秆和青干草生产营养价值较高的动物饲料,是有效利用纤维素资源的新途径。

    The results show that it is a new way to ferment cellulose material such as corn straw and hay , with Chaetomium cellulolyticum , to produce more nourishing animal forage .

  17. 土种山羊瘤胃灌注丙酸钠、乙酸钠、混合酸钠、乙酸铵溶液时,青干草采食量分别增加22.86%、23.33%、28.57%和17.97%;

    In local miniature goats infusion of sodium propionate , sodium acetate , sodium of VFA complex and ammonium acetate increased the hay intake by 27.86 % , 23.33 % , 28.57 % and 17.97 % respectively .

  18. 结果显示:葎草干粉代替全部普通青干草饲喂生长獭兔,日增重增加1505%,料重比降低1137%,对母兔的产仔数、产活仔数、泌乳力、断奶成活率等指标均没有影响。

    The results indicated that the body weight gain of young Rex fed with Humulus scandens Merr increased 15.05 % , the ratio of feedingstuff and body weight gain decreased 11.37 % ; The litter size , alive heads and weaning survival rate did not give any significance .

  19. 添加尿素能够提高青刈黑麦粗蛋白质含量,但对青刈黑麦干草NDF、ADF含量影响不大;

    Adding urea could improve forage rye CP content but had little effect on NDF and ADF .

  20. 试验组用地肤青干草草粉替代20%的精饲料,粗饲料喂地肤青干草,不限量。

    The sheep of trial group were fed 20 % kochia scoparia fodder powder instant of concentrate and unlimited kochia scoparia fodder .