
  1. 机关事业单位工作人员年度考核的现状与分析

    New Situation in Annual Assessment in Institutional Unit and Countermeasures

  2. 这些因素共同作用,严重制约了事业单位财务人员绩效考核机制自身作用的发挥,必须改进。

    These factors , seriously restricting the institution of financial personnel performance appraisal mechanism of its role , must be improved .

  3. 目前,江苏事业单位工作人员年度考核方法相对单一落后,在考评内容上以直接考评业绩为主,对员工在平时工作中表现出的行为重视程度不够,特别是忽视对员工品行的考评。

    At present , the assessment method for public institutions in Jiangsu is relatively single and backward . The assessment content are mainly with performance in appraisal and ignore appraisal on the behavior , especially on morality of the staff at work .

  4. 事业单位行政人员绩效考核指标体系的构建是绩效评估的基础,科学、合理、有效的绩效考核指标体系对于事业单位行政人员以及整个社会的发展起到积极的促进作用。

    Institutions of administrative staff performance appraisal index system is the base of performance appraisal , scientific , reasonable , effective performance evaluation index system for public institutions administrative personnel and the development of the whole society to play an active role in promoting .

  5. 它需要事业单位领导和财务人员双方积极沟通、群策群力,在共同目标的引导下,共同努力,才能圆满化解事业单位财务人员绩效考核过程中的种种困境。

    It requires business unit leader and financial personnel both active communication , work and pull together , in the common goal under the guidance , work together , to successfully resolve the financial institutions personnel performance appraisal process all sorts of trouble .