
  • 网络double time;double pay;BJW
  1. 如果你付双倍工资,我就去做。

    If you pay me double time , I 'll do it .

  2. 我老板答应付我双倍工资。

    My boss promised to pay me double time .

  3. (我要是老板的话,)我会用双倍工资雇她来担任企业的非常高管理职务。但是,她已经有了一份权力极大的工作了。

    I would offer her a top management job at the double , only she has a powerful one already .

  4. 专家昨日称,数以万计的英国工人会得到双倍工资,大多数人会在周末看到工资上涨。

    MILLIONS of British workers are set for a double pay boost with many seeing their wages rise as soon as this weekend , experts said yesterday .

  5. 通常是1.5倍,星期六和星期天除外,这样他们会得到双倍工资。

    Man : It 'll be the usual rate of one and a half times , except for Saturdays and Sundays . Then they 'll get double rate .

  6. 就算是在伦敦也不容易,你得与能够提供双倍工资的银行竞争,不过总好过旧金山。

    It is still hard even in London , where you are competing with banks that can pay double the salaries . But it is better than San Francisco .

  7. 像新的粮食补助,国家公务员双倍工资以及给所有开始上学的孩子提供免费电脑等提案将会花去很多钱。

    Proposals such as a new form of rice subsidy , a doubling of the salaries of new civil servants and free tablet computers to all children starting school will cost a lot of money .

  8. 你加班可得到双倍的工资英语口语。

    You can get a doubled wage for working overtime .

  9. 我支付你双倍加班工资。

    I 'll give you double pay for working overtime .

  10. 双倍的工资(因为加班工作)。

    A doubled wage ( for working overtime ) .

  11. 艾伦:那是因为你加班可得到双倍的工资啊。

    Alan : That 's because you can get a double pay for working overtime .

  12. 中日投资促进委员会星期日双倍计时工资

    China-Japan Investment Promotion Committee Double-time for Sunday

  13. 交易费用使得收购企业能够为他们的工作得到双倍的工资,首先是来自投资者,其次是他们的证券公司。

    Deal fees essentially enable buy-out firms to get paid twice to do their job & first by investors and then by their portfolio companies .

  14. 如果乙方未向甲方提出请假,而旷工不上课,甲方有权在其旷工期间按双倍罚扣其工资。

    If part B absent from class and do not apply to leave , part A will not pay for the unworked period .