
  • 网络Schroders;Schroders Plc
  1. 施罗德集团在2005年末推出其全球房地产证券基金(globalpropertysecuritiesfund),首次进入散户市场。

    Schroders launched its global property securities fund in late 2005 , going into the retail market for the first time .

  2. 施罗德集团地产部门负责人威廉希尔(williamhill)表示,该集团还一直是创新者。

    According to William Hill , head of property at Schroders , it has also been an innovator .

  3. 施罗德集团收购aarealassetmanagement之后,在欧洲大陆拥有了影响力,这只基金便是建立在这种基础之上。

    This will be a pan-European fund , building on the reach Schroders has across continental Europe following its purchase of AAREAL asset management .

  4. 机会基金是施罗德集团下一个发展的业务领域,首只gresham封闭式基金于2002年到期。

    Opportunistic funds were the next business development , with the first Gresham fund closed in 2002 .

  5. 曾担任英国投资公司施罗德集团(Schroders)主管和花旗欧洲业务董事长的比肖夫,是一位受人尊敬的银行家。

    Sir Win , a former head of the UK investment firm Schroders and chairman of Citi in Europe , is a respected banker .

  6. 他表示,目前已到期的这只基金,自推出以来已实现了接近30%的年回报率,接下来施罗德集团将推出其第三只gresham基金。

    The fund , winding up now , has returned just under 30 per cent a year since launch , he says , and Schroders is about to set up its third Gresham fund .

  7. 首先,正如施罗德集团(schroders)亚洲分销业务主管利芬德布鲁因(lievendebruyne)指出,许多亚洲国家的实际利率为负,因此,传统债券和货币市场基金会显得没有吸引力。

    Firstly , as Lieven Debruyne , Asian head of distribution at Schroders , points out , many Asian countries are suffering from negative real interest rates , so traditional bond and money market funds can appear unattractive .

  8. 施罗德集团正考虑接下来推出一只面向散户投资者的英国地产基金。

    The group is considering following up with a UK property offering for retail investors .

  9. 于是,施罗德集团开始提供一揽子基金,其中包括第三方基金。

    So Schroders undertook to provide a basket of funds , including third party funds .

  10. 施罗德集团的房地产业务可以追溯到1971年,当时该集团设立了一只地产单位信托基金。

    Schroders ' property business dates back to 1971 when the company set up a property unit trust .

  11. 希尔指出,施罗德集团最初进军海外市场的途径,是通过多重经理人和房地产证券,这些领域不需要在当地配备人员。

    The initial route into overseas markets was via multi-manager and Property Securities , areas that do not need people on the ground , says Mr Hill .

  12. 施罗德集团采取了另一种路线,它发现提供一类在泽西以外离岸运作的透明基金,可以创造一个拓宽市场的巨大机遇。

    Schroders took an alternative route , seeing a big opportunity to widen the market by offering the sort of transparent vehicles that had worked onshore from Jersey .

  13. 不管是对整个房地产行业还是对施罗德集团来说,进军国际市场都是最近发生的事,时间不过是在18个月到两年以前。

    The move into international markets is recent , for the real estate sector as a whole as well as for Schroders , dating from 18 months to two years ago .