
  • 网络neil shen
  1. 常春藤大学的中国毕业生,如红杉中国(SequoiaChina)的沈南鹏(NeilShen),已向各自的母校慷慨捐赠。

    Chinese Ivy League graduates such as Neil Shen of Sequoia China have been generous donors to their alma maters .

  2. 到上世纪90年代末,新科技经济的第一波浪潮刮到中国内地,当时沈南鹏在德意志银行(DeutscheBank)负责中国资本市场业务。

    By the end of that decade , when the first waves of the new tech economy reached the mainland , Shen was running China capital markets for Deutsche Bank .

  3. 如家由携程旅行(CtripInternationalLtd。)联合创始人沈南鹏于2002年创立,目前已经成为中国市场占有率最大的经济型连锁酒店。

    Founded in2002 by the co-founder of Ctrip International Ltd. , Nanpeng Shen , Home Inns has grown into China 's biggest economy-hotel chain by market share .

  4. 1999年12月,沈南鹏与梁建章(JamesLiang)及另外两人一起创办了携程网——沈梁两人15岁相识,当时他们均被老师推荐参加在上海举办的首届计算机编程竞赛。

    In December 1999 , together with James Liang , whom he had known since they were both 15 and had been nominated by teachers to take part in the first Shanghai computer programming competition , and two others , he founded Ctrip .

  5. 类似地,沈南鹏投资唯品会(Vipshop)时,唯品会并未与京东(JD.com)竞争。京东也是红杉中国的投资对象。

    Similarly , Mr Shen invested in VIP Shop when it didn 't compete with JD.com , another Sequoia investment .

  6. 的李彦宏,还有智能手机制造商小米(Xiaomi)的雷军。尽管沈南鹏主要以投资闻名,但他也是一名互联网创业家,他是做得非常成功的中国旅游网站携程网(Ctrip)的创始人之一。

    And , while Shen is now primarily known as an investor , he , too - as one of the founders of Ctrip , the hugely successful Chinese travel website - was an internet entrepreneur .

  7. 现年47岁的沈南鹏是中国最成功的投资者之一,《福布斯》(Forbes)估计他个人财富有10亿美元,他也是硅谷风险投资公司红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)中国业务的负责人。

    Wearing a black shirt , grey slacks and black Italian-made loafers , the 47-year-old is no stranger to this kind of reception . Shen is one of China 's most successful investors - Forbes magazine puts his personal fortune at $ 1bn - and head of China operations for the Silicon Valley venture capital outfit Sequoia Capital .

  8. 那一次,沈南鹏没有成功。

    At that time , Mr Shen did not succeed .

  9. 沈南鹏在这些公司大多都有投资。

    Shen is an investor in most of them .

  10. 这给沈南鹏等投资者带来了一个问题。

    This poses problems for investors such as Shen .

  11. 沈南鹏从自己的经验出发,试图从两个方面来看待这个问题。

    Shen tries to use his own experience to see it from both sides .

  12. 沈南鹏对此很淡定,他有着像机器一样冷静计算的名声。

    Shen , who has a reputation for coolly machine-like calculation , seems unperturbed .

  13. 沈南鹏是大疆公司的第一位外部投资者。

    Shen was the first outside investor in the drone company we are visiting .

  14. 自做出那个决定以来已经过去了十年时间,沈南鹏依然同以往一样极其好胜。

    A decade on from that decision , Shen is as fiercely competitive as ever .

  15. 一般来说,沈南鹏不喜欢在公司发展到后期才参与进来。

    Generally , Shen dislikes coming in at such a late stage of a company 's development .

  16. 沈南鹏在红杉资本的角色是为东西方牵线搭桥,这并非是他首次扮演此类角色。

    Shen 's role at Sequoia is not the first time he has bridged east and west .

  17. 沈南鹏的成功与他理解并适应国内这种环境不无关系。

    Shen 's success is a lot to do with understanding the local environment and adapting to it .

  18. 被“从头起就可以独立作出投资决定”的承诺所打动,沈南鹏决定加入红杉。

    Shen decided to join , attracted by the promise of " independent investment decisions from day one . "

  19. 沈南鹏的工作中遇到的最复杂的情况之一是,在当今中国,投资者与创业家之间的关系有些紧张。

    One of the things that complicates Shen 's job most is the tension that exists today between investors and entrepreneurs in China .

  20. 切斯基在博客文章中称,沈南鹏“在中国网络及服务领域拥有丰富经验”。

    In his blog post , Mr. Chesky said Mr. Shen " has deep experience in the Chinese Internet and hospitality sectors . "

  21. 沈南鹏成了所谓的“海龟”中的一员——“海龟”是指在海外留学,然后选择回国的中国人。

    Shen was among a group of so-called " sea turtles , " Chinese who , having studied overseas , chose to return home .

  22. 沈南鹏的许多高中、大学和耶鲁的同学都参与这股浪潮,而他也决定投身其中。

    Many of Shen 's classmates from high school , university and Yale were becoming involved , and he , too , decided to jump in .

  23. 沈南鹏把三部手机依次摆在桌子上,接下来的两个小时里,它们不时随着股价暴跌的节奏而响起。

    Shen lines his phones up on the table , where , for the next two hours , they periodically beep to the rhythm of plunging share prices .

  24. 即便在香港最高档的餐厅,沈南鹏也不以胃口好闻名,看起来他对那份午餐也没多大兴趣。

    Shen , not known for a big appetite even when he is dining at Hong Kong 's fanciest restaurants , regards his box with a wary lack of enthusiasm .

  25. 在中国春节期间,沈南鹏通常会邀请投资者到位于热带地区的海南岛度假——他在那里有一座海滨别墅,与马云的别墅毗邻。

    During China 's traditional spring festivities , Shen often invites investors to the tropical island of Hainan , where he owns a mansion on the beach , adjacent to Jack Ma 's.

  26. 他们有一名经验丰富的行业顾问——红杉资本中国基金创始人沈南鹏,他在中国因为创建旅游网站携程网(Ctrip.com)而闻名。

    They have an experienced adviser in the industry in the form of Sequoia China 's founder , Neil Shen , who is known in China for starting the Chinese travel site Ctrip.com .

  27. 沈南鹏出生于中国浙江省,在上海长大,后来考上了上海交通大学,据他的朋友说,沈南鹏在校时被认为是数学天才。

    Born in the province of Zhejiang , Nanpeng Shen grew up in Shanghai and attended Shanghai Jiao Tong University , where , according to friends , he was considered a maths genius .

  28. 沈南鹏选了一份不知浇了什么肉羹的意大利面条,递给我的则是一份色泽亮得可疑的奶油酱汁海鲜鳄梨盖浇饭。

    Shen has chosen a lunch box that contains spaghetti with an unidentifiable meat sauce , while I am handed a suspiciously bright pilau rice with chunks of seafood and avocado in a cream sauce .

  29. 尽管沈南鹏旗下中国基金所管理的资金“仅”有60亿美元,但据中国国家电视台最近的估计,沈南鹏持有的上市公司股票总市值超过4000亿美元。

    Although he has " only " $ 6bn under management in his China funds , Shen has , according to a recent estimate from Chinese state television , stakes in companies with a market capitalisation of more than $ 400bn .

  30. 一位对沈南鹏很是钦佩的科技业投资者比喻说:“沈南鹏会在(中国篮球巨星)姚明5岁的时候对他进行投资,而我即便在姚明20岁的时候也没有勇气对他进行投资。”

    To use the analogy of another , admiring tech investor : " Neil Shen would have invested in [ Chinese basketball superstar ] Yao Ming when he was five , and I would not have had the courage to invest in him even when he was 20 ! "