- 网络Jonney Shih;Chong-Tang Shih

He asked Acer 's founder , Stanley Shih - no relation - for permission .
Since handing over the chief executive role to Jerry Shen in 2008 , he has remained the main public face of the company .
By 1997 , Asus had been making motherboards for PC manufacturers for eight years , and Mr Shih decided the Taiwanese company needed to make its own computers in order " to make Asus a real brand . "
Asus is expanding its range of such pr , from smartwatches to a smart television device made for Google , and Mr Shih is overseeing secret projects in robotics and augmented reality technology - a view of the real world embellished with computer-generated effects .
In 1998 , as Russia 's Mir space station travelled hundreds of miles above the earth , Jonney Shih was monitoring its progress with particular interest down on the ground in Taiwan .
In vocabulary peppered with business school jargon , one of Mr Shih 's favourite words is " megatrend " : in this case , the shift towards the " internet of things , " in which consumers rely on a constellation of networked devices .
Smartphones are only one of the growth areas Mr Shih is targeting , however .
At one point he held a crisis meeting to figure out a way to fit the battery and speaker into the space .
So last year Asus made a jump into smartphones with the ZenFone , whose development team was subject to Mr Shih 's demanding standards .
Such innovation was the result of a shift in Asus 's culture away from a simple focus on technical performance , says Mr Shih .
When four of his engineers in 1989 started their own " small but beautiful company , " they asked Mr Shih to lead them .
The contrast with Acer is bittersweet for Mr Shih , who spent his formative years there , culminating in leading its research and development work .
Mr Shih recalls instilling a culture of hard work after finding an engineering lab almost empty early one evening : " That 's a crisis , frankly speaking , " he says .
Mr Shih similarly defends the PC. " People say the PC is declining , but it only makes the desirability more clear . The PC is for professional , productivity computing , " he says .
To help establish its reputation , Asus " put reliability as the number-one criterion - we needed to beat all the other machines , " says the 63-year-old , wearing his usual dark suit and open-necked shirt , in a grey armchair at Asus 's Taipei headquarters .