
  • 网络macro marketing environment;macro-marketing environment
  1. 第二部分,运用PEST分析、五力模型分析、SWOT分析等方法,分析长春市邮政局邮乐购业务的营销环境,包括宏观营销环境、行业竞争营销环境、微观环境等内容,为后续分析奠定基础。

    The second part expounds the U-le marketing environment of Changchun post office from the Pest model , five forces model , SWOT analysis , including macro marketing environment , the competition in the industry .

  2. 跨国公司在中国市场分销渠道战略的不同选择总是受到微观、宏观营销环境的影响和制约。

    The difference in the selection of distribution channel strategies of transnational companies in Chinese markets are always influenced and restrained by micro and macro environment .

  3. 与工业经济时代的企业相比,新经济时代企业的宏观和微观营销环境都发生了重大变化。

    Compared with the enterprise in the industry economy era , the one in the new economy age has very different marketing environment .