
  • 网络the Pamirs;Pamir;Pamir Plateau;Pamir Mountains
帕米尔高原 [pà mǐ ěr gāo yuán]
  • [Pamir Mountain Area] 位于中国新疆西南部、阿富汗北部和塔吉克交界处一带,海拔多在5000米以上,有世界屋脊之称

  1. 新疆帕米尔高原禾本科植物分类初步研究

    Primary Studies on Gramineae Plants Distributed on the Pamirs in Xinjiang

  2. 经调查中国帕米尔高原共有种子植物530种,隶属于43科201属。

    There are 530 spermatophyte species belonging to 201 genera and 43 families on the Pamirs in China .

  3. 中国帕米尔高原豆科植物资源及区系分析

    Resources and Flora Analysis of Leguminosae Species in China Pamirs

  4. 西起帕米尔高原,东至黑龙江、苏里江汇合处。

    Pamirs to the west , east Heilongjiang , Wusuli River confluence .

  5. 中国帕米尔高原蔷薇科植物的分类学研究

    A Taxonomic Study on Rosaceae from Pamirs of China

  6. 中国帕米尔高原种子植物名录

    The Index of the Pamirs Seed Plants in China

  7. 中国帕米尔高原禾本科植物区系特点

    Floristic characteristics of Gramineae in Pamirs Plateau of China

  8. 中国帕米尔高原蓼科植物分类学研究

    A Taxonomic Study on Polygonaceae from Pamirs of China

  9. 东帕米尔高原冰川花岗岩漂砾风化穴初步研究

    A preliminary study on Tafoni developed on glacial granite boulders in Eastern Pamir

  10. 从那里去的道路跨越帕米尔高原,并继续中国。

    From there , the road went across the Pamirs and continued to China .

  11. 中国帕米尔高原根瘤菌&豆科植物共生资源调查

    Rhizobia in Pamirs Plateau of China : Investigation of Symbiotic Resources with Leguminous Plants

  12. 公路蜿蜒经过三条山脉:喜马拉雅山、喀喇昆仑山与帕米尔高原。

    The highway snakes through three mountain ranges : the Himalayas , Karakoram and Pamir .

  13. 有来自塔吉克斯坦帕米尔高原的音乐,这个地区是平坦的,没有高山峻岭。

    Music from the Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan . This region is even with no high hills .

  14. 《温差很大》帕米尔高原的温差很大,中午穿薄衫,傍晚也许就得穿棉衣。

    The big temperature difference In Pamirs plateau , there is a big temperature difference within one day .

  15. 由于地处高寒大陆性环境,帕米尔高原种子植物已集中于有限的少数科。

    Because there is extreme cold continental environment on the Pamirs , the spermatophyte concentrated in a few families .

  16. 《走进帕米尔高原》作为儿童文学作品,对童年的生态道德教育具有积极的意义。

    As a novel about children 's literature , Walking into Pamirs gives positive effect on ecology ethics education .

  17. 中国帕米尔高原禾本科与喀喇昆仑&昆仑山禾本科属相似系数最高。

    Compared with neighborhood , the similarity coefficient of Karakorum and Kunlun mountains with Pamirs of China was the tallest .

  18. 具体地说,就是今天的中国加上巴尔喀什湖和帕米尔高原以东,蒙古高原和外兴安岭以南的地区。

    Compared with neighborhood , the similarity coefficient of Karakorum and Kunlun mountains to Pamirs Plateau of China is the tallest .

  19. 帕米尔高原向北的强烈推挤可能是天山新生代构造变形及其地震活动的主要地球动力来源。

    It appears that compression of the Pamir Plateau to the north is probably the major driving force that caused deformation in the Tianshan .

  20. 喀拉库勒湖位于海拔3600米的帕米尔高原上,波平如镜的湖面,倒影着环湖群山的丽影,如诗如画。

    Standing 3600 meters above sea level on the Pamir Plateau , the glacier lake 's water reflects the surrounding mountains like a huge mirror .

  21. 结果表明:帕米尔高原豆科植物根瘤菌在碳氮源利用、抗生素敏感性、对染料抗性程度等方面存在着差异。

    The results revealed that the leguminous rhizobia in Pamirs Plateau differed in uses of single carbon and nitrogen sources , antibiotic sensitivity , and dye resistance .

  22. 中国帕米尔高原菊科植物区系地理成分多样,温带性质明显,以北温带为主,缺乏热带分布型和中国特有分布型。

    The composition of flora of Compositae was very complex in Pamirs of China and the temperate quality was obvious , the north-temperate area was dominating , without tropic distribution and the Chinese unique distribution .

  23. 摘要对帕米尔高原进行了根瘤菌-豆科植物共生资源的调查与收集,分析了根瘤的特徵和根瘤菌的抗逆性。

    The study was conducted to investigate and collect the rhizobia in Pamirs Plateau of China : the Symbiotic Resources with leguminous plants , and analyze the characteristics of their nodules and their resistances to adversities .

  24. 地震发生在新构造活动强烈的帕米尔高原东部北北西构造带上,该构造带的断裂性质多为右旋走滑的全新世活动深断裂。

    The earthquake occured on the NNW trending tectonic belt which lie on the east of the Pamirs that new construct activity is intensive , most of faults in the tectonic belt is dextral strike-slip Holocene deep faults .

  25. 由于某种原因,他们结果没有乘船,而是向北穿过波斯沙漠,越过帕米尔高原上的巴尔喀来到卡什加,再经过哥坦进入黄河流域,最后到达北京。

    For some reason they did not take ship , but instead turned northward through the Persian deserts , and so by way of Balkh over the Pamir to kashgar , and by way of Koran into the hwang-ho Valley and on to peking .

  26. 从水平分布来看,有5个分布较集中的区域:阿尔泰山地、准噶尔西部山地、天山中西部山地、天山东部山地、昆仑山和帕米尔高原,其它地区零散分布。

    On level distrbution , there are five regions of more species distribution : Altay Mountain Region , West Mountain Region of Junggar , Centre West Tianshan Mountain Region , East Tianshan Mountains Regin , Kunlun Mountains Regin and Pamir plateau , and rare distribution in other regions .