
  • 网络net profit growth rate;growth rate of net profit
  1. 净利润增长率及变动趋势;

    Net profit growth rate and movement trend ;

  2. 净利润增长率对国有控股上市公司投资规模有较显著的正影响。

    Net profit growth rate of state-owned investment holding company listed on a more significant positive impact .

  3. 第五,对于送转前,具有较高净利润增长率和净资产收益率的公司,表现出较弱的市场反应。

    Companies with high net profit growth ratio and ROE have low market reaction .

  4. 净利润增长率和净资产收益率的高低与市场反应强度负相关的实证结果,突破了传统认识和既有的研究结论。

    Companies with high net profit growth ratio and ROE have low market reaction . The result breaks down of traditional knowledge and research findings .

  5. 回归分析表明,中小板企业的净利润增长率与净资产收益率显著正相关,与资产负债率显著负相关。结合实证分析的结果,对中小板块上市公司的进一步成长提出了一些建议。

    The analysis demonstrates that growth rate of gross profit would be relevant to profit rate of net asset and puts forward suggestions on growth of enterprises .

  6. 房地产业较高的行业利润率却并没有在股票市场上有相应的表现,房地产上市公司在净利润增长率等关键指标的表现要稍弱于同期市场平均水平。

    The real-estate industry profit rate is higher , but not has the corresponding performance in stock market . So , does earnings management behavior exist in the real-estate listed companies ?

  7. 据2008-2009年的统计数据显示,装备制造行业平均盈利水平很低,有些财务指标如销售增长率及净利润增长率是负值。

    Average profitability in this industry is quite low . And some indicators such as sales growth and net profit growth rate are negative , according to statistical data of 2008 and 2009 .

  8. 同时,由于它们的国际竞争对手出现了创纪录的亏损,这些银行也很快成为全球最赚钱的银行,平均净利润增长率远远高于50%。

    And as their international counterparts posted record losses , these banks soon became the most profitable in the world as well , buoyed by average net profit increases of well over 50 per cent .

  9. 米勒指出,虽然过去十年微软的净利润增长率达到稳定的11%,但目前该股估值只是1998年(即网络泡沫进入癫狂前的一年)的一半。

    Although Microsoft has steadily posted earnings growth of 11 % for the past decade , Miller noted , its stock trades at half its level in 1998 , a year before the dot-com bubble went truly mad .

  10. 西南证券预测,基于强劲的业绩表现,恒大2018-2020年归属于母公司的净利润年复合增长率将达48.1%。

    Based on strong performance , Southwest Securities predicted the compound growth rate of the net profit attributable to parent company will be 48.1 % in 2018-2020 .

  11. 按照目前的增长表现,无论是主营业务收入和净利润年复合年增长率呈现下降趋势。

    Judging from the performance of growth , whether it is the main business income or net profit CAGR CAGR have shown a downward trend .

  12. 其中,重视程度相对最高的四项指标是净资产报酬率、净利润增长率、销售净利润率和利润总额;

    Among them , the first four financial indexes comparatively high in importance are as follows : net assets return ratio , net profit increasing ratio , sales net profit ratio and gross profit ;

  13. 现行的核心资本充足率、平均加权净资产收益率、净利润增长率等会计分析指标一直是衡量商业银行绩效的标准,公司管理层也将这些指标作为其经营的首要目标及激励基准。

    Current core capital adequacy ratio , average net assets yield and net profit growth weighted index have been measuring the performance of commercial bank standard as the primary goal of its operation and incentive benchmarks .

  14. 首先按照净资产收益率>8%和净利润平均增长率>0的标准将IT行业上市公司划分为两类,同时满足这两个条件的划为成长性公司,否则划为非成长性公司。

    Firstly , according to the standard of Return on Equity > 8 % and average growth rate of net profit > 0 , all the IT Listed companies are divided into two groups . Those who meet two standards are growth companies while the others are not .