
  • 网络problem representation
  1. 基于PASS理论的小学数学学习困难儿童应用题问题表征研究

    A Study on the Problem Representation of the Word-problem of the Elementary School Students with Mathematic Learning Disability Which is Based on the PASS Theory

  2. 个体CPFS结构与数学问题表征的相关性研究

    Study on the Relationship between the Individual CPFS Structure and Mathematical Problem Representation

  3. 问题表征是问题解决的重要环节。

    Problem representation is the key issue in solving problems .

  4. 中学力学问题表征体系的动态特征

    Dynamic feature of the representation system about mechanic problems in Middle Schools

  5. 问题表征是问题解决的关键。

    The problem representation was the key point to problem-solving .

  6. 问题表征是问题解决理论中的核心概念。

    Problem representation is the focus conception of problem solving .

  7. 问题表征方式与数学问题解决的研究

    A review of researches on the styles of problem representation and mathematical problem-solving

  8. 学习障碍儿童问题表征时间比较短。

    The time of problem representation of children with learning disability is shorter .

  9. 阐述了问题表征在数学问题解决中的作用;

    The study expatiates the role of the mathematics problem representation in problem-solving ;

  10. 正确的问题表征是成功地问题解决的前提条件和重要保证。

    Correct problem representation is the premise and guarantee of solving problem successfully .

  11. 高中化学问题表征的探索

    Exploration of the Problem Representation on Senior Chemistry Course

  12. 认知风格与数学问题表征、数学问题解决的相关性研究

    Study for the Relationship among Cognitive Style , Mathematical Representation and Mathematical Problem-solving

  13. 关联主义:网络学习环境下劣构问题表征的新取向

    Connectivism : New Solution to Representation of Ill-structured Problems in Online Learning Environment

  14. 随着认知心理学的发展,问题表征受到众多研究者的关注。

    It has been studied by many researchers with the development of cognitive science .

  15. 问题表征过程的一项研究

    A study on the process of problem representation

  16. 问题表征是化学实验问题解决的关键,是解决问题的必要前提。

    Problem representation is a key and necessary premise to solve the chemical experiment .

  17. 专家较新手在问题表征的层次结构方面更复杂、精细。

    ( b ) Experts represented more sophisticated in the structure of conceptions novices .

  18. 高中学生化学概念掌握和问题表征程度关系的实证研究

    Empirical Study on the Relationship between Chemical Concept and Problem Representation of Senior Students

  19. 数学问题表征的制约因素

    Factors of restraining representation of mathematical problem

  20. 优、差生解决有机合成的问题表征差异及其影响因素

    Representation differences between successful and unsuccessful students in solving organic synthesis problems and the influential factors

  21. 教育硕士作为专业学位的一种类型,有其特殊性和问题表征。

    As a type of professional degree , EDM has its singularity and representation of problem .

  22. 学习障碍儿童问题表征类型单一,缺乏有效性。

    The types of problem representations are singular , and they are also lack of efficiency .

  23. 顿悟与问题表征的转变

    Insight and change of problem representation

  24. 高中生解决结构良好与结构不良物理问题表征及策略的差异

    The Difference of Senior School Students ' Representation and Strategies in Well-structured and Ill-structured Physical Problem-solving

  25. 羽毛球专家&新手在模拟比赛情景中的问题表征与运动思维特征

    Expert-Novice Differences in Problem Representations and Characteristic of Sport Thinking in Simulated Competitive Situation in Badminton

  26. 在问题表征能力方面;

    In signifying ability in question ;

  27. 认知风格对学生问题表征及问题解决影响的研究

    The Experimental Research on the Effect of Pupils ' Cognitive Style on Problem Representation and Problem Solving

  28. 优等生和中等生高中物理问题表征的比较研究

    A Study of Contrast between Top Student and Secondary Student of High School on the Physics Problem Representation

  29. 行的是数学自我效能感及其与数学问题表征的相关研究。

    This thesis is based on an empirical research on the correlation between mathematics self-efficacy and mathematical representation .

  30. 本研究通过对被试求解换位棋过程的记录与分析,重点研究了问题表征在换位棋求解过程中的作用。

    The present study focused on the role of problem representation in the problem solving process in changing position chess .