
  • 网络tactical asset allocation;TAA
  1. 资产配置包括战略性资产配置和战术性资产配置。

    Asset allocation includes Strategic Asset Allocation ( SAA ) and Tactical Asset Allocation ( TAA ) .

  2. 行业配置策略在动态投资组合管理中属于战术性资产配置的一部分,近年来得到广泛的关注和应用。

    Industry allocation strategy is a part of tactical asset allocation in the management of dynamic investment portfolio , which has been widely focused and applied in recent years .

  3. 保险资金战术性资产配置策略

    Strategic Asset Allocation Strategy for Insurance Funds

  4. 实证研究表明,各主要资产类别在经济周期不同阶段,其平均收益率显著不同,这为战术性资产配置提供了主要依据。

    Experimental research indicates that various major asset classes have markedly different average yields at different points of the economic cycle , which provides the main rationale for strategic asset allocation .