
shuānɡ xiànɡ xuǎn zé
  • Two-way selection;two-way choice;bilateral selection
  1. 作为对大学毕业生分配制度的改革,双向选择制度意味着,毕业生可以选择用人单位,用人单位也可以选择毕业生,双方均出于自愿。

    The two-way choice system as a reform of the present job assignment system for college graduates means that graduates could choose employers and employers could choose graduates , both of their own free will .

  2. 理论上,这一过程应该是大学和学生之间的双向选择。

    In theory the process should be a two-way choice between universities and students .

  3. 蛋鸡血浆VLDL浓度二世代双向选择对体脂沉积的影响

    Effects of Plasma VLDL Concentration Divergent Selection on Abdominal Fat Deposit of Layer Chickens

  4. 肉鸡血浆VLDL双向选择对腹脂和体重影响的研究

    Study on the Effect of Divergent Selection for Plasma VLDL Concentration Upon Abdominal Fat Weight and Body Weight in Broilers

  5. 本文提出的改进方法首先分析标注数据的重要性,然后针对性地利用标注数据协助聚类初始化和聚类过程,分别为LDP初始化方法和双向选择调整策略。

    In this paper , the importance evaluation criterion for the labeled data are presented . Then , we use special method with labeled data to assist the initialization and clustering process , the LDP initialization method and double adjustable strategy , respectively .

  6. 信息不对称下业务流程外包的双向选择模型

    The Mutual Selection Model for Business Process Outsourcing under Asymmetric Information

  7. 完善大学毕业生分配工作中的双向选择机制

    Improve the two-way selection system in the job assignment for college graduates

  8. 择校费是学校与学生双向选择的结果。

    School Choosing fee is a two-way selection of schools and students .

  9. 玉米根系电容双向选择研究

    The Effects of Divergent Selection for Root Capacitance in Maize

  10. 护理管理中临床护士双向选择的尝试

    Attempt of two-way selection for clinical nurses in nursing management

  11. 高校体育专业实施双向选择的教学管理模式研究

    A research on bilateral choice teaching administration mode of college sports disciplines

  12. 名词量词组合的双向选择研究及其认知解释

    The Study and Cognitive Explanation on the Mutual Selectivity of Classifier-Noun Combinations

  13. 文化认同与文化适应:论民族地区课程的双向选择

    Culture-identification and Culture-adaptation : Two Kinds of Selections of Curricula in Minority Region

  14. 对双向选择人才培养模式的探讨

    A Probe into the Cultivation Model of Dual-choice Students

  15. 肉种鸡血浆极低密度脂蛋白质量浓度双向选择的效应

    Effects of divergent selection by plasma very low density lipoprotein concentration in broilers

  16. 企业物流业务外包的双向选择模型

    The Two-way Selection Model for the Logistics Outsourcing

  17. 肉鸡血浆极低密度脂蛋白双向选择系的建立

    Establishment of divergent selection lines of plasma very low density lipoprotein in broiler chickens

  18. 而主体性活动是一种双向选择活动,它的终级尺度取决于人类生存与发展的需要。

    It 's ultimate goal bases on man 's need of existence and development .

  19. 论语言表达流与思维源的双向选择

    On the Two - way Choice of Language Expression and Thought WOUNDED PATIENT FLOW

  20. 基于模糊理论的人才双向选择问题应用软件

    An applied software based on fuzzy set theory for an employing problem of mutual selection

  21. 作为文化资本价值实现的一种具体形式,文化旅游同文化资本之间存在着一种双向选择互动关系。

    There is an interactive relationship between cultural tourism and cultural capital : two-way choice .

  22. 高校毕业生双向选择就业网络化的实践与思考

    Thinking and Practice of Two-way Choose Employment Network for the Graduate of Colleges and Universities

  23. 研究生录取问题的双向选择策略二、末日意识

    Two-way Selecting Strategy on Postgraduate Recruitment Problem

  24. 工作面试是双向选择的过程。

    A job interview works both ways .

  25. 对高校研究生招生中的录取方式及导师和研究生的双向选择机制进行了讨论。

    A two-way choice model between tutors and graduate students for fresh students admission is discussed .

  26. 信任模式的改进搜索算法中提出了基于激励机制的双向选择搜索算法。

    Improved search algorithm of trust model proposes a two-way choice based on the incentive mechanism .

  27. 市场经济体制下大学生的就业模式已由原有的统分统配转变为双向选择,自主择业。

    Under the system of market economy , the mode for graduates obtaining employment has been changed .

  28. 最后,给出了一种更能体现双向选择的研究生录取方案。

    Finally , to show a scheme for postgraduate matriculating in which two-way selection is embodied better .

  29. 高校毕业生的就业机制从原来的计划分配已转变为以市场为导向的用人单位与学生之间的双向选择。

    The employment system of undergraduates is changing from planned allocation system to market-oriented two-way choice employment mechanism .

  30. 建立和完善劳动力市场,使双向选择的就业机制真正成为我国人才资源配置的基础机制;

    Building up and consummating labor market . making the bidirectional choice become the basic mechanism of resource allocation ;