
sān suō suān xún huán
  • citric acid cycle;tricarboxylic acid cycle
  1. 目前认为,经激活的巨噬细胞释放的NO可以通过抑制靶细胞线粒体中三羧酸循环、电子传递和细胞DNA合成等途径,发挥杀伤靶细胞的效应。

    At present , we consider NO released by activated macrophages can kill target cells by restraining the tricarboxylic acid cycle , electron transfer and composition of DNA in target cells .

  2. 然后乙酰辅酶A再进入三羧酸循环为生物体新陈代谢提供能源。

    Acetyl CoA into the tricarboxylic acid cycle provides energy for metabolism of organisms .

  3. 因此,我们推测谷氨酰胺代谢和三羧酸循环(TCA循环)中有着一定的联系。

    We speculated that there was a close link between the glutamine metabolism and TCA cycle .

  4. 在动物、植物、微生物细胞中普遍存在的三羧酸循环(TCA循环)是产生ATP的主要途径,它不仅参与糖的分解代谢,也参与蛋白质和脂肪的分解代谢。

    Tricarboxylic acid ( TCA ) cycle is an important way to generate ATP , which is widely distributed in the cells of animal , plant or microorganism .

  5. 苹果酸脱氢酶(MDH)是三羧酸循环中的一个关键酶,在生物体内普遍存在,MDH以NADH或NAD+为辅因子,催化苹果酸盐与草酰乙酸盐的相互转化。

    Malate dehydrogenase ( MDH ) is the key enzyme of tricarboxylic acid cycle ( TCA ), which is commonly observed in living organisms .

  6. 因此,其他一些用于研究氨基酸摄取、蛋白质合成、DNA合成、细胞增殖、三羧酸循环中其他底物的代谢改变、肿瘤乏氧性、免疫活性和受体的示踪剂有望成为新的肿瘤显像剂。

    In this way , tracers used to study amino acid uptake , protein synthesis , DNA synthesis , cell proliferation , changes of other substrates of tricarboxylic aciol cycle metabolism , tumor hypoxia , immunological activity and receptor are expected to be new tumor imaging agent .

  7. 异柠檬酸脱氢酶(IsocitrateDehydrogenase,IDH)是三羧酸循环的关键性酶,为新陈代谢提供能量和生物合成前体物质。

    Isocitrate dehydrogenase ( IDH ) is one of the key enzymes in the TCA cycle , which involves in providing energy and biosynthetic precursors for metabolism .

  8. 苹果酸脱氢酶(EC1.1.1.37,MDH)是生物体三羧酸循环(TCA)的关键酶之一,它在柠檬酸循环中催化苹果酸形成草酰乙酸,也可以催化草酰乙酸形成苹果酸。

    Malate dehydrogenase ( EC , MDH ) is one of the key enzymes in TCA cycle , it reversibly catalyzes the convertion of malic acid and oxaloacetate .

  9. 代谢途径分析发现,FD女性患者体内三羧酸循环、尿素循环以及脂类、氨基酸等多条代谢途径异常。

    Analysis of metabolic pathway indicated that several abnormal metabolism happened in vivo of FD female patients , including citric acid cycle , urea cycle , lipid and amino acid metabolism and other metabolic pathway .

  10. 葡萄糖通过糖酵解作用和三羧酸循环在呼吸过程中被氧化。

    Glucose is oxidized in respiration through glycolysis and the KREBS CYCLE .

  11. 训练时间、负荷内容对血液三羧酸循环产物和游离脂肪酸组分影响的观察

    Effect of different training time and load on TCA cycle products and FFA in blood

  12. 三羧酸循环的中断激活了乙醛酸途径。

    On the other hand , the interruption of TCA cycle activates the glyoxylate shunt .

  13. 实验结果表明,三羧酸循环酶的缺陷并不一定都会影响细胞的生长速率。

    The results showed that not all the TCA enzyme-deficiency affected the cell growth rate .

  14. 线粒体基因突变可通过三羧酸循环障碍导致β细胞分泌胰岛素不足。

    MtDNA mutation result in insulin deficiency by tricarboxylic acid cycle ( TCA cycle ) obstruction .

  15. 你提出的顺序不能包括其他三羧酸循环中间产物的消耗。

    Your proposed sequence must not involve the net consumption of other citric acid cycle intermediates .

  16. 高胰岛素可以抑制游离性脂肪酸氧化进入三羧酸循环,导致其在肝细胞内积聚。

    High insulin levels are said to inhibit oxidation of free fatty acids into triglycerides , causing free fatty acids to accumulate in hepatocytes .

  17. 此外,参加三羧酸循环的酶和辅酶约半数含有铁或需要铁的存在。

    In addition , about half of the enzymes and coenzymes in the tricarboxylic acid cycle contain iron or need the presence of iron .

  18. 华支睾吸虫组织蛋白酶D样天冬氨酸蛋白酶全长基因的生物信息学分析在三羧酸循环中天冬氨酸可以被分解。

    Bioinformatics Analysis of the Full-length Cathepsin D-like Aspartic Protease Gene from Clonorchis Sinensis Aspartic acid can be broken down in the KREBS CYCLE .

  19. 本文进一步从离体酶系探索过量尿素对热带假丝酵母在烃类氧化过程中有关三羧酸循环,乙醛酸循环,呼吸链,ω和β氧化等几个关键酶活力的消长关系。

    This paper is concerned with the effect of excessive amount of urea on the activities of some enzymes of the TCA and glyoxylic acid cycles .

  20. 它是三羧酸循环中的关键酶之一,不仅为生物体的新陈代谢提供能量,也为细胞内生物大分子的合成提供前体物质和必不可少的还原力。

    It is one of the key enzymes in the TCA cycle , which involves in providing energy , biosynthetic precursors and reducing power for metabolism .

  21. 另外氨基酸作为心肌有氧代谢的三羧酸循环底物,在婴幼儿心肌保护中因能明显减轻缺血、缺氧心肌的再灌注损伤而日益受到重视。

    Moreover , Amino acid , as a tricarboxylic acid cycle substate , has been proved to be able reduce impairment of reperfusion in infant myocardium protection .

  22. 其中,前两个基因编码连接糖酵解途径和三羧酸循环的酶,后两个基因编码三羧酸循环酶。

    Among these four genes , the former two encode the enzymes connecting the glycolysis and the TCA cycle , and the latter two encode the TCA cycle enzymes .

  23. 遮荫处理对花芽和叶芽呼吸途径的影响一致,与对照相比遮荫处理使糖酵解途径所占比率降低,三羧酸循环途径比率略有增加而磷酸戊糖途径比率显著上升;

    Effects of shading on the respiratory pathways of flower buds are similar to those of leaf buds , the shading makes EMP reduce but TCA and PPP r ise .

  24. 结果表明,系统规律的有氧运动使与能量代谢,尤其是三羧酸循环相关酶基因表达上调,而使肌肉蛋白合成相关基因和神经鞘脂类相关基因表达下调。

    Systemic and routine aerobic exercise could up-regulate genes concerning energy metabolism , especially enzymes in TCA cycle and down-regulate those related to protein synthesis in muscle and sphingolipid metabolism .

  25. 在各种氨基酸比方丙氨酸以及苹果酸和草酰乙酸合成中作为前体。苹果酸与草酰乙酸均是三羧酸循环的中间产物。

    It is a precursor in the synthesis of various amino acids , such as alanine , and of malic acid and oxaloacetic acid , both intermediates in the KREBS CYCLE .

  26. 这些代谢成分的改变提示束缚应激可导致能量代谢中糖酵解、糖异生能力、三羧酸循环的改变以及肝脏脂代谢的紊乱。

    All above described changes of the metabolic components indicated that restraint stress led to glycolysis 、 gluconeogenesis capacity 、 tricarboxylic acid cycle as well as the disorder of lipid metabolism disordered .

  27. 在糖酵解过程中,葡萄糖被酶解为丙酮酸,它或者进入线粒体内,经过三羧酸循环被氧化,或者被乳酸脱氢酶转化为乳酸。

    In glycolysis , glucose is enzymatically broken down to pyruvate , which in turn either enters the mitochondria for oxidation in the Krebs cycle or is reversibly converted to lactate by the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase .

  28. 琥珀酸是三羧酸循环的中间产物,同时也是微生物代谢的产物之一,在医药、食品、化工等行业有着广泛的用途。

    Succinic acid , a intermediate in citric acid cycle , is produced by microbial metabolism . It has widely potential and practical use in several fields , such as medicine , food , chemistry et al .

  29. 很多代谢通路出现了差异表达,涉及到蔗糖降解、丙酮酸盐合成、乙醛酸循环、三羧酸循环、戊糖磷酸途径、莽草酸途径、脂肪酸β氧化、氨基酸合成。

    Many metabolic pathways were involved in differential expression , which include sucrose degradation , synthesis of pyruvate , glyoxylae cycle , TCA cycle , pentose-phosphate pathway , shikimic acid pathway , fatty acid oxidation , and synthesis of amino acid .

  30. 在食管癌患者癌组织中,大部分游离脂肪酸、氨基酸、三羧酸循环中间物水平高于癌旁组织,只有葡萄糖、乳酸在癌组织内低于癌旁组织。

    In esophageal cancer tissue , levels of most free fatty acids , amino acids , the TCA intermediates are higher than that in the adjacent tissues , while levels of glucose and lactic acid in cancer tissues were lower than the adjacent tissues .