
wā dì
  • depression;hollow;low-lying land;marsh;marsh land;trough;laeuna
洼地 [wā dì]
  • (1) [hollow;trough;depression]∶高地环抱的低地;表面的洼处或低处

  • (2) [marsh]∶低凹的沼泽湿地

洼地[wā dì]
  1. 针对区域的贫困问题,运用定量的方法对喀斯特峰丛洼地的凤山县贫困进行综合评价与分析。

    Aiming at the poor problem of the region , the quantitative method is applied to some marsh land of County for the comprehensive evaluation and analysis .

  2. 可冲蚀土壤部分经常从凸出物剥蚀并降落于洼地。

    Erodible soil fractions are usually dislodged from projections and trapped in depression .

  3. 一下雨,洼地里就存了好些水。

    Whenever it rains , a lot of water accumulates in the low-lying land .

  4. 雨水聚积在几处洼地里。

    The rain collected in several depressions .

  5. 采用微卫星DNA标记评估洼地绵羊群体遗传多样性

    Estimation of Genetic Diversity of Wadi Sheep Population Using Microsatellite DNA Markers

  6. 桂林岩溶洼地生态系统中大气CO2动态及环境意义

    Atmospheric CO2 Dynamics in the Guilin Karst Depression Ecosystem and Environmental Significance

  7. 基于三方向搜索的DEM中洼地处理方法

    Depression removal method for grid DEM based on three-direction search

  8. 处理DEM中闭合洼地和平坦区域的一种新方法

    New method for treating flat areas and closed depressions in the digital elevation models

  9. FAST(FivehundredmetersApertureSphericalTelescope)拟利用贵州省的喀斯特洼地,建立世界上最大的500米口径的球面射电望远镜。

    A Five hundred meters Aperture Spherical Telescope ( FAST ), the largest radio telescope in the world , has been proposed to be built in a karst depression in Guizhou Province .

  10. 洼地绵羊血液蛋白HB和TF多胎性研究

    Study on multiplets of Haemoglobin ( Hb ) and Transferrin ( Tf ) Protein loci in Wadi sheep

  11. 本文应用水箱原理处理流域DEM数据中存在的洼地问题,提出流域河网识别及编码的新方法。

    This method , based on water tank theory , can deal with billabong grids existed in the DEM as follows .

  12. 土壤来源CO2是岩溶驱动CO2的潜在动力。从鞍部-坡地-洼地,B层土壤有机磷可氧化性由弱到强递增。

    Therefore soil CO2 is an important potential source of karst system CO2 . The oxidizable degree of Layer B soil from col slope to depression , increased progressively .

  13. 该方法首先对DEM进行预处理即洼地的确定、填充和平地的抬升;

    The method , first , needs to pre-process DEM data that is depressions to be identified and filled and flat areas are lifted .

  14. DEM中的闭合洼地和平坦区域是由于低质量的资料输入、生成DEM时的内插误差等引起的。

    It is known that flat areas and closed depressions often arise because of low quality input data , interpolation errors during DEM generation et al .

  15. 该方法通过DEM数据预处理,首先将其中的洼地和小平原改造成斜坡;

    The method , first , needs to pre process DEM data in order to transform depressions and flat areas in the DEM into extended parts of the corresponding slopes .

  16. 测定了小尾寒羊、大尾寒羊、洼地绵羊、滩羊和鲁北白山羊5个品种羊415bp线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因片段,其中44个位点检出变异。

    The mtDNA Cyt b sequences ( 415 bp ) were analyzed in four native sheep and one goat breeds ( Little Tail Han sheep , Large Tail Han sheep , Wadi sheep , Tan sheep and Lubei White goat ) in China .

  17. SKA可以利用贵州喀斯特洼地作为主反射面支撑条件及候选台址,并在贵州全省建造由40余个单元天线组成的射电望远镜阵。

    The SKA would be composed of over 40 antennas in Guizhou Province .

  18. 哈里和马克尔选择订婚照在露天拍摄,就在肯辛顿行宫外的洼地公园(SunkenGarden),而威廉和凯特,恰恰相反,他们在圣詹姆斯行宫的内部拍摄。

    Harry and Meghan chose to have their engagement photocall outside , at the Sunken Garden at Kensington Palace . William and Kate , on the other hand , did theirs inside , at St. James 's Palace .

  19. 数字高程模型(DEM)已在分布式流域水文模型中得到了越来越广泛的应用,但DEM中的闭合洼地和平坦区域影响着流域河网的自动提取。

    Digital elevation model ( DEM ) has become widely used in distributed hydrological models . It is found that the automatic detection of drainage networks from digital elevation models is affected by flat areas and closed depressions .

  20. 三角洲的形成晚期为海边洼地或沼泽地,形成一套厚为20~25m的以淤泥为主的软粘土层。

    The delta has been finally evolved into coastal pots or morass , forming a set of 20m to 25m thick and soft clay beds composed of muck .

  21. 从港口小镇巴拉奥纳出发,可以通向仙人掌丛生之地的天然瑰宝,比如BahiadelasAguilas海滩,美得让让人梦萦魂牵;HoyodePelempito洼地横跨八种气候。而且庆幸的是,两个地方游人都很少。

    The port town of Barahona is the gateway to the cactus-strewn region 's riches , like the hauntingly beautiful Bahia de las Aguilas beach and the eight climate zones at the geological depression Hoyo de Pelempito , both blissfully devoid of people .

  22. Chesapeake湾撞击坑主要形态像一顶倒置的宽边大草帽,包括外缘、环状洼地、峰环(内缘)、内盆和中央峰。

    The crater is like an inverted " sombreo ", and the principal morphological features include the outer rim , annular trough , peak ring ( inner rim ), inner basin and central peak .

  23. 土壤中的∑OCPs的浓度范围是1.24~750.56ng·g-1,平均值为79.57ng·g-1,洼地中的含量高于坡地。

    The OCPs concentrations of surface soils range from 1.24 to 750.56 ng · g-1 with a mean value of 79.57 ng · g-1 , and the concentration of OCPs in the depression is higher than on its slope .

  24. Dinaric喀斯特的主要特征是各种各样的洼地,包括坡立谷、漏斗、塌陷漏斗及其它类似塌陷漏斗的洼地。

    The main characteristics of the Dinaric karst are all kind of depressions , not only poljes and dolines , but also collapse dolines and similar forms .

  25. 喀斯特峰林洼地水资源计算模型

    A model of water resources computation for Karst pinnacles and depressions

  26. 峰丛洼地生态系统中小气候在垂直方向上的差异具有典型性。

    The micro-climate is obivous in vertical direction in the mountain .

  27. 西南喀斯特峰丛洼地生态环境效应及其危害

    Eco-environmental effects and deterioration of karst peak-cluster depression in Southwest China

  28. (澳)澳大利亚黏土小洼地里的土壤。

    ( Australian ) soil in the melon holes of Australia .

  29. 洼地白山羊血液酶与非酶蛋白质多态性研究

    Blood Enzyme and Non - enzymatic Protein Polymerphism of Wadi White Goat

  30. 河滩洼地的生态意义及其保护

    The ecology meaning of the wash and it 's protection