
  • 网络green business;Business Green
  1. 一家名为SteveTripoliofCeres的绿色商业组织认为,该议案也许并不完美,但连个议案都没有的话则更是难以想象的。

    The bill may be imperfect , says Steve Tripoli of Ceres , a green business group , but having no bill at all would be unthinkable .

  2. 在最近的研讨会上,绿色商业领袖对农业部长谢福尔提出了一些很棘手的问题。

    Agriculture Secretary Schafer faced some tough questions from green business leaders at the recent conference .

  3. TooGoodToGo应用软件在帮助减少食物浪费上做出了突出的贡献。据绿色商业报道,迄今为止,这款应用为英国节约了600顿餐食。

    Too Good To Go has already helped cut a significant amount of waste . So far , the app has saved 600 meals from landfills in the UK , reports Business Green .

  4. 绿色商业空间,以及清理垃圾场

    green commercial spaces , cleaning up waste sites .

  5. 他的一席话充分说明,绿色商业近年来经历了观念上的巨大改变&它们不再视消费品巨头为敌人,而是优质的合作伙伴。

    Instead of seeing huge consumer companies as the enemy , they have become the preferred partner .

  6. 绿色商业了解到,用户不能选择食物,但是他们能了解可订购的食物类型。

    Users aren 't able to the pick the food items , but they get an idea of the type of food that will be available , according to Business Green .

  7. 位于U型街上的COPPI餐馆已经在其社区内树立了如何经营“绿色”商业的榜样。

    Coppi 's restaurant on U Street has become a good example in the community of how to operate a " green " business .

  8. 现在有除了提供所谓的绿色美国大学商业学位六十以上。

    There are now more than sixty American universities offering so-called green business degrees .

  9. 并通过案例研究,对绿色地产企业商业模式创新提出对策建议。

    In the end , some suggestions are proposed on the business model innovation for those green companies with a real case .