
pà sī kǎ
  • Pascal
帕斯卡[pà sī kǎ]
  1. 黑客还在网上贴出了索尼最高娱乐主管迈克尔•林顿(MichaelLynton)和艾米•帕斯卡(AmyPascal)的照片,并留下了威胁信息。

    The hackers also posted pictures online of Michael Lynton and Amy Pascal , Sony 's top entertainment executives , and left threatening messages .

  2. 帕斯卡(pascalkhoothwe)并非整个家族中离开缅甸丛林去欧洲的唯一一人,上世纪30年代,他的两位祖母曾被胁迫至英国。

    Pascal Khoo thwe is not the only member of his family to have left the jungles of Burma for Europe . In the 1930s , his two grandmothers were coerced into travelling to England .

  3. 罗斯曼曾令索尼的TriStar品牌起死回生,他取代了索尼长期以来的电影主管艾米·帕斯卡(AmyPascal),她离职是因为没能推出足够多的票房大片,此外还受到去年公司受黑客攻击带来的影响。

    Mr. Rothman , who had been working to revive Sony 's TriStar label , replaced Sony 's longtime movie picker , Amy Pascal , who was edged out because of a shortage of hits and the fallout from last year 's cyberattack on the studio .

  4. 那他现在为什么又想引起帕斯卡的注意

    Then what would he want with Pascal 's attention now ?

  5. 帕斯卡小姐?我能问你这张收据的事吗?

    Can I just ask you a question about this receipt ?

  6. “帕斯卡还没有说完呢,安珀,”坦蒂说。

    Miss Pascal not finish , amber , said tantie .

  7. 人的伟大之处在于他的思想的力量&b·帕斯卡

    Man 's greatness lies in his power of thought & Blaise Pascal

  8. 杂志的名字也就代表了帕斯卡的慷慨程度

    The name is the extent of Pascal 's generosity .

  9. 你的魅力吸引不了我了帕斯卡

    Your charms won 't work on me , Pascal .

  10. 帕斯卡、孟德斯鸠和卢梭等人对托克维尔产生了很大影响。

    Pascal , Montesquieu and Rousseau , had great influence on Tocqueville .

  11. 下面写出一直到十次多项式的帕斯卡三角形。

    Its form up to a tenth degree polynomial is shown below .

  12. 每个故事都有两面帕斯卡

    Well , there are two sides to every story , Pascal .

  13. 说到时尚界的大亨你父亲帕斯卡呢

    Speaking of fashion hounds , where is your father , Pascal ?

  14. 在你出生之前我就认识帕斯卡了

    I have known Pascal since before you were born .

  15. GB/T4113-1983千克力每平方厘米与兆帕斯卡的相互换算表

    Kilogram-force per square centimeter and mega Pascal conversion tables

  16. 关于帕斯卡概率解释的若干哲学问题

    On Several Philosophical Issues about Interpretations of Pascal Probability

  17. 我是瑞贝卡,我叫唐,我是帕斯卡,我们是古巴人。

    Name is tung , my name is Pascal and we are cuba .

  18. 基于帕斯卡三角形变换的矩计算

    Pascal - Triangle - Transform - Based Moments Calculation

  19. 在复活节的头一天晚上,信徒们会点燃帕斯卡蜡烛。

    Many Christians light a special Pascal candle on the evening before Easter .

  20. 帕斯卡.勒马尔查尔正在从巴黎赶过来

    Pascal Lemarchal is on his way from Paris .

  21. 淤泥土中的类帕斯卡效应及其对工程结构的危害

    Similar Pascal effect and its harmfulness on engineering structures

  22. 你不了解我帕斯卡也不知道我想要什么

    You don 't know me , Pascal . Or what I want .

  23. 帕斯卡甚至不会察觉他成了目标

    Pascal won 't even know he was hit .

  24. 别忘了是你介绍我们认识的帕斯卡

    Don 't forget you 're the one who introduced us , Pascal .

  25. 帕斯卡总把女人当花瓶看

    Pascal has always viewed women as pretty fools .

  26. 我听说之前帕斯卡为你表演了一出

    Come on . I heard Pascal made a little play for you earlier .

  27. 那时候安娜帕斯卡出现在那个地方。

    How perfect then that in this space .

  28. 因此帕斯卡说的不全对。

    Pascal was therefore only partly right .

  29. 生活在密西西比河下游的帕斯卡谷勒河流域的苏族人。

    A member of the Siouan people of the lower Pascagoula river valley in Mississippi .

  30. 帕斯卡也参与了吗

    Pascal is a part of this ?