
  • 网络xerox corporation;Xerox Corp;Rank Xerox
  1. 施乐公司展开了一项逆向工程。他们把日本的机器拆开,调查了日本的工厂以弄清楚他们如何能生产出如此了不起的产品。

    Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering . It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats .

  2. 时过境迁,而今女性毫无疑问可以经营公司:想象百事可乐公司的英德拉•努依(IndraNooyi),雅虎的卡罗尔•巴茨(CarolBartz)或者施乐公司的乌尔苏拉•伯恩斯(UrsulaBurns)。

    Times have changed . These days no one doubts that women can run companies : think of Indra Nooyi at PepsiCo , Carol Bartz at Yahoo ! or Ursula Burns at Xerox .

  3. 介绍了施乐公司、麦当劳公司、丰田公司、联想公司、IBM公司的基于知识管理的人力资源管理方法。

    Finally , introducing the methods of HR management based on KM carried out in Shile , Mcdonald 's , Toyota , Lenovo , IBM and Motorola co.

  4. 时任施乐公司帕洛阿尔托(PaloAlto)研究中心工程师的AlanKay挺身而出,给他们上了一课。

    It took Alan Kay , an engineer working at Xerox 's Palo Alto Research Center , to show them .

  5. 最佳非执行主席:施乐公司(Xerox)前CEO、拯救施乐于危难之中的安妮•马尔卡希。

    The non-executive chair of choice : Anne Mulcahy , the former CEO of Xerox ( XRX ) , which she rescued from the brink .

  6. 但在印度,“xerox”只是意为“复印”的动词,不代表施乐公司,还有很多人认为“互联网”就是一个美国公司。

    But then in India " xerox " is a verb that means photocopying , and many think the Internet is an American company .

  7. 当乌尔苏拉•伯恩斯得知自己即将被任命为施乐公司(Xerox)CEO时,她明白要想获得成功,最简单的方法就是延续前任的老路。她的前任梅卡尼深受爱戴,正是她力挽狂澜,使公司摆脱了濒临破产的困境。

    When Ursula Burns learned that she was going to be named CEO of Xerox ( XRX ) , she knew that one of the easiest ways to succeed would be to act like her popular predecessor , who brought the company back from near-bankruptcy .

  8. 意识到图形界面具有的强大力量,他设计了麦金塔电脑,而这是施乐公司无法做到的。能将一千首歌曲置入囊中的欣喜又使他创造了MP3播放器iPod,即使是拥有雄厚资产和悠久传统的索尼公司也绝不可能实现。

    He designed the Mac after appreciating the power of graphical interfaces in a way that Xerox was unable to do , and he created the iPod after grasping the joy of having a thousand songs in your pocket in a way that Sony , which had all the assets and heritage , never could accomplish .

  9. 这些年来,她在施乐公司经常获得升迁。

    She has been constantly promoted with Xerox over the years .

  10. 施乐公司拥有在美国最好的营销培训项目。

    Xerox has one of the best sales-training programs in america .

  11. 这则广告引起的争议超出了施乐公司的预计。

    The controversy caused by this ad was beyond Xerox 's anticipation .

  12. 施乐公司把鼠标看作是昂贵的商务电脑配件

    Xerox saw the mouse as part of an expensive business computer .

  13. 在1979年乔布斯访问施乐公司时无意中发现了这项技术

    Jobs ' stumbled on the technology in 1979 while touring Xerox .

  14. 基于流程的组织结构模式研究&以施乐公司为案例

    Study on Mode of Process Based Organization Structure & A Case from Xerox

  15. 附近的施乐公司在硅谷有一个研究小组

    Nearby , in Silicon Valley , the Xerox corporation had a research division

  16. 乌苏拉·伯恩斯——施乐公司(第137位)

    Ursula Burns - Xerox ( No. 137 )

  17. 我在施乐公司找了一份工作,加盟施乐公司是有目的的,不过不是为了物质利益。

    Corp.I joined it for one reason , and it was not for the benefits .

  18. 施乐公司的竞争情报

    COMPANY Corporation Competitive Intelligence at Xerox COMPETITION

  19. 对于在施乐公司工作的这段经历,舒尔茨在《将心注入》中写道:

    On his job in Xerox , Schultz writes in " Pour Your Heart Into It " :

  20. 好些替微软视窗卖命的年轻人原先都效命于施乐公司帕洛阿尔托研究中心。

    Some of the guys who wrote Microsoft Windows had previous worked on window systems at Xerox PAPC .

  21. 施乐公司也在对一种能替代纸的技术&便携式、刷新的读物,进行研究。

    Xerox Corp. is also working on a technology that could replace paper as portable , renewable reading matter .

  22. 他在施乐公司的成功吸引了一家名叫Hammerplast的制造咖啡机的瑞典公司的注意,他在26岁时进入了这家公司。

    His success there led a Swedish company named Hammerplast that made coffeemakers to recruit him at age 26 .

  23. “选择联邦快递”已经成为与施乐公司和谷歌齐名的流行语汇。

    The phrase " FedEx it " has become as much a part of the language as Xerox or Google .

  24. 在1990年,瓦伦进入施乐公司从事财会工作,而部门副经理是一个老派团体的职员。

    In the early1990s Varon worked in finance at Xerox , and the department 's VP was an old-style organization man .

  25. 主页,在那里我们了解到他是一个成员的研究人员在施乐公司帕洛阿尔托研究中心。

    Home page , where we learned he is a member of the Research Staff in Xerox Palo Alto Research Center .

  26. 从北密歇根大学毕业后,舒尔茨在施乐公司做一名销售员。

    he was a Xerox salesman . After graduating from Northern Michigan University , Schultz worked as a salesman for Xerox .

  27. 多年来,甚至我还在海军陆战队和施乐公司做事的时候,我就开始做富爸爸建议我做的事。

    For years , even while I was with the Marine Corps and xerox , I did what my rich dad recommended .

  28. 施乐公司的核心业务涉及纸张,所以,他们对纸张被淘汰的前景感到恐慌是可以理解的。

    Xerox 's core business involved paper , and it was understandably alarmed by the prospect of it going out of fashion .

  29. 在为施乐公司工作的三年中,我用业余时间学习并掌握了购买破产财产的技巧。

    For three years , while working for Xerox , I spent my spare time learning to master the art of buying foreclosures .

  30. 施乐公司和其他一些有远见的商家正在加快步骤开发一种和一样寻常的纸张一样柔韧又和电脑屏幕一样多成果的原料。

    Xerox and other visionaries are racing to produce a material that 's as flexible as regular paper and as versatile as a computer screen .