
shì qián shěn jì
  • pre-audit;initial auditing
  1. 浅谈高校中的事前审计为了提高教育经费的使用效益,高校内审机构对高校中将实施的经济活动进行事前审计。

    For the efficient spending of the educational funds , the auditorial departement within a higher educational institution will exercise pre-audit on all its economical activities .

  2. 事前审计的可靠性取决于预测,是一种不确定性控制。事后审计是一种稳定性控制,综合运用二者则会相得益彰。

    The reliability of auditing beforehand relies on predication and is a contestable control , and the auditing afterwards is a uncontestable control , Comprehensive use of these two kinds of auditing can benefit from each other .

  3. 转变审计观念,首先加强审计宣传,树立绩效审计观念,其次创新审计技术和审计方法,提高绩效审计效率,再次从事后审计为主向事前、事中审计为主转变。

    Strengthening of audit information to establish the concept of performance audit , Innovative audit techniques and audit methods to improve the efficiency of performance audit . After engaging in the main to the prior audit , a matter mainly of changes in audit .