
  • 网络microbial decomposition;microbial degradation;microbiological degradation
  1. 实验结果表明,HCEC膜不但具有良好的抗微生物分解性能,且有很好的耐酸和耐碱性能。

    The results of experiments show that the HCEC membrane has better resistance to microbial decomposition , acid and basicity hydrolysis .

  2. 土壤有机质是微生物分解植物和动物残体的产物。

    Soil organic matter is the product of microbial decomposition of plant and animal residues .

  3. 红萍干萍、米糠等按C∶N比为25~30进行堆肥发酵,利用微生物分解红萍制作红萍有机肥。

    Dry Azolla and rice bran and other materials were mixed for compost fermentation in the ratio of 25 to 30 for C and N , using microorganism to resolve Azolla for its organic manures .

  4. 高C/N有利于HA的结构复杂化,有利于腐殖质积累,而低C/N有利于FA向HA转化,促进微生物分解有机物。

    High C / N is in favor of HA 's structure being complication , in favor of the accumulation of organic-matter . Then low C / N is in favor of the transform from FA to HA , promoting the decomposition of organic-matter by the microbe .

  5. 日本开发微生物分解性塑料的情况;

    The development of microbe-decomposable plastics in Japan is introduced .

  6. 曝气池是栖息在活性污泥中的微生物分解污水中有机物的场所。

    Aeration is a tank where microorganism decompose organism in waste water .

  7. 微生物分解作用比较弱;

    The microbe decomposition is very weak .

  8. 陆地碳循环中的微生物分解作用及其影响因素

    Decomposition of Organic Matter by Soil Microorganisms in Terrestrial Carbon Cycling and Its Influence Factors

  9. 一般来说,有机物被微生物分解时,会以热量的形式释放出大部分蕴藏的能量。

    Normally , when organic matter decomposes , it releases much of that energy as heat .

  10. 微生物分解性聚丙烯材料的制备

    Preparation of Microorganism Destructible Polypropylene composites

  11. 利用产纤维素酶的微生物分解废弃物(如农作物秸秆)不仅可以减少污染,还可以节省能源。

    Cellulose microorganism is utilized to degrade waste material . This method not only reduces pollution but also saves energy .

  12. 土壤氮状况是一个固氮、微生物分解、硝酸化和脱氮过程的作用。

    The soil nitrogen status is a function of the processes of nitrogen fixation , microbial decomposition , nitrification and denitrification .

  13. 列举了一些数据说明不同的微生物分解的高分子材料不同,这就为合成生物降解塑料提供了分子设计的依据。

    By citing numberous data , different microorganisms can degradate different polymer materials , it provides basis of molecular design for synthesis biodegradable plastics .

  14. 由动、植物遗体经微生物分解而成,颜色从褐色到黑色。主要成分是碳,也有氮和少量的磷和硫。

    Ranging in colour from brown to black , it consists primarily of carbon but also contains nitrogen and smaller amounts of phosphorus and sulfur .

  15. 没有被化学分解剂或微生物分解的石油会沉到洋底,从公众视线中完全消失。

    The oil that wasn 't dissolved by chemical dispersants or microbes fell to the bottom of the ocean , out of sight to the public .

  16. 但多重干湿交替循环会破坏土壤团聚体的结构,被暴露的有机质进一步被微生物分解矿化,从而增加惰性有机碳的生物可利用性。

    But multiple dry-wet cycle will destroy soil aggregate structure , be exposed organic matter is further microbial decomposition mineralization , thus increasing inert organic carbon biological availability .

  17. 能量溅溢理论表明,在某些特殊条件下,微生物分解代谢产生的能量不完全用于合成代谢,而是有一部分能量发生溅溢,从而污泥产率大幅下降。

    In light of a newly developed theory of metabolism uncoupling , catabolism could be uncoupled with anabolism under particular conditions , thereby resulting in energy spilling and decreasing biomass yield .

  18. 土壤团聚体能够保护部分有机质不被微生物分解矿化,多重干湿交替干扰了这种保护作用,提高了有机碳的生物相容性。

    Soil aggregate can protect part of the organic matter is not microbial decomposition mineralization , multiple alternating wet and dry seasons interference the protection function , improve the organic carbon biocompatibility .

  19. 目前生物燃料最主要的是乙醇是用生物方法制造的。人们使用微生物分解生物质原料,使之变成单糖,然后让单糖发酵产生乙醇。

    At present biofuel most commonly in the form of ethanol is produced biologically , using microorganisms to break down raw biomass into simple sugars , which are then fermented to produce ethanol .

  20. 本文采用机械高速转盘法对剩余污泥中细胞的细胞壁进行破碎,将细胞内物质溶出,使其中的有机物被微生物分解利用,从而达到剩余污泥减量的目的。

    In this paper , we use mechanical high-speed discs to break cell walls , so that we can make organic matter in cells pour into water to realize the purpose reducing excess sludge .

  21. 木质纤维是麦秸的主要有机组分,其中木质素和结晶态纤维在厌氧条件下很难被厌氧微生物分解,是影响麦秸厌氧生物产沼气的主要因素。

    Wood fiber is the main organic components of the straw , lignin and crystalline fibers undered anaerobic conditions is difficult to anaerobic decomposition , which is the main factors to affect the straw anaerobic biological biogas production .

  22. 秸秆的主要成分是纤维素、半纤维素和木质素,而后者作为秸秆细胞壁的主要成分难于被一般微生物分解,从而限制了这些成分的降解和利用。

    The main components straw cellulose , hemicellulose and lignin , the latter as the main component of cell walls of straw is usually difficult to microbial decomposition , thus limiting the degradation and utilization of these components .

  23. 高温好氧法中的供氧是关键问题,这不仅影响微生物分解有机物的速度,而且也与电耗直接有关,影响该处理法的经济成本。高温好氧法处理生活垃圾中的供氧与通风控制

    Oxygen is an important factor in Thermophilic Oxidation Process , because it affects not only the rate of degradation of organic materials but also the expense of this method . The Cost Calculation Model of Municipal Domestic Waste Collection and Transportation System

  24. 由于节水型养殖模式利用有益微生物分解养殖过程中产生的有机物,采用单细胞藻类吸收利用营养盐,使养殖环境质量得到改善。

    The save-water type culture model applied the useful microorganisms to decompose the organic matter produced in the culture process and made use of the monocellular algae to absorb and utilize the nutrients , so as to improve the culture environment quality .

  25. 在高寒草地生态系统的三大微生物分解者中,细菌所占比例最大,占微生物总数的比例约为75.82%-97.31%,放线菌次之,比例约为2.68%-24.17%,真菌数量极少,不大于0.1%。

    The quantity of bacteria group was most compared to other two groups in the alpine grassland system , it accounted for 75.82 % - 97.31 % against total soil microorganism , while Actinomyces group and Fungi group were only 2.68-24.17 % and less than 0.1 % , respectively .

  26. RO浓缩液中包含各种难降解的、有毒的有机污染物,这种浓缩液可生化性差,微生物难以分解。

    The concentrated solution of RO contains all kinds of bio-refractory and toxic organic pollutants , this concentrated solution is poor biodegradability , and microorganisms are difficult to degrade .

  27. 生物脱臭技术是利用固定在载体上的微生物,分解H2S、NH3、有机溶剂等有害、发臭气体,使之成为无害、无味气体,从而达到除臭的目的。

    Biotechnology aided deodorizing system means that hazardous and odorant gases , such as H 2S , NH 3 and vapors of solvents etc , are decomposed into non-hazardous and non-odorant gases by microbes absorbed by carriers .

  28. 该学生的论文导师、微生物学家JayMellies说要提高微生物的分解的速度,下一步让细菌更适合分解塑料,而且适用于各种不同的塑料。

    The next step , said Jay Mellies , a microbiologist who supervised MsVague 's thesis , is to speed it up , improve pre-treatments on the PET to make it more palatable , and to get the bacteria to work on a variety of plastics .

  29. 红树林生态系统微生物的分解过程及其在营养循环中的作用

    Microbial decomposition and its roles in nutrient recycle in mangrove ecosystem

  30. 微生物的分解作用,主要在中温和高温阶段进行。

    The decomposition of microorganism mainly happened in the thermophilic and mesophilic stage during composting .