
  • 网络pareto criterion;PARETO IMPROVEMENT;the criterion of Pareto
  1. 随后阐释了法律效率概念中自然法精神的经济学要义&公平的帕累托标准。公平原则是证券法律效率的根本所在;

    Lately we explain the fair Pareto criterion which is the econ significations of the spirit of natural law .

  2. 法律体系的效率是指法律体系中所有的法使得特定域中的行为符合公平的帕累托标准的比例。

    Efficiency of jurisprudence is the proportion that all the laws make the behaviors of a domain answering for fair Pareto criterion .

  3. 价格规制的依据是市场活动的外部性、垄断、信息偏在等对于帕累托标准的偏离;

    It is its foundation that externality , monopoly and unbalanced information of market activities deviate from Pareto-optimality .

  4. 价格规制的对象是市场活动参与者的价格行为;价格规制的依据是市场活动因垄断、外部性、信息偏在等对帕累托标准的偏离。

    The subject and object of price regulation are Government and the price behavior of market participators respectively in accordance with the deviation of market activities from Pareto - optimality due to monopoly , externality and asymmetric information etc.

  5. 福利主义被非福利主义取代的原因有四:阿罗不可能性定理、帕累托标准的缺陷、理论上对效率和公平问题的重新思考,以及实践中对效率和公平问题的重新思考。

    Four reasons can be referred to account for the replacement of welfarism by non-welfarism . Arrow 's Impossibility Theorem , defects in the Pareto Criterion , theoretical reconsideration of efficiency and fairness , and practical reconsideration of efficiency and fairness .

  6. 具体的评价标准有帕累托最优标准和卡尔多&希克斯效率标准。

    Specific evaluation criteria are Pareto efficiency and Kaldor-Hicks efficiency .

  7. 国有企业改制中权力激励的帕累托最优标准

    Pareto Optimal Criterion for Power Motivation in the Reform of State-owned Enterprises

  8. 本文通过建立社会福利最优的多目标规划模型,用多目标规划理论,对社会福利最优状态和福利标准进行探讨,将帕累托最优标准推广到弱帕累托最优和非支配最优。

    In this paper , we give multi-objective programming model for social welfare optimality , study social optimal welfare situation and welfare criterion using multi-objective programming theory , and expend Pareto criterion to weak Pareto criterion and non-dominated criterion .

  9. 本文从分析西方经济学的静态研究方法、两个基本假设(资源有限假设、经济假设)和帕累托最优标准出发,指出了其相对于现实情况的局限性。

    This paper is based on the analysis of the static research method of the Western Economics , the two fundamental hypotheses (" limited resources " hypothesis and " economic man " hypothesis ) and Pareto Optimality Standard , and points out their limitations relative to reality .

  10. 社会保障制度优化是指现收现付计划和强制储蓄计划的最优搭配,它以黄金律条件下的隔代帕累托改进为标准。

    The optimization implies that Pay As You Go plans mix with mandatory saving schemes in the optimal way basing on the inter generation Pareto improvement following the Golden Rule .

  11. 帕累托更优标准将两种状态联系起来,认为如果至少一个人的福利得到改善,而其他人的福利没有得到减少时,就说这种状态相比于另一种有改善。

    The pareto-superior criterion relates two states of affairs and says that one is an improvement over the other if at least one person 's welfare improves while no one else 's welfare is diminished .