
  • 网络calcium fertilizer
  1. 络合滴定法测定钾钙肥中有效CaO指示剂的探讨抽提指示剂,萃取指示剂

    Discussing Effective CaO Indicator in Potassium and Calcium Fertilizer Measured by Complex Titration Method

  2. 钙肥、钾肥提高了总糖、还原糖含量,但降低Vc含量;而复合肥、有机肥处理降低还原糖含量,但提高Vc的含量。

    Calcium fertilizer and potassium fertilizer can increase the contents of total sugar and reducing sugar , but reduce Vc content ; And compound fertilizer , organic fertilizer reduce the sugar content , but improve the content of Vc as well .

  3. 目的研究pH和振荡时间对钾钙肥中硅的溶出的影响。

    Objective : To study influence of dissolving condition with pH and time changing .

  4. 本文拟定了火焰光度法测定钾钙肥中有效氧化钾含量的条件,与四苯硼钠容量法比较,经F检验和t检验。

    In this paper , conditions for determining effective potassium oxide contents in K-Ca fertilizer with flame photometry was investigated .

  5. 应用~(45)Ca示踪技术研究烤烟对钙肥的吸收及分布规律

    Study of calcium assimilation and distribution characteristics in flue-cured tobacco upon different applying amount of fertilizer by ~ ( 45 ) Ca

  6. 硅钾钙肥降低水稻吸收Cd和糙米Cd含量的作用机理可能是硅-镉拮抗、钙-镉拮抗,再次,提高了土壤的pH值,降低Cd的移动性。

    Silicon , potassium K and calcium fertilizers decrease the action mechanism of rice to absorb Cd and hulled rice Cd content . May be the combination of silicon-cadmium and calcium-cadmium increases the pH value of the soil once again and lowers the mobility of Cd .

  7. 用EDTA滴定钾钙肥中的钙,我们选择了CMP混合指示剂和K-B混合指示剂。

    In this paper , both CMP mixed indicator and K-B miced indicator are elected for the titration of calcium with EDTA . Both the indicators are used to determine of Calcium in potash calcium fertilizer .

  8. 盆栽实验表明,在莴笋的生长前期喷施不同的钙肥,对莴笋的产量和品质具有提高作用,其中以05%Ca(NO3)2的效果最为明显。

    A pot experiment indicates that the promotion influences were found on the yield and quality by spraying different calcium fertilizers during the earlier stage , and that yield and quality were raised . The effect of 0.5 % Ca ( NO 3 ) 2 was significant .

  9. 镁、钙肥对肥城桃品质影响及平衡施肥的研究

    Effects of magnesium and calcium on peach quality and balanced application

  10. 四川盆地水稻土钙含量及钙肥效应研究

    Calcium Content of Sichuan Basic and Crop Reponse to Calcium Fertilizer

  11. 经不同用量钙肥处理,病害发生率有不同程度的降低。

    After dealt with different Ca , disease rate was decreased .

  12. 贵州大学钾钙肥研究综合报告

    A Comprehensive Report on Research into Potassium-calcium Fertilizer in Guizhou University

  13. 钾钙肥中营养元素溶出行为规律研究

    Study of Dissolved Law of Nutrition Element in Potassium-calcium Fertilizer

  14. 钾钙肥生产工艺参数的研究

    Study of Process Parameters in Production of Potassium Calcium Fertilizer

  15. 分光光度法测定钾钙肥中有效硅

    Determination of available silicon in potassium-calcium fertilizer by spectrophotometric method

  16. 贵州大学的国家发明专利一种钾钙肥的生产方法是一种利用不溶性含钾岩石生产钾钙肥的新方法。

    " A producing potassium-Calcium fertilizer method " is an inventive patent .

  17. 富士苹果施钙肥效应

    Effects of application of calcium fertilizers on fruit quality of Fuji apple cultivar

  18. 钙肥型土壤调理剂在设施番茄生产中的应用

    Application of Calcium Soil Amendment in Greenhouse Tomato Production

  19. 施用钙肥可使沙棘干缩病发病率降低50%以上。

    Calcium fertilizer could reduce 50 % of the Dry Shrink of Seabuckthorn .

  20. 喷施不同钙肥对莴笋产量及品质的影响

    Effects on the Yield and Quality of Lettuce by the Different Calcium Fertilizers Spraying

  21. 广西主栽花生品种钙肥施用比较试验初报

    Comparative experiment of the application of calcium fertilizer on main peanut cultivars in Guangxi

  22. 还要适当补充钙肥。

    Calcium fertilizer should be properly supplied .

  23. 不同钙肥水平对水稻的钙积累及分配影响

    The Effects of Different Calcium Fertilizer Levels on Accumulation and Distribution of Rice to Calcium

  24. 不同钙肥对苹果品质的影响及其作用机理

    Effect on different calcium fertilizers on the quality of apple and its mechanism of action

  25. 果树袋控缓释钙肥的制作与应用效果研究

    Studies on the Facture of Bag-controlled Released Calcium Fertilizer and Its Effect on Fruit Trees

  26. 红壤施硼钙肥对油菜生长与产量的影响

    Effects of boron and calcium on growth and yield of rape grown on a red earth

  27. 结果表明,施用钙肥能提高花生的产量和品质;

    The results showed that the application of Ca fertilizer increased yield and quality of peanut ;

  28. 钙肥综述

    A summary of calcium fertilizer

  29. 结论利用均匀设计法研究钾钙肥中硅的溶出条件是可行的。

    Conclusion : Studying dissolving condition of silicon in potassium-calcium fertilizer by the uniform design method is feasible .

  30. 除钙肥外,钾肥、有机肥、复合肥均提高了富士果实中膳食纤维含量。

    Besides calcium , potassium fertilizer , organic fertilizer , compound fertilizer can increase the content of dietary fiber .