
  • 网络construction cost control
  1. 水利水电工程施工成本控制的探讨

    Discussion on Construction Cost Control in Water Conservancy and Hydropower Projects

  2. 淮北市北外环市政工程的项目施工成本控制

    Construction cost control of north circumferential municipal works in Huaibei city

  3. PDCA循环原理对项目施工成本控制的启迪

    The Relationship Between Circulating Principle and Controlling over Cost of Building Projects

  4. 施工成本控制是施工企业之本

    The Construction Cost Control Is the Base of the Construction Enterprise

  5. 介绍了工程项目建设过程中项目施工成本控制的措施。

    This article introduces measures of controlling projects cost during the construction .

  6. 临河风景住宅工程项目施工成本控制研究

    Study on Construction Cost Control of LINHE-FENGJING Building Engineering Project

  7. 关于加强施工成本控制的探讨

    About the Discuss to Strengthen the Construction Cost Controlling

  8. 建筑工程施工成本控制措施分析探讨

    Analysis and Discussion on Control Measures of Construction cost

  9. 大新线水泥砼路面一至三标段施工成本控制

    The Cost Control of Daxin Expressway Cement Concrete Pavement

  10. 大型土石方机械化施工成本控制

    Research on Lowermost Cost of Teamwork of Construction Machinery For Big Earthwork Project

  11. 宁波市机场路~北外环立交市政工程项目施工成本控制研究

    The Construction Cost Control of Ningbo Airport Road ~ North Outer Ring Interchange Project

  12. 公路工程机械化施工成本控制与辅助分析决策系统的开发研究

    Research and Software Developing of Mechanized Construction Cost Control and Assistant Decision-making System for Road

  13. 公路工程机械设备施工成本控制分析

    The Analysis on Road-building Mechanical Cost Control

  14. 浅谈住宅建设项目的施工成本控制

    The construction costing control of house buildings

  15. 价值工程与施工成本控制

    Value engineering and construction cost control

  16. 施工成本控制的一些做法

    Some Method of Control Construction Cost

  17. 而施工成本控制管理是施工企业保证利润的重要方面。

    Construction cost control management is an important aspect of the construction enterprises to guarantee profit .

  18. 做好企业定额、材料管理和原始记录制度等施工成本控制的基础工作。

    Enterprise ration , material management and initial record preservation system should be got down with .

  19. 但由于建筑产品的特殊性,项目施工成本控制存在诸多困难。

    But there are many difficulties in controlling the cost due to the specialities of its products .

  20. 项目施工成本控制

    Cost control of project construction

  21. 其次,从成本控制的理论研究入手,阐述项目施工成本控制相关的基本概念,本文应用的主要理论和方法。

    Secondly , the author introduces the basic definitions of project construction cost control , as well as the theory and method .

  22. 以工程项目管理为中心,加强施工成本控制,提高承包效益,是施工企业生存和发展的永恒主题。

    The permanent theme for existence and development of construction companies is to focus on engineering project management , strengthen construction cost control and enhance contract benefit .

  23. 施工成本控制必须按照科学的实施步骤,以合同施工成本、预算定额或企业实物消耗定额作为标准来约束实际的施工成本支出;

    Construction cost control must be carried out by scientific steps . The actual construction cost payout is controlled by contract construction cost budget norm or enterprise practicality consumption norm .

  24. 水利工程项目施工成本控制是增加项目施工利润的重要途径,项目施工成本越低,盈利越高。

    The cost control of the hydraulic engineering project construction is an important way to increase the profits of project construction , the lower the project construction costs are , the higher the the profits are .

  25. 对在高原气候下铁路施工成本控制所受到的外部和内部环境的影响因素进行了综合的论述和分析,结合施工的实际经验,提出了在高原铁路施工管理中实施成本控制的方法。

    In view of the plateau climate condition the internal and external factors influencing the construction cost control of railway in plateau region are analyzed and discussed comprehensively . Combined with practical experiences concrete cost control measures are proposed for railway construction in plateau .

  26. 开发了一个基于Project平台的工程项目施工成本集成控制系统,并将其用于实际工程中。

    Developing a system of cost integrated control and apply it in a practical project .

  27. XX市市政总公司第三项目部施工项目成本控制研究

    Research on Construction Project Cost Control of the Third Project Department of XX City Municipal Corporation

  28. 关于工程施工项目成本控制的方法和原理,专家和学者多有论述,仁者见仁智者见智,如价值链分析法、量本利分析法、价值工程法、ABC分类法等。

    There are more expositions on the principles and methods of cost control in construction projects , such as value chain analytical method , value project method and ABC taxonomy .

  29. 处理好施工成本和控制费用间的关系;

    Relationship between construction cost and controlling expenses should be well-handled .

  30. 施工组织成本控制的可靠性分析

    The Analysis of Reliability about Cost Control in Construction Project