
  1. 绿色原则成为民法基本原则的问题是生态伦理法律化的重大问题。

    The problem of Green principle becoming basic principle of civil law is important to law of ecological ethics .

  2. 中国的阿拉善生态协会(SocietyofEntrepreneurs&Ecology)拥有130名倡导绿色经济原则的企业家会员。这个协会的原则就是兴建节能型高层建筑。

    Chinese Society Entrepreneurs and Ecology represents 130 businessmen who have embraced the principles of green economy : one builds energy efficient high-rise buildings ;

  3. 绿色交通原则指导下的城市轨道网规划综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Urban Rail Transit Network Planning Based on Green Transportation Principle

  4. 论绿色设计原则及其方法

    The Principle and Method of Green Designing

  5. 以绿色化学原则指导蚜虫报警信息素的合成超临界流体中的催化反应

    Studies on the Fluid Catalytic Synthesis of Aphid Alarm Pheromone under Vacuum Catalytic Reactions in Supercritical Fluid

  6. 绿色化学原则的研究和应用促使清洁和良性的化学过程得到快速发展。

    The investigation and application of green chemistry principles has led to the development of cleaner and more benign chemical processes .

  7. 依照绿色化学原则,催化剂的制备方法简单、循环性能高及成本低是实现催化剂实际应用的重要因素。

    In view of " green " chemistry , simple catalyst separation , high recyclability and low catalyst cost are key factors for practical application in organic synthesis .

  8. 绿色生活原则要求时尚追求者要养成绿色的生活方式与工作方式,不管是蓝领、白领、金领,都要成为绿色公民。

    The green living principle requires pursuers nurturance green fashion lifestyle and ways of working , whoever blue-collar , white-collar or golden-collar , all must to be " green citizens " .

  9. 第四章明确指出健康卫浴的总体特征,指出健康卫浴在设计原则上应采用创新设计原则、系统性设计原则、人性化设计原则以及绿色设计原则。

    The chapter 4 pointed out the total characteristic of a heath bathroom explicitly , pointed out a heath bathroom should adopt the design principle of innovation , system , humanized design and green design .

  10. 使用催化剂已经被公认为绿色化学基本原则之一。

    The use of catalyst is one of principles of green chemistry .

  11. 论述了化工过程开发放大的科学方法,化工过程开发必须符合绿色化学的原则。

    The scientific methods for the amplification of chemical engineering process development and the principles of green chemistry necessarily followed by chemical engineering process development have been also discussed in this book .

  12. 绿色化学的原则之一是原子经济性,即最大限度地利用原料分子中的每个原子,使之结合到目标分子中,达到零排放。

    One of principles for Green Chemistry is to maximize atom economy , which is to design synthesis process so that the final product contains the maximum proportion of the starting materials .

  13. 具体包括对绿色会计核算原则、工作组织、账户设置、环境会计要素的确认和会计信息披露规范化等。

    The paper gives the author 's ideas about checking principle of the green accounting , managing the work , setting the account , and furthermore elaborating how to solve the problems of environment .

  14. 同时,结合了CIMS及FMS的发展趋势,说明了新一代故障诊断系统应当坚持以软促硬、网络化远程服务、绿色可持续发展的原则。

    In view of tendency of CIMS and FMS , the paper emphasizes the principles of the development of new generation of fault diagnosis system , i. e. enhancement of hardware with software , remote Internet service and sustainable development .

  15. 用这种方法产生的自由基H2O电离后在分子层次上加工成OH、eaq的浓度、产成量均能满足工程上的需要,达到绿色化学12条原则要求,从源头上解决了环境污染问题。

    The production volume of hydroxyl radical OH ~ is up to the project application level , and process technology meets the 12 laws of green chemistry , free from environmental pollution from the source .

  16. 介绍了绿色化学研究的原则和特点;

    The research principles and characteristics of green chemistry are introduced .

  17. 绿色食品开发的原则及其理论基础

    Principles of the green food development and its theoretical basis

  18. 首先,提出室内绿色植物装饰的原则;

    First , this paper brings forward some principles of green plant adornment .

  19. 从芬兰包装业可回收系统谈绿色包装结构设计原则

    Discussion on Design Principles of Green Packaging Structure from the Recyclable System of Finland Packaging Industry

  20. 绿色通道及其规划原则

    Greenway and its Planning Principles

  21. 而根据绿色化学12项原则的要求,萃取精馏必须采用环境友好的溶剂。

    According to the green chemistry 12 principles , solvent used in extractive distillation must be of environmental friendship .

  22. 再次,介绍美国政府绿色采购的指导原则从七原则到五原则的发展历程。

    Third , the article introduces how the guiding principles of green procurement of the U. S. government graduate from seven to five .

  23. 本文首先对可持续发展观做出系统的阐述,这是发展绿色物流的指导原则,也是本文的理论基础。

    Above all , the article analyzes the sustainable development concept systematically which is the principle of development green logistics and it 's also the theoretical basis of this article .

  24. 第三章与第四章为本文重点章节,对寒冷地区绿色场地在设计原则及设计方法两个方面进行总结和研究。

    Chapter ⅲ and Chapter ⅳ are all very important , and these two chapters are summarized and research in two aspects focus on the cold area green site design principles and design methods .

  25. 本文通过对绿色科技指标的原则、指导思想等进行分析,再结合生态省建设的实际情况筛选出部分绿色科技指标,以期能对生态省建设中的科技创新有所借鉴。

    This paper , through screening some green scientific and technological index by analysing the principle , guidelines of the green scientific and technological index , and combining Fujian actual conditions , is expect to give reference to some extent to Fujian ecological province under construction scientific and technical innovation .

  26. 中学化学实验绿色化研究应遵循以下基本原则:1.化学实验全过程的绿色化设计原则;

    The research on the chemistry experimentation greening hi middle schools should follow five fundamentals : 1 . the greening design principle in the whole process of chemistry experimentation ;

  27. 实施绿色物流服务管理,明确茶叶产业绿色物流服务原则、加强茶叶绿色物流技术的研究开发以及公共物流信息平台建设;

    Apply green logistics management , establish service principles for green logistics of tea , strengthen the research and development of green logistics technology of tea and the construction of public logistics information platform .

  28. 在绿色制造中,材料选择不仅要考虑其一般选材原则,而且要考虑基于环境的绿色度选择原则。

    In green manufacturing , the materials choice not only takes into account the general choice principle , but also takes into account the choice principle of the degree of green on environment .

  29. 下文主要阐述了绿色建筑设计的生态建筑的基本特征与内容,并提出了绿色建筑的基本原则和设计方法。

    This article expounds mainly the basic characteristics and the content of ecology construction of green building design and puts forward the basic principles and design methods of green building .