
  • 网络strategic performance management
  1. 为了进一步提升企业竞争力,本文针对改制后X工程咨询公司的战略性绩效管理体系的构建问题进行了研究。

    The article studied the construction of strategic performance management system of reformed X company .

  2. 某工程咨询企业战略性绩效管理体系的构建

    Construction of Strategic Performance Management System for X Engineering Consulting Enterprise

  3. 第三章介绍了使用平衡计分卡构建X航空公司战略性绩效管理体系的一系列步骤及方法及后续的维护工作。

    Chapter 3 introduces a series of steps and methods how to use The Balanced Scorecard to establish the system of strategic KPI management for a company .

  4. 其中构建全面、科学的绩效管理体系是一种有效的途径,而基于平衡计分卡的战略性绩效管理体系的构建是一大主流趋势,也是当今理论界和实务界所共同关注的问题。

    Strategic Performance Management System based on BSC is a mainstream trend .

  5. 吉林移动战略性绩效管理体系设计与应用

    Design and Application of Jilin Mobile Communication 's Strategic Performance Management System

  6. 集团公司战略性绩效管理体系及其构建

    Establishment of a Strategic Achievement & Efficiency Managing system in a Group Company

  7. 第二,对战略性绩效管理发展的新趋势进行了探讨性总结。

    Secondly , the new development trends of strategic performance management were summarized .

  8. 战略性绩效管理系统的控制方法

    The Control Technique of Strategic Performance Management System

  9. 平3.构建基于平衡计分卡的县级政府战略性绩效管理体系并进行实证研究。

    Constructed county government performance management system based on the Balanced Score card and conducted empirical research .

  10. 战略性绩效管理系统以业绩管理落实战略规划,但对业绩管理系统的有效控制一直是企业关注的焦点。

    Strategic Planning was used to manage performance in Strategic Performance Management System , but the control system is the focus .

  11. 作为一种战略性绩效管理工具,平衡记分卡应用于医院绩效评价时,可以综合财务与非财务指标,根据医院发展的战略目标,从多角

    The balanced scorecard , one performance evaluation method which combines financial indicators with non - financial indicators for the purpose of

  12. 战略性绩效管理不仅关注企业过去的绩效,更加重视企业未来的绩效。

    Strategic performance management is not only concerned about the performance of the past , but also pays more attention to the future performance .

  13. 其次,阐述了绩效管理的相关概念和基本方法、介绍了战略性绩效管理的相关内容、详细说明了基于战略的平衡计分卡绩效管理工具。

    Secondly , it expounds the concepts of the performance management and the basic method , introduces relevant contents of strategic performance management and BSC ( the balanced score card ) performance management tools .

  14. 在总结前人的基础上,本文可能的创新之处主要有四个方面:第一,全文从战略性绩效管理的角度,探讨了对基于胜任特征的绩效管理的研究。

    On the basis of concluding the predecessors ' study , this article had four main possible innovations . Firstly , the full text discussed the research of the performance management based on competency from a strategic point of view .

  15. 这种战略性绩效管理工具是对绩效管理全过程的管理,而不仅仅是基于胜任特征的绩效考核;是对原有绩效管理工具的推进,而不是完全脱离原有的绩效管理方法。

    This kind of strategic performance management tool manages the entire process of performance management , and is not just the performance appraisal based on competency . It improves old performance management tool , rather than detaches from the original performance management completely .

  16. 知识经济时代的到来和战略性人力资源管理的发展,对绩效管理提出了新的要求,绩效管理的发展呈现出新的趋势&战略性绩效管理应运而生。

    The arrival of the knowledge economy era and the development of the strategic human resources management , that put forward new requirements to the performance management . And the development of performance management showing a new trend , the strategic performance management have emerged .