- 名macroeconomics

In an interview published last year on the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis website , he dismissed critics of the state of macroeconomics as too ignorant to deserve a response .
After the theory ofinverted ' U ' hypothesisposed by Kuznets , economic growth and income assignment became one of the modern macroeconomics research subjects .
Some economists would argue that Friedman 's most important contribution to macroeconomics lay , not in his technical monetary work , but in his 1967 presidential address to the American Economic Association .
The ghost of John Maynard Keynes , the father of macroeconomics , has returned to haunt us .
Utilizing the 1990-2002 economic statistics on Liaoning Province , standard frame for macro-economic analysis and other correlated comparable data , an analysis is made to the proportion and correlativity of investment to consumption in Liaoning 's GDP .
According to David Colander , who has twice surveyed the opinions of economists in the best American PhD programmes , macroeconomics is often the least popular class .
This paper reviews the overall research work of the NNS model and argues on its new expanding and enlightenment on the current macro-economics .
These spokesmen show little knowledge of the several theoretical perspectives in macroeconomics over the past 100 years . The Keynesians seem not to have studied Keynes and the neoclassicals misread or do not read Hayek .
In this article , the author conducts a positive analysis of the three major demands in terms of their contribution to GDP of Hainan Province , and their relevance to investment and consumption , on the strength of the standard macroeconomics analysis model and comparable relevant data .
Generally , macroeconomics theories apply IS-LM model to decide the effect of fiscal and monetary policy through the slopes of IS and LM curves , but the conclusion of this method is not always correct .
The article first expounded Herman Daly pressure on the environment macroeconomics environment explained by the reduction in Daly materialistic concept of the introduction of demographic factors redefinition of the concept of reduced material .
Today , many economists in the Western countries argue that , to the outline of the theoretical analysis , Ramsey model has substituted for IS-LM model and become the paradigm of the modern macroeconomics .
China since its foundation in 1949 . The increasing rate of GDP is analyzed with the Mexican Hat wavelet at a range of time scales , and the causes of the fluctuations is discussed based on macroeconomic theory in view of government policies , investment and consumers ' behaviors .
( Those confused should recall P.J. O'Rourke 's explanation of the difference between the two : microeconomics concerns things that economists are specifically wrong about , while macroeconomics concerns things that they are wrong about generally . )
In the framework of the NOEM , asset pricing theories were largely integrated into exchange rate theories , and the interaction between exchange rate volatility and asset price dynamics was unprecedentedly emphasized .
This paper mainly introduces the development process of open economy macroeconomics , focusing on three famous pioneering models : Mundell-Fleming model , Dornbusch model and Redux model , which are the workhorses of open economy macroeconomics .
For only on planet econ-101 ( the standard macroeconomics course drummed into every US undergraduate ) could such a tidal wave of debt issuance exert " no upward pressure on interest rates " .
Of this article the theoretical basis NOEM framework for this framework , new Keynesian perspective , the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium approach angle and the new open economy macroeconomics three angles a comb on the theoretical basis of this article .
Observing the Development of Modern Western Macroeconomics from Research Paradigm Shift
The paper concludes with some comments on open economy macroeconomics .
Main Line and Logic of the Conflict of the Western Macroeconomics
To See Economics ' Progress from the Macroeconomics Established by Keynes
ROBERT SKIDELSKY : Keynes was the real inventor of macroeconomics .
The Developing Main Thread of Macro-economics and Its Application in China
Micro and macro economics are the core of Western economics .
Unemployment is an important concept and research field of macroeconomics .
She has expertise in macroeconomics and the elements of unemployment .
It has also led to the discrediting of mainstream macroeconomics .
The Investment Theory in Modern Macroeconomics and Its Newest Development
Macroeconomics Cannot Evade the Study of Velocity of Money Circulation